Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorn Hand Notes For Honours 4th Year Department of English (National University)

- Department of English.
- Honours 4th Year.
- American Literature Fiction and Drama.
- Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorn.
- Hand Notes for Good result. (Part -C)
- Provide by Mofizur Rahman.
Young Goodman Brown (American Literature Fiction and Drama) Question Answer.
How was Young Goodman Brown taken in the world of evil? Or, How is Young Goodman Brown tempted to sin by curiosity? Discuss.
One night he was going by saying goodbye to his newly married wife, Faith outside of his house in Salem Village on an evil mission, and passed through a forest accompanied(m½x) by an elderly man who looked much like himself Elderly Goodman Brown. Before departure he promises to his wife to be a better person after this one night.
Elderly Goodman Brown carries a rod/staff which looks like a great black snake. They went together. Elderly Goodman Brown suggested Young Goodman Brown to take his staff. The man offers Brown the staff, saying that it might help him walk faster, but Goodman Brown refuses. Brown tells him that his family members have been Christians and good people for generations.
He also says that he feels ashamed to associate with him. Elderly Goodman Brown informed him that he had a good relation with his father and grandfather, and helped them do a large number of sinful deeds. Even he had a close touch with the New England. Young Brown was surprised when he saw the elderly Brown pluck a branch of maple to serve him for a walking stick.
Young Goodman Brown felt a conflict within his mind, and expressed his wish to return home for Faith's sake. At that moment, an old woman comes limping through the woods. Goodman Brown recognizes her as Goody Cloyse, a pious, respected woman from the village. The man taps Goody Cloyse on the shoulder. She identifies him as the devil and reveals herself to be a witch, on her way to the devil's evil forest ceremony.
Once again Goodman wants to turn back for Faith's sake. Before disappearing, he gives Goodman Brown his staff, telling him that he can use it for transport to the ceremony if he changes his mind. The female figure disappeared. Elder Brown left him. Soon he heard the tramp of horses along the road. Among the horsemen, he recognized the voices of the minister of the church and Deacon Gookin, who are also apparently on their way to the ceremony.
Being Shocked, Goodman Brown swears that even though everyone else in the world has gone to the devil, for Faith's sake he will stay true to God. However, he soon hears voices coming from the ceremony and thinks he recognizes Faith's voice. He realized that Faith was lost. He screams her name, and a pink ribbon from her cap flutters down from the sky.
Goodman becomes certain that there is no good in the world because Faith has turned to evil. He grabs the staff, which pulls him quickly through the forest toward the ceremony. When he reaches the ground where the ceremony is taking place, the trees around it are on fire. He saw a big flock of the sinners or evil people in the forest along with more disreputable men and women and Indian priests.
Before he can rethink his decision, the minister and Deacon Gookin drag him forward. Goody Cloyse and Martha Carrier bring forth another person. Goodman Brown discovers that this person is none but Faith herself. He tells Faith to look up to heaven and resist the devil, and then suddenly finds himself alone in the forest.
Through this long short story, the writer has wanted to explore man's inherent tendency towards evil. Evil is the nature of mankind. The description of the staff as a serpent indicates the character of the devil that often takes the shape of a serpent. The story deeply concerned with evil.
The hero of the story is Goodman Brown, an allegorical name that stands for 'every man'. Goodman Brown's journey into the forest is suggestive of man's surrender to temptation. Every human being comes under the influence of Satan in his life. Young Brown's ancestor elder Brown indicates that the evil is an inherited entity in every man.
Discuss 'Young Goodman Brown as an allegorical story.
What allegorical elements do you find in "Young Goodman Brown"?
Ans. Allegory has been derived from the Greek term 'allos' meaning 'disguise. So, allegory refers to describing one thing under the disguise of another thing. An allegory is a work of fiction in which the symbols, characters, and events come to represent some aspect of its culture.In American literature, allegories have often been used for instructive purposes around Christian themes. The story has a figurative meaning beneath the literal one: a story with two meanings. In American literature, the best example of an allegory is “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The story centers on the loss of innocence.
The story Young Goodman Brown' is deeply concerned with evil, the terrifying manner in which evil takes hold of mans the protagonist of the story Goodman Brown It is an allegorical name that stands for every man of the allegorical drama of the same time. His wife is named allegorically Faith, She stands for true Christian faith and virtue. Goodman Brown's journey into the forest is suggestive of man's surrender to temptation leading to the voluntary desertion of faith, home and security.
