Suggestions For Honours 3rd Year Introduction to Literary Criticism

Mofizur Rahman

Suggestions For Honours 3rd Year
Introduction to
Literary Criticism

Suggestions For Honours 3rd Year Introduction to Literary Criticism

জাতীয় বিশ্ব-বিদ্যালয়ে ভালো রেজাল্টের জন্য নিয়মিত পড়ার কোন বিকল্প নাই। আপিনি যতবেশি পড়বেন ততবেশি জানবেন এবং শিখবেন। ইংরেজি বিভাগের শিক্ষার্থীদের বেশির ভাগই ভয় পায় এবং ফেল করে এমন কিছু বিষয় রয়েছে তার মধ্যে Introduction to Literary Criticism একটি। এই বিষয়ে অনেক আলোচনা ও যাচাই-বাচাই করে ২০২১ অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য তৈরি করলাম গুরুত্বপূর্ণ একটা সাজেশন । আশাকরি পরীক্ষায় আপনারা কমপক্ষে ৬/৭ টি ছোট প্রশ্ন এবং ৬/৭ টা বড় প্রশ্ন কমন পাবেন।

Part-B, (Short Questions)


  • What is
    imitation? [Page-24]
  • Analyze
    Aristotle's definition of tragedy? [Page 271
  • What are the requirements of tragedy in the view of Aristotle? [Page-27]
  • What is
    plot? What are the kinds of plot? [Page 28]
  • What kind of
    plot does Aristotle recommend for tragedy? How far is it accepted? [Page-301
  • What is
    poetic truth? [Page-32]
  • What is
    catharsis? [Page-33]
  • What are the
    different theories of catharsis? Page-33]
  • What are
    the essentials of characterisation? [Page -341
  • What is
    Hamartia? [Page-35]
  • What are
    the differences between epic and tragedy? [Page-38]
  • Why is
    tragedy superior to epic? [Page-38]
  • Describe
    the elements of tragedy.[Page-32]

An Apology for Poetry

  • What is the
    most antique form of art? [Page-102]
  • Discuss the
    moving power of poetry. [Page-104]
  • What does
    Sidney say about the condition of English drama in his time? [Page-108]
  • How is
    English language better suited to the use of versification and rhyme? [Page-110]
  • What are the
    four objections raised against poetry in 'An Apology for Poetry"? [Page-110]
  • Why did
    Sydney write "An Apology for Poetry"? [Page-101)
  • What is the
    role of verse or rhyme in poetry? [Page-111
  • What is
    Sidney's assessment of English poetry of his time? [Page-105]
  • How,
    according to Sydney, is a poet superior to a philosopher? [Page-104]

Preface to

  • Evaluate Dr.
    Johnson as a critic of Shakespeare. [Page-164]
  • Shakespeare's dramas, according to Dr. Johnson, 'lack in moral purpose. Do you
    agree? [Page-164]
  • Why is
    Shakespeare called "the poet of nature" by Johnson? [Page-165]
  • Write a
    short note on Johnson's edition of Shakespeare's plays. [Page-167]
  • What does
    Johnson say about Shakespeare's violation of the unities? [Page-170]
  • Write a
    short note on Neo-classicism. [Page-184]
  • What does
    Dr. Johnson say about Shakespeare's violation of historical chronology? [Page-170]

Preface to
Lyrical Ballads

  • What was the
    aim of Wordsworth in writing Preface to the Lyrical Ballads? [Page-2311
  • According to
    Wordsworth, what is the connection between good poetry and feelings? [Page-1
  • Why was
    Wordsworth revolt against the 18 century poetry? [Page-233]
  • Why does
    Wordsworth select rustic materials for his poetry? [Page-2341
  • Why did
    Wordsworth speak of a selection of language to be used in poetry? [Page-236]
  • How does
    Wordsworth justify metre in Poetry? [Page-2381
  • How is
    Wordsworth's conception of a poet different from that of the neo-classicists?
  • What is
    Wordsworth's view on Poetic Diction? [Page-236]


  • What is 'Fancy"
    and "Imagination"? Describe Coleridge's views on Fancy and
  • How did
    Coleridge define a poem. [Page-300]
  • How does
    Coleridge differentiate a poem from poetry? [Page-301]
  • What is the
    role of metre or rhyme in the composition of poetry? [Page-3011
  • How does
    Coleridge objects of Wordsworth's practice in poetry? What is Coleridge's
    objection to Wordsworth's selection of characters in his poems?[Page-304]
  • How does
    Coleridge find faults or defects with Wordsworth's theory of language or pactic
  • What objections
    does Coleridge have against Wordsworth's theory of poetry? [Page -305)
  • What is
    meant by "Willing suspension of disbelief? [Page-308)
  • How does
    Coleridge distinguish between primary and secondary imagination? [Page-3071
  • How does
    Coleridge oppose Wordsworth's idea of using metre and rhyme in poetry? [Page-302]

Part: C, (Broad Questions)


  • Critically
    discuss Aristotle's theory of mimesis with reference to his Poetics. [Page-65]
  • What is Aristotle's view about an ideal tragic
    hero? [Page-66]
  • Why does
    Aristotle prefer complex plot to simple plot for tragedy? [Page-75]
  • Write a note on Aristotle's concept of unity of action
    with reference to his theory. Did Aristotle insist on three unities of drama?
  • Critically
    discuss Aristotle's definition of tragedy? [Page-63]
  • Why does
    Aristotle mention plot as 'The soul of a tragedy"? Discuss in the light of
    Poetics. [Page-72]

An Apology for

  • Discuss
    Sydney's view on the antiquity and universality of poetry. [Page-128]
  • Give your
    comment on Sydney's view on the functions of poetry? [Page-132]
  • What charges
    are brought against poetry and how does Sydney defend those?
    [ Page-135]

Preface to

  • What are the
    merits of Shakespeare for which Johnson admires him so much? Shakespeare as a
    poet of nature [Page-189]
  • How does
    Johnson defend Shakespeare's mixing of comic and tragic elements? [Page-196]
  • Give your
    comment on Johnson as a critic of Shakespeare? [Page-198] 
  • What, according to Shakespeare, are the faults of Shakespeare [Page-19119 
  • Are you convinced with Dr. Johnson's opinion about the
    faults of Shakespeare? Elaborate your answer with reference from 'The Preface to
    Shakespeare'. [Page-193]

Preface to
Lyrical Ballads

  • What does
    Wordsworth say about the language of poetry in Preface to Lyrical Ballads? [Page-2621
  • How does
    Wordsworth appear as a poet of common man in his "Preface to Lyrical
    Ballads"? [Page-265]
  • Why is
    Wordsworth's "Prefece to Lyrical Ballads" considered the manifesto to
    the Romantic Movement? [Page -2721
  • Discuss in
    detail about Wordsworth's views on the choice of the language and
    the subject of poetry. [Page-275]


  • What are the
    major objections of Coleridge to Wordsworth's poetry? [Page
  • Elucidate
    Coleridge's theory of poetry. [Page 334
  • What are
    Coleridge's major objections to Wordsworth's language of poetry? [Page -335]

Short Notes

  • Tragedy 
  • Comedy
  • Tragic Flaw
  • Sidney's
    Opinion on The antiquity of Poetry
  • Platonic
    influence on Sidney's
    Apologie for Poetrie
  • Sidney's
    Observation on Chaucer
  • Johnson and
    the unities
  • Johnson on
    Shakespeare's tragedies
  • The
    Significance of Prefaceto Lyrical
  • Wordsworth's Definition of Poetry
  • Poetic
  • Lyrical
  • Metre (Also spelt metre)
  • The
    language of Poetry

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