Brief Questions Suggestions with Answer American Literature Honours 4th year

Department of English.
Honours 4th year.
Brief Questions Suggestions with Answer.
Subject:American Literature: Fiction and Drama(241111)
- What scene in the middle of the forest disillusions' Young Goodman Brown'?
- Ans:The scene of his overhearing that the minister and the Deacon(1978)are going to attend the communication of the devil.
- Whom does Hemingway present as 'Lost Generation' in his 'The Sun Also Rises'?
- Ans: Lady Brett Ashley.
- Where is Hotel Gloriana located?
- Ans: Hotel Gloriana is located in New York.
- What is a flashback ?
- Ans: Flashback is a part of a story that describes something that happened in the past. Let's Highlights.
- Who is Sethe?
- Ans: Sethe is the protagonist of Beloved.
- Who disturbs Sethe and Paul D's relationship?
- Ans: Beloved disturbs Sethe and Paul D's relationship.
- What is Yank's physical structure ?
- Ans: Yank has a simian figure but he is physically very strong.
- Where was Yank imprisoned?
- Ans: Yank was imprisoned in a prison located on Blackguard's Island.
- Mention one distinctive quality of Hemingway's narrative technique.
- Ans: The short and brief sentences that give the narrative almost journalistic quality.
- What particular Christian faith does Hawthorne criticise in 'Young Goodman Brown'?
- Ans: Puritanism.
- What was Mildred's first reaction at the sight of Yank in the stokehole of the ship?
- Ans: She calls him the filthy beast.
- Who is Denver?
- Ans: Denver is Sethe's daughter.
- What is an allegory?
- Ans: An allegory is a story, poem or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
- Whom did Young Goodman Brown ' first meet in the forest?
- Ans: Goodman Brown first met an old man in the forest.
- What animal does Mildred compare herself to ?
- Ans: Mildred compares herself to a leopard.
- Why did Robert Cohn want to go to South America?
- Ans: Robert Cohn wanted to go to South America because he thought that South America would cure his dissatisfaction.
- What is the meaning of the title' Seize the Day?
- Ans: Think about the present, don't think about the past and future.
- What does the burning pine tree symbolise in the story 'Young Goodman Brown'?
- Ans: The burning pine tree symbolises the evil assembly in the story' Young Goodman Brown'
- Who is the writer of The Purple Land?
- Ans: William Henry Hudson is the writer of The Purple Land.
- What is Yank's last realisation?
- Ans: Yank's last realization is that he is only a cog in the machine and not the center of the industrial universe.
- Why is nothing carved on the tombstone of Brown?
- Ans: Nothing is carved on the tombstone of Brown because This dying hour was gloom.
- What brings a great change in Wilhelm ?
- Ans: The sight of the dead body brings a great change in Wilhelm.
- How many children did Sethe have with Halle?
- Ans: Two boys and a girl.
- What amount of dollars did Robert Cohn's father leave?
- Ans: Robert Cohn's father had left fifty thousand dollars.
- What words of Dr. Tamkin encouraged Tommy Wilhelm to give up frustrations?
- Ans: The words of Dr. Tamkin that encouraged Tommy Wilhelm to give up frustrations are ' Seize the Day".
- Which village did Young Goodman Brown live in?
- Ans: Young Goodman Brown lived in Salem village
- What does I.W.W. stand for?
- Ans: I.W.W. stands for Industrial workers of the world. (2018-H)
- What does the title 'The Sun Also Rises' signify?
- Ans: The title The Sun Also Rises' signifies hope for the lost generation.
- What is Sweet Home in the novel Beloved'?
- Ans: Sweet Home is the name of a plantation in the novel Beloved.
- How long ago has Goodman Brown been married to Faith?
- Ans: Mr. Brown has been married to Faith for three months.
- Who is Paul D ?
- Ans: One of the Sweet Home slaves.
- Where did Dr. Adler live ?
- Ans: Dr. Adler lived in Hotel Gloriana.
- What do you mean by Lost generation " ?
- Ans: 'Lost Generation ' means the generation of people who emerged from the period of or just after World War I.
- Why does Mildred go down into the Stokehole ?
- Ans: She wants to see how the ' other half lived.
- Who are the religious persons mentioned in the story' Young Goodman Brown'?
- Ans: Mr Brown and Mrs. Brown are the religious persons mentioned in the story Young Goodman Brown
- What is 124 Bluestone'?
- Ans: It is the address of Sethe's house. Board Question:2017
- Who is the narrator of the novel " The Sun Also Rises'?
- Ans: Jack is the narrator of this novel.
- Who is Dr. Tamkin?
- Ans: Dr. Tamkin is a so-called psychologist.
- Where does the last scene of the play The Hairy Ape 'take place?
- Ans: The last scene of the play" The Hairy Ape takes place at the zoo.
- What was the main cause of failure in Wilhelm's life?
- Ans: Wilhelm's good appearance.
- What particular Christian faith does Hawthorne criticise in 'Young Goodman Brown'?
- Ans: Puritanism. (2014-))
- What is San Fermin ?
- Ans: San Fermin is the fiesta of Spain. It is also a religious festival
- What is Yank's idea of belonging ?
- Ans: He belongs to the ship.
- Whom did Wilhelm support financially?
- Ans: Wilhelm had to support his wife and two children.
- What does the phrase ' Seize the Day" mean?
- Ans: Think about the present,don't think about the past and future. (2015- E)
- Who are the" men without skin" in 'Beloved'?
- Ans: White men that haunt Beloved's thoughts.
- Who were the friends of Robert Cohn in Europe?
- Ans: Bragddocks and the narrator of the novel were the two friends of Robert Cohn in Europe.
- Whom does Goodman Brown meet first in the forest?
- Ans: Goodman Brown first met an old man in the forest. (2015-B)
- What was Goodman Brown's advice to his wife when he was leaving Salem village?
- Ans: Goodman Brown's advice to his wife when he was leaving Salem village was that he told her to say her prayers and go to bed early.
- Who took care of Jake Barnes after his injury in 'The Sun Also Rises'?
- Ans: Lady Brett Ashley took care of Jake Barnes after his injury in The Sun Also Rises'.
- What is Yank's real name ?
- Ans: Bob Smith.
- How old is Tommy Wilhelm ?
- Ans: Tommy Wilhelm is twenty eight years old.
- Who is Baby Suggs in 'Beloved'?
- Ans: Baby Suggs was Sethe's mother-in-law.
- What was carved on Brown's tombstone in Young Goodman Brown'?
- Ans: In Young Goodman Brown, on Brown's tombstone, no hopeful verse was carved as his dying hour was gloom.
- Where did the major characters of The Sun Also Rises' reunite?
- Ans: At a party.
- What is I.W.W. in The Hairy Ape'?
- Ans: L.W.W. stands for Industrial workers of the world. 2016-C
- What is the function of tobacco tin in Paul D's life?
- Ans: Tobacco tin box is a figurative replacement for Paul D's heart. The traumatising events as a slave and a prisoner are manifested in his Tobacco