Adolescents constitute a nation's, Mr. Bhutto came here

- Model Test - 02
- English First Paper
- Subject Code: 238
Part A-Reading Marks-30
Read the passage below and answer the following questions:Mr. Bhutto came here; he carried out discussions with us; he had said that the doors of negotiations had not been shut and that there would be further negotiations. I then had talks with other leaders; I said to them, "Come and sit down with us; let's create a constitution for ourselves through discussions."
But Mr. Bhutto declared that if West Pakistani members came here the Assembly would end up as a slaughterhouse, He claimed that whoever came here would be slaughtered. He said that if anyone showed up here all shops from Peshawar to Karachi would be shut down. I declared that the Assembly would continue to meet. But suddenly on the 1st of March the Assembly was shut down.
Mr. Yahya Khan called the session of the Assembly in his capacity as the President and I declared I would be attending it. Mr. Bhutto said he wouldn't be part of it. Thirty-five members of the Assembly came from West Pakistan to take part in its proceedings. But it was dissolved all of a sudden. The blame was put on the people of Bengal, the finger was pointed at me!
After the Assembly's session was prorogued, the people of this country protested. I told them, "Observe the General Strike we have called peacefully." I told them, "Shut down all mills and factories." Our people responded to my call. They came to the streets spontaneously. They expressed their firm determination to carry out the struggle peacefully.
What have we got in return? Those who brought arms with our money to defend us from external enemies are now using those arms on the poor, the wretched, -the downtrodden people of the land. Bullets are being aimed at their hearts. We constitute the majority in Pakistan; but whenever we Bengalis have tried to assume power they have used force on us.
I have had a talk with Mr. Yahya Khan. I told him, "Mr. Yahya, you are the President of Pakistan, come and observe how the poor people of my country are being moved down with bullets; come and see how our mothers are being deprived of their children; how my people are being massacred. Come, observe, and only then pass a judgment on what is going on.
He has apparently said that I had agreed to attend a Round Table Conference on the 10th of March. Didn't I say a long time back: what is the point of another Round Table conference? Who will I sit with? Should I sit with those who have shed the blood of my people? He has suddenly dissolved the Assembly without carrying out any discussions with me; after sitting in a secret meeting for five hours he gave a speech where he has put all the blame on me. He has even blamed the Bengali people!
1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives:
(a) Mr. Bhutto came with the intention to-
(i) arbitrate
(ii) pick a quarrel
(iii) establish peace and harmony
(iv) kill time
(b) The word slaughter in the passage refers to
(i) sacrifice
(ii) butcher
(iii) killer
(iv) oppressor
(c) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
(i) thanked the proposal
(ii) wanted to create a constitution
(iii) tried to gather people
(iv) sate for negotiations
(d) The word discussion in the passage refers to -.
(i) meeting
(ii) communication
(iii) talk
(iv) correspondence
(e) 'Whoever come here would be slaughtered', through this remark, Mr. Bhutto -
(i) made a satire on the people of this country
(ii) showed his cruelty
(iii) praised the leaders of this country
(iv) feared Bangabandhu's leadership
(f) Bangabandhu's desire was the
(i) breaking out the Assembly
(ii) persistence of the Assembly
(iii) halt of the Assembly
(iv) regardless of the Assembly
(g) What does the word continue in the passage refer to?
(i) stop
(ii) give up
(iii) carry on
(iv) advance
(h) The president had the capacity to
(i) dismiss the session of the Assembly
(ii) call the session of the Assembly
(iii) halt the session of the Assembly
(iv) all of these
(i) What does the word capacity in the passage refer to?
(i) strength
(ii) weight
(iii) capability
(iv) aptitude
(j) The word proceeding means
(i) backward
(ii) forward
(iii) reward
(iv) back
Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions (2 & 3):
To those in the armed forces I have this to say: you are my brothers; stay in your barracks and no one will brother you. But don't try again to aim your bullets at our chests. You can't suppress seventy million people forever. Since we have learned to sacrifice ourselves no one can suppress us any more.
And as for our martyrs and those who have been wounded, we in the Awami League will do everything we can to assist them and their loved ones. If you have the means, please give what little you can to our Relief Committee. To owners of factories whose workers had participated in the General Strike the last seven days I have this to say make sure that they are paid wages for those days.