The story takes place in Salem during the witch crisis and religious disagreements. The allegory includes Christianity, Satan, and the devil. From the names of the characters to the pink ribbons in Faith‟s hair, this is a religious allegory. The story centers on the journey of Goodman Brown into the woods to meet Satan. He is an innocent, yet he has made this appointment with the devil for some reason.
The trip itself and the scenes that Goodman Brown encounters are vague and uncertain. In the beginning of the story we see that Young Goodman Brown leaves his wife to go a meeting with the devil who awaits him. Goodman went through a very dense forest. He soon comes upon a man in the road who greets Goodman Brown as though he had been expecting him. He carries a walking stick which looks like a carved serpent. Young Brown proceeded with him . After some time he felt hesitant to proceed because he had some premonition of evil. So he wanted to return to Faith.
But at that time, he sees an old woman who comes limping through the woods. Brown recognizes her as Goody Cloyse who is a pious, respected woman from the village. She was on her way to the devil's evil forest ceremony. Once again Goodman wants to turn back for Faith's sake.
Soon he hears another voice of the minister of the church and Deacon Gookin, who are also apparently on their way to the ceremony. Being Shocked, Brown swears that even though everyone else in the world has gone to the devil, for Faith's sake he will stay true to God. However, he soon hears voices coming from the ceremony and thinks he recognizes Faith's voice. He screams her name, and a pink ribbon from her cap flutters down from the sky.
Goodman becomes certain that there is no good in the world because Faith has turned to evil. He grabs the staff given by the man whom he met first in the forest. The stick pulls him quickly he reaches the ground where the ceremony is taking place, the trees around it are on fire, and he can see in the firelight the faces of various respected members of the community, along with more disreputable men and women and Indian priests. But he doesn't see Faith, and he starts to hope once again that she might not be there.
Brown thinks that he sees his father beckoning him forward and his mother trying to hold him back. Before he can rethink his decision, the minister and Deacon Gookin drag him forward. Goody Cloyse and Martha Carrier bring forth another person. Goodman Brown discovers that this person is none but Faith herself. Goodman Brown cried out: "Faith! Faith! Look up to Heaven and resist the wicked one."
Thus the story allegorizes the fact that man is inherently disposed to evil, and once in its grip, cannot wriggle out. Though Youngman had conflicts in his mind several time about the justifiability of the course he was taking, he was ultimately overcome his inherent tendency to evil.
Central Idea and Critical Comment From Young Goodman Brown (Short Story)
Young Goodman Brown is a long short story of Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is a tragic story and Young Goodman Brown is its protagonist . We see his dramatic change after a horrible dream. A dream has changed his life drastically. His good nature is turned into evil by the dream. After the dream he became an evil man. Faith is his newly married wife.In a dream Goodman Brown saw that one night he was going on an evil mission, and passed through a forest accompanied by an elderly man who looked much like himself Elderly Goodman Brown. Elderly Goodman Brown was carrying a rod/staff which bore the likeness of a great black snake. They went together. Elderly Goodman Brown suggested Young Goodman Brown to take his staff.
Young Goodman Brown felt a conflict within his mind, and expressed his wish to return home. Elderly Goodman Brown informed him that he had a good relation with his father and grandfather, and helped them do a large number of sinful deeds. Even he had a close touch with the New England. Young Brown was surprised when he saw the elderly Brown pluck a branch of maple to serve him for a walking stick. met a female in whom Goodman Brown recognized a pious woman.
The female figure disappeared. Elder Brown left him. Soon he heard the tramp of horses along the road. Among the horsemen, he recognized the voices of the deacon Gookin; and the minister. Just then a cloud hurried across the top and hid the stars. He heard confused noises made by his town‟s folk. Among them, he recognized the lamentations of his wife Faith. He realized that Faith was lost.
He saw a big flock of the sinners or evil people in the forest. After his experience in the dream, he believed no body. When he saw anybody performing religious rituals he considered him hypocritical and blasphemous. Through this long short story, the writer has wanted to explore man's inherent tendency towards evil. Evil is the nature of mankind. The description of the staff as a serpent indicates the character of the devil that often takes the shape of a serpent.
The story deeply concerned with evil. The hero of the story is Goodman Brown, an allegorical name that stands for 'every man'. Goodman Brown's journey into the forest is suggestive of man's surrender to temptation. Every human being comes under the influence of Satan in his life. Young Brown's ancestor elder Brown indicates that the evil is an inherited entity in every man.
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