Previous Year Brief Questions With Answer For Honours 2nd Year (Introduction to Drama)
Previous Year are:- (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019
- Exam Year:- 2012.
A. What are the six constituent parts in tragedy?
Ans:- The six constituent parts in a tragedy are plot, character, thought, diction, music/chorus and spectacle.
B. How did Oedipus blind himself?
Ans:- He blinded himself with the golden brooches pinned with Jocasta's dress.
Ans:- "A Play Within a Play" means a play that is being performed in the confines of another play.
D. When does Sergius' 'higher love' vanish?
Ans:- After talking about 'higher love' Raina leaves Sergius for five minutes to get her hat. He takes his eyes slowly away from Raina and sees Louka, and his 'higher love' vanishes at the sight of Louka.
E. What were Maurya's last words?
Ans:- "No man at all can be living forever, and we must be satisfied" were Maurya's last words.
F. What are the three unities of a play according to Aristotle?
Ans:- 'Unity of action', 'unity of time' and 'unity of place', are the three unities of a play according to Aristotle.
G. What was the tragic flaw of Oedipus?
Ans:- His pride is the tragic flaw of Oedipus.
H. Why did Bluntschli enter Raina's bedroom?
Ans:- Being chased by the Bulgarians, be enters Raina's bedroom to take shelter and save his life.
I. Whose head was changed into the head of an ass?
J. What was the profession of Bottom?
K. When did the Servo-Bulgarian war take place?
Ans:- The Servo-Bulgarian war took place in 1885.
L.. What did the priest inform Cathleen and Nora?
Ans:- The priest informs Nora and Cathleen that a body that may be their brother Michael has washed up on shore in Donegal, far to the north.
- Exam Year:- 2013
A. What is the English word for 'mimesis'?
Ans:- The English word for 'mimesis' is 'imitation'. (2)
Ans:- "Hamartia' means tragic flaw. That means it is the reason of the hero for which he moves from
happiness to misery.
C. What is the best form of 'discovery' according to Aristotle?
Ans:- Jocasta committed suicide by hanging.
E. Why did Hippolyta have to marry Theseus?
F. What did Laius look like?
Ans:- Laius was tall, a little gray in his hair and he looked a lot like Oedipus.
G. Why did G.B Shaw write "Arms And the Man"?
Ans:- G.B Shaw wrote 'Arms and the Man' to condom war and its glorification, and to prove that marriage is a biological necessity, not Romance.
H. What is 'Love-in-Idleness'?
I. From where did Raina derived her romantic ideas about Sergius?
Ans:- Raina derived her romantic ideas about Sergius from her reading of the romantic poetry of Byron and Pushkin, the English and the Russian poets and her seeing of the sentimental operas at Bucharest.
J. How many sons did Maurya have and who were they?
Ans:- Maurya had six sons. They were Stephen, Shawn, Sheamus, Patch, Michael and Barley.
K. How did Bartley die?
Ans:- When Bartley was riding the red mare with the gray pony running behind him, the gray pony knocks him over into the sea and he is carried by the strong high waves to the white rocks and dashed against them.
Ans:- Nora and Cathleen become sure about the clothes of Michael by the stitching(CT) of the stocking(মোজা),
- Exam Year: 2014
A. What is 'play within a play'?
Ans:- "A Play Within a Play" means a play that is being performed in the confines of another play.
C. Why was Delphi famous for?
Ans:- Delphi was an important ancient Greek religious sanctuary sacred to the god Apollo. (Collected).
D. What is Galway fair?
Ans:- Galway fair is a fair where different kinds of commodities are sold.
E. What did the chorus say at the end of the play 'King Oedipus'?
Ans:- The chorus said at the end of the play 'King Oedipus' that "No man can be happy until he Krishna Mandal happily".
F. What according to Raina is 'higher love'?
Ans:- According to Raina, 'higher love' is a kind of spiritual love where there are no touch of sexual desire and anybody can't think anything ignoble.
Ans: "Raina, to her Chocolate Cream Soldier: A Souvenir", was written at the back of the photograph of Raina.
H. Who was "Dog faced witch"?
Ans:- The Sphinx was "Dog faced witch".
1. Who are the "Riders" mentioned in the play "Riders to the Sea".
Ans:- All the inhabitants of the Aran Islands are the "Riders" mentioned in the play "Riders to the Sea".
J. What is the message of "Riders to the Sea"?
Ans:- The message which is delivered in the play "Riders to the Sea", "No man can be living forever and we must be satisfied if he/she gets a decent burial.
K. What are the two major emotions of tragedy?
Ans:- 'Pity' and 'fear' are the two major emotions of tragedy.( II )
L. What are the four essentials in characterization?
Ans:- The characters should be good, appropriate, life-liked and consistent. (WK KORE)
- Exam Year: 2015.
A. What is the moral lesson in the play. " Oedipus Rex"?
Ans:- "No man can be happy until he dies happily", is the moral lesson in the play, "Oedipus Rex".
Ans:- Baroka foresees about the village that if the village is modernized he will not be able to show his power and to satisfy his lust for any girl in the village.