To government employees I have this to tell you'll have to listen to my directives. Till our country is liberated, taxes and custom duties wont be collected. No one will pay them either. Remember: the enemy is amidst us to create chaos and confusion, to create anarchy and to loot. In our Bengal Hindus and Muslims, Bengalis and non-Bengalis are all brothers. We are responsible for their safety let us not taint ourselves in any way.
Remember those of you who work for radio and television if the people running the radio station aren't ready to listen to us, no Bengali will report for work there. Banks will be open for two hours everyday so that people can collect their salaries. But we won't allow even a single poisha to be transferred from East Bengal to West Pakistan.
Telephones and telegram services will continue as before in our East Bengal if we have to transmit news abroad you will see to that. But if any attempt is made to exterminate our people all Bengalis must take appropriate action.
Form Revolutionary Committees under the leadership of the Awami League in every village, every community. Be prepared to act with whatever you have in your possession.
Remember: since we have already had to shed blood, we'll have to shed a lot more of it by the Grace of God, however, we'll be able to liberate the people of this land. The struggle this time is a struggle for freedom-the struggle this time is a struggle for emancipation. Long live Bengal!
2. Answer the following questions:
(a) Why did the speaker of the passage say "You can't suppress seventy million people forever"? Whom did he say this?
(b) What were the directives of the speaker to owners of factories and government employees?
(c) What did the speaker of the passage say to those who work for radio, television, telephone and telegram?
(d) What did the speaker of the passage order to form in every village? Why did he order to do it?
3. Read the above passage again and then write the antonym/synonym of the following words as directed within brackets:
(b) suppress (synonym);
(c) wounded (synonym);
(d) sacrifice (synonym);
(e) assist (antonym);
(f) participate (synonym);
(g) employee (antonym);
(h) directives (synonym):
(i) anarchy (antonym);
(j) transmit (synonym);.
4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
Smoking is a (a)---------- bad habit which is now openly (b)---------- by the young and the old alike. Most of them are not (c)---------- of the bad sides of smoking. It causes many (d)---------- diseases like lungs cancer, bronchitis, tuberculosis etc. Smoking (e)---------- a smoker to death day by day. Nerves system is also (f)---------- by cigarette. Both smokers and non - smokers are affected (g)----------. Smoke (h)----------- the environment and the money which is spent for smoking is (i)---------- wasted. So, we must keep ourselves away from smoking and (j)---------- others to smoke.
5. Re-arrange the following sentences to make a coherent order :
(b) Independence is the birth right of a man.
(d) They did not run away showing their backs.
(c) Our war of independence took place in 1971.
(e) They fought face to face with the enemies.
(f) No nation can achieve it without struggle.
(g) People from all walks of life joined the war.
(h) Many went to the battle field to save the country.
Part B-Writing-(Marks 20)
6. Write a paragraph on 'Folk Music' in about 200 words based on the answers to the questions:(b) What is the history of folk music?
(c) Mention the names of some folk music in Bangladesh.
(d) Name some musical instruments of Bangladesh.
(e) Who are the contributors to folk music in Bangladesh?
(f) What is the present condition of folk music in Bangladesh?
Once there lived a happy cobbler who passed his days in working and singing from morning to night. A rich neighbour of him was a banker who one day
8. Write the summary of the following text.
(i) Adolescents constitute a nation's core resource for national renewal and growth. Adolescence is a period in life when transition from childhood to adulthood takes place and behaviours and life styles are shaped. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), adolescence is the period which shapes the future of girls' and boys! lives. There are 28 million adolescents in Bangladesh; 13.7 million of them are girls and 14.3 million boys.
(ii) The situation of adolescent girls in Bangladesh is characterised by inequality and subordination within the family and society. This inequality leads to widespread practice of child marriage, marginalisation or exclusion from health, education and economic opportunities, and vulnerability to violence and sexual abuse.
(iii) In Bangladesh, the legal age of marriage is 18 for girls and 21 for boys. However, 33 per cent of adolescent girls are married before the age of 15 and 60 per cent become mothers by the age of 19. Research finds that adolescents with higher level of education and from more affluent families tend to marry at a later age. Boys, however, become ready for marriage only after several years of adolescence and young adulthood.