Introduction to Poetry Suggestions With Ans (PDF) 1st Year

- Hon's 1 Year
- Introduction to Poetry
- Part-B & Part-C Suggestions
- Answer With PDF File
- Most important broad question with answers
- সংক্ষিপ্ত এবং রচনামূলক প্রশ্নের সাজেশন উত্তরসহ (পিডিএফ ফাইল ডাউনলোড)

- Hon's 1 Year
- Introduction to Poetry
- Part-B & Part-C Suggestions
- Answer With PDF File
- Most important broad question with answers
- সংক্ষিপ্ত এবং রচনামূলক প্রশ্নের সাজেশন উত্তরসহ (পিডিএফ ফাইল ডাউনলোড)
Part-B Suggestions
2. How does Milton find consolation at the end of the Poem ‘On His Blindness’ ✮✮
3. Mention some conceits used by John Donne in the poem 'Good Morrow'. ✮✮
4. Why does Herrick compare human life that of the daffodils? ✮✮
5. How has the poet expressed melancholy and sadness in 'To Daffodils"?
6. How does the poet describe the joyous mood of the daffodils? (VVI)
7. What romantic elements do you find in 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"? (VVI)
8. What prayer does Shelley make to the West Wind? (VVI)
9. What are the sensuous elements found in the poem 'Ode to Autumn"?
10. Why does Ulysses say "I can't rest from travel"? Explain./"To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield."(VVI)
11. How did people receive the patriot a year ago?(VVI)
12. How does E. B. Browning express her love? Give an account of E. B. Browning's intense love. (Short+ Broad)(VVI)
13. What mystic elements do you find in the poem 'Because I Could Not Stop for Death"? (VVI)
14. What does the poet pray to God and why in the poem 'A Prayer for My Daughter (VVI)
15. What does the poet value most for his daughter in the poem 'A Prayer for My Daughter"? ✮✮
16. What modern elements do you find in 'Home Burial? **
17. How is the theme of emotional and physical alienation handled in 'Home Burial? ✮✮
18. Comment on the symbol imagery used in ‘Fern Hill'. (VVI)
19. What picture of mother is depicted in the poem 'Piano’? (VVI)
20. What happened to the pike kept in a jar? ✮✮
21. What is the theme of the poem 'Where the Mind is Without Fear"?
22. What spiritual/religious elements do you find in the poem 'Where the Mind is Without Fear"? *
23. What is the poet's reaction after his sister's death? /What happened to the poet at the loss of his sister? (VVI)
Part-C: Suggestions
2. Discuss the different stages of love in Donne's poem 'The Good Morrow'. (VVI)
3. How does Robert Herrick compare human life with that of daffodils?
4. How does Gray glorify the common men in, 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard?? (VVI)
5. Comment on Wordsworth's treatment of nature with reference to ‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud'. (VVI)
6. Comment on Wordsworth as a poet of joy and solitude with reference to 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud'. ✮✮
7. Write a short note on Shelley's use of imagery with reference to 'Ode to the West Wind' ✮✮
8. Comment on Keats' treatment of nature in "To Autumn'. (VVI)
9. Comment on the theme of "Victorian Spirit" in 'Ulysses'.(VVI)
10. Discuss Browning's optimism in 'The Patriot'. *
11. Comment on Emily Dickinson's treatment of death.(VVI)
12. Write an essay on the personal/autobiographical elements in Yeats' 'A Prayer for My Daughter' (VVI)
13. Do you think the conflict between the couple brings their relationship to a breaking point in the poem 'Home Burial"?(VVI)
14. Discuss the theme of childhood in Dylan Thomas' poem 'Fern Hill'.
15. What is Tagore's concept of ideal state as suggested in 'Where the Mind is Without Fear? (VVI)
Part-C Answer
সাজেশন সহ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্নের উত্তর নিচের পিডিএফ ফাইলে
দেওয়া হলো:-
Hon's 1 Year
Course: Introduction to Poetry
Most important broad question with answers
1. Q: Shelley's optimism in the poem "Ode to
the West Wind".
Ans: "Ode to the West Wind" is one of the
finest poems written by Percy Bysshe Shelley who is one of the leaders of the
Romantic era. Shelley's optimism is noticeable in many of his poems, especially
in "Ode to the West Wind". Shelley was a visionary whose faith and
optimism never dwindled. He dreamt of a bright and radiant future. Shelley
believed in regeneration. His feelings are fired with passion for reforming the
The poem "Ode to the West Wind" is
perhaps Shelley's best known poem which shows his optimistic views of life. In
fact, a note of optimism runs throughout the poem. The whole poem is conceived
in optimism and from the very beginning everything is brought to bear on the
concluding line. We need a critical analysis of the poem to trace Shelley's
optimism in it.
In the poem "Ode to the West Wind", the
poet looks upon nature as a great source of inspiration. Shelley begins the
very poem calling the west wind "wild" and breath of autumn. The West
Wind is the breath of autumn that means autumn's main element is the West Wind.
In it, Shelley presents the wind as a mighty, powerful force. The duality of
the wind's power is emphasized throughout the poem. It is simultaneously a
destroyer and a preserver. The wind destroys in order to create something new.
The wind symbolically representing a powerful force destroys the old, useless
thoughts and preserves the new ideas represented by 'winged seeds'.
In the poem, the poet makes an earnest entreaty to
the West Wind to help him in his sore/dire need as he is greatly afflicted with
the adverse circumstances of life. In fact, the poet makes this earnest request
to the West Wind so that it could give him help with its extra-ordinary power.
Through the following lines, the poet makes an entreaty.
"Oh, lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud!
I fall upon the thorns of life, I bleed".
But he does not remain satisfied with that he goes
further and expresses his entreaty to the West Wind to totally merge into the
poet. Shelley vehemently urges the West Wind to use its vigor and power into
his so that he can play the "trumpet of prophecy" and render his
message to mankind. He wants to awake mankind from their 'wintry slumber. He
expresses his ardent zeal for regenerations. In the opinion of Shelley, the
West Wind will act as a mouthpiece of Shelley and scatter his thoughts for
golden age all over the world. The poet says
"Be through my lips to unawakened earth
The trumpet of a prophecy".
In "Ode to the West Wind", the poet is
very optimistic about future. He believes that his efforts with the West Wind
as his partner, will be successful in scattering his Utopian ideals over the
world and bringing in a new age of perfect peace and happiness. His ideas would
be spread over the world as ashes and sparks of fire are scattered from a burning furnace. The poet's optimism
about the coming of the generation of new ideals of morality and conduct of
life has been shown through the following lines,-
"If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?"
Here, the winter stands for his contemporary time
and the spring stands for the time of rebirth and regeneration of a new world.
This very quotation marks Shelley as a poet of inspiration, hope and optimism
who sees the rays of hope even through the worst condition. In the light of the
above discussion. We can say that Shelley's optimism is vividly
visible/traceable in the poem
"Ode to the West Wind". In fact, the
very poem is poetic manifestation of Shelley's hope and optimism.