C. What is Sphinx?
Ans:- Sphinx is a mythological character whose head and breast is like a woman and body like a winged lion.
D. How old is Captain Bluntschli?
Ans:- Captain Bluntschli is 34 years old.
E. Who was regarded as Touchstone's rival in love?
Ans:- 'His own sword' was regarded as Touchstone's rival in love.
F. What is cavalry charge?
Ans:- A cavalry charge is an attack by horse-soldiers.
G. Of which village Baroka was the village chief?
Ans:- Baroka was the village chief of Ilujinle.
Ans:- 'Hypocrisy and ingratitude of human beings', is the theme of Amiens' song, "Blow, blow thou winter wind".
I. "What an army!"--who says this?
Ans:- Bluntschli, says this.
J. Where did Michael buy the stick for his mother?
Ans:- Michael bought the stick for his mother from Connemara.
K. Where was the Infant Oedipus left?
Ans:- Infant Oedipus was left in Mount Cithaeron.
L. Who were the surviving children of Maurya at the beginning of the play?
Ans:- Nora, Cathleen, and Bartley were the surviving children of Maurya at the beginning of the play.
- Exam Year:- 2016.
A. Who was Teiresias?
Ans:- Teiresias was a blind prophet.
Ans:- Duke Senior was the father of Rosalind and elder brother of Duke Frederick.
C. Who is Raina's mother?
Ans: Raina's mother is Catherine Petkoff.
D. Name the sons of Maurya who died in the sea?
Ans:- Stephen, Shawn, Patch, Sheamus, Michael and Bartley were the sons of Maurya who died sea,
E. Who are the characters in 'The Lion And the Jewel'
? Ans:- Lakunle, Sidi, Baroka, Sadiku and Ailatu are the major characters in the play "The Lion And the Jewel'.
F. What kind of play is 'Riders to the Sea'?
Ans:- It is a one-act play/one-act tragedy.
G. Whom did Oedipus send to the Oracle of Apollo?
Ans:- Oedipus send Creon to the Oracle of Apollo.
Ans:- It is professional, not to attack the enemies when they are strong.
1. Why did Orlando suffer at the hands of Oliver?
Ans:- Because Orlando was more popular, loveable than Oliver.
J. What gift was Oedipus' greatness?
Ans:- 'To solve the riddle of Sphinx' was the gift of Oedipus' greatness.
K. Who is Louka?
Ans:- Louka is the maid servant of Petkoff's family.
L. Who is an illiterate goat in the play. "The Lion and the Jewel'?
Ans:- Sidi is an illiterate goat in the play. 'The Lion and the Jewel'.
- Exam Year:- 2017.
A. What does the forest of Arden signify?
Ans:- The Forest of Arden' signifies the image of Arcadia or Paradise. It also bears a dissemblance to Eden, the Biblical paradise where Adam and Eve first got together.
Ans:- Celia is the daughter of Duke Frederick and cousin of Rosalind.
C. Why does Duke Frederick banish Rosalind?
Ans:- Duke Frederick is jealous of Rosalind because Rosalind is more popular than Celia. He feels that Rosalind's goodness and popularity would affect Celia. So, he banishes Rosalind.
D. What is Sphinx?
Ans:- Sphinx is a mythological character whose head and breast is like a woman and body like a winged lion.
E. Why did Oedipus flee from Corinth?
Ans:- Because he knew that once he will be the murderer of his father and marry his mother.
F. What punishment did Oedipus declare on the killer of Laius?
Ans:- Oedipus declared that the killer was forbidden in his country. He was called accursed(f) and unclean and so was not allowed any help, prayer or sacrifice.
G. Where was the dead body of Michael found?
Ans:- We learn from Nora that Michael's dead-body was found by two smugglers who were
trafficking(b) illegal whisky by a small boat in the far north near the black Cliff. Actuay, Michael's dead-body was found in Donegal.
H. What is the background of 'Arms and the Man'?
Ans:- The historical war between Serbia and Bulgaria in 1885 is the background of the play 'Arms and the Man'.
1. How does Maurya console herself at the end of the play?
Ans:- Maurya consoles herself at the end of the play saying, "No man can be living forever and we must be satisfied if he/she gets a decent burial.
J. Why does Maurya want Bartley not to sail to Connemara?
Ans:- Maurya does not want Bartley to sail to Connemara because she predicts that something will
happen that is luminous() and terrible.
K. Who considers himself to be a Christ figure?
Ans:- Lakunle considers himself to be a Christ figure.
L. Who is Sidi?
Ans:- Sidi is a village girl of Ilujinle who was very proud for her beauty.
- Exam Year: 2018.
A. Who was Jocasta?
Ans:- Jocasta was the wife of Corinthian king Laius and the biological mother of King Oedipus.
Ans:- Oedipus sent Creon to the Oracle of Apollo.
C. Why did Oedipus blind himself?
Ans:- Oedipus blinded himself because he had done the most heinous act.
D. Who was Jaques?
Ans:- Jaques is the youngest brother of Oliver and Orlando.
E. Why did Rosalind and Celia try to dissuade Orlando from wrestling?
Ans:- On being asked by Duke Frederick, Rosalind and Celia try to dissuade Orlando from wrestling.
F. What had Touchstone done in a fit of love sickness?
Ans:- In a fit of love sickness, Touchstone had broken his sword on a stone thinking it to be his Rival in love; he had kissed a wooden stick and cow's udder because his beloved had touched them with her hands.
Ans:- In the play. "Arms and the Man", "arms' suggests 'war'/'hollowness of war. [ 'war' দেয়া আবার অনেক জায়গায় 'hollowness of war'; দুটোই সঠিক। যেকোনো একটা দিলেই হবে।
H. Why does Raina not want to let Bluntschli stay in her room?
Ans:- Raina does not want to let Bluntschli stay in her room because he has said something insulting about Sergius's cavalry charge.
1. What is Galway Fair famous for?
Ans:- The Galway fair is known for the trading of cattle or horses and other commodities of the people from around.
J. What does the 'Holy water' signify?
Ans:- The 'Holy Water' is the water sanctified by prayer by priest. Such water was believed to be able to keep away evil spirits.
K. Why does Sidi refuse to marry Lakunle without bride-price?
Ans:- Sidi refuses to marry Lakunle without bride-price for the fear of being guilty of losing her virginity before marriage.
L. Who is an illiterate goat in 'The Lion and the Jewel'?
Ans:- Sidi is an illiterate goat in the play The Lion and the Jewel'.
- Exam Year:- 2019.
A. Who are the foster parents of Oedipus?
Ans:- The foster parents of Oedipus are King Polybus and Queen Merope.
Ans:- Jocasta committed suicide by hanging.
C. Who are the chorus in 'Oedipus Rex'?
Ans:- In "Oedipus Rex" chorus means twelve to fifteen elders of Thebes. Actually, chorus means a group of people who usually dance and sing on the stage where there are no actors on it.
D. Who is Sir Rowland de Boys'?
Ans:- Sir Rowland de Boys is the father of Oliver, Orlando and Jaques.
Ans:- Rosalind's name in disguise is "Ganymede".
F. Who says -- 'Sweet are the uses of adversity'?
Ans:- "Sweet are the uses of adversity" the line says by Duke Senior in the Forest of Arden.
G. What is Slivinitza?
Ans:- Slivnitza is a Bulgarian town, about twenty miles north-west of Sophia, the capital of Bulgaria.
H. Who is 'Chocolate Cream' soldier?
Ans:- "Bluntschli" is Chocolate Cream Soldier.
1. Why did Bartley want to go to the Galway fair?
Ans:- Bartley wanted to go to the Galway Fair to sell his red mare and Michael's grey pony.
J. How does Maurya console herself at the end of the play?
Ans:- Maurya consoles herself at the end of the play saying, "no man can be living forever and we must be satisfied in one's premature death, if he or she gets a decent burial".
K. How old is 'Sadiku'?
Ans: 'Sadiku' is near seventy.
L. What does Baroka foresee about the village?
Ans:- Baroka foresees about the village that if the village is modernized he will not be able to show his power and to satisfy his lust for any girl in the village.
- Exam Year:- 2020.
A. Who knows that the terrible prophecy of Oedipus has already come true?
Ans:- Jocasta knows that the terrible prophecy of Oedipus has already come true.[I'm not sure, it may be Teiresias].
Ans:- An anti-romantic comedy is a that type of comedy in which the dramatist attacks on the romantic idealization of life.
C. What does the Oracle of Delphi prophecy about Oedipus?
Ans:- The Oracle of Delphi prophecies about Oedipus that he will kill his father and marry his mother.
D. Why did Rosalind and Celia go to the Forest of Arden?
Ans:- Rosalind was banished by her uncle Duke Frederick for being the daughter of the out-of-favor
Duke Senior. So she flees to Arden accompanied by her cousin Celia.
Ans:- William loves Audrey before the arrival of Touchstone in the Forest of Arden.
F. Where has the title of the play "Arms and the Man' been taken from?
Ans:- The title of the play, 'Arms and the Man', is taken from Dryden's translation of Virgil's epic, 'The Aeneid', beginning with, "Arms and the man I sing".
G. What was written at the back of the photograph of Raina?
Ans:- "Raina, to her Chocolate Cream Soldier: a Souvenir", was written at the back of the photograph of Raina.
H. Whom does Captain Bluntschli call Don Quixote?
Ans:- Captain Bluntschli calls Sergius, Don Quixote as he is as fool as him(Don Quixote).
1. How old is Cathleen?
Ans:- Cathleen is about twenty years old.
J. "No man can be at all living forever, and we must be satisfied." ---- Who says this?
Ans:- Maurya, the protagonist of, 'Riders to the Sea', says this words.
K. Which village is Baroka the village chief of?
Ans:- Baroka is the chief of the village, Ilujinle.
L. What is Ogun?
Ans:- Ogun is the god of oaths and justice. He is also the god of war, the hunt, and metalworking.