Syllabus for One-Year M.A English (Final) Course (PDF)

Departrment of
Effective from the
Session: 2013-2014
Paper Code | Paper Title | Credits |
311101 | Chaucer | 4 |
311103 | W. Shakespeare | 4 |
311105 | Modern Poetry | 4 |
311107 | Modern Drama | 4 |
311109 | Modern Novel | 4 |
311111 | Prose | 4 |
311113 | South Asian and African Literature | 4 |
311114 | Viva-Voce | 4 |
| Total | 32 |
Detailed Syllabus
: 4-------Class
Hours : 120 hrs.
Paper Title : Chaucer
: ‘The
General Prologue’ to The Canterbury Tales,
‘The Nuns Priests Tale’
,Troilus and Cresyde
Paper Code : 311103------- Credits
: 4 -------Class
Hours : 120 hrs.
Paper Title : W. Shakespeare
W. Shakespeare
: Hamlet,
King Lear,
Measure for Measure,
Julius Caesar
Paper Code : 311105-------Credits
: 4-------Class
Hours : 120 hrs.
Paper Title : Modern Poetry
1. W. Whitman :
‘Song of Myself,
2. W. B.
Selected poems (ed. Norman Jeffares except the pieces included in the Honours Course)
3. Robert Frost :
Poems (as in Norton Anthology-except the pieces
included in the Honours Course)
4. W. H. Auden :
Poems ( as in Norton Anthology)
5. Dylan Thomas :
Poems ( as in Norton Anthology excluding `Fern Hill’)
6. Seamus Heany :
Poems ( as in Norton)
Paper Code : 311107 ------- Credits : 4 -------Class Hours :
120 hrs.
Paper Title : Modern Drama
1. G.B. Shaw :
You Never Can Tell
2. Eugene O’ Neil :
Desire Under the Elms
3. A. Miller :
Death of a Salesman
4. Tennessee William :
The Glass Menagerie
Paper Code : 311109-------Credits
: 4------- Class
Hours : 120 hrs.
Paper Title : Modern Novel
1. E. Hemingway :
The Old Man and the Sea
2. W. Golding :
Lord of the Flies
3. N. Hawthorne :
The Scarlet Letter
4. Aldous Huxley :
Brave New World
5. J. Paul Sartre :
Paper Code : 311111 ------- Credits
: 4 ------- Class
Hours : 120 hrs.
Paper Title : Prose
1. W. Emerson :
‘The American Scholar’
2. H. D. Thoreau :
‘Civil Disobedience’
3. Virginia Woolf :
‘Shakespeare’s Sister’
4. T.S. Eliot :
‘Tradition and Individual Talent’
5. F.R. Leavis :
‘Literature and Society’
Paper Code : 311113 -------Credits : 4 -------Class
Hours : 120 hrs.
Paper Title : South Asian and African Literature
S. Waliullah :Tree Without
Arundhati Roy :The God of
Small Things
Nazrul Islam “The Rebel”, ‘Of Equality and the
Happy Land’, “Man”, “Beware
My Captain’
(as translated by Kabir Chowdhury and published in Poetry of
Kazi Nazrul Islam”
(Volume One)
published by Nazrul Institute, Bangladesh.
Chinua Achebe :Things
Fall Apart
Ngugi wa Thiong`o :Petals of Blood
Paper Code : 311114 -------Credits : 4 ------- Class
Hours : (CBS) hrs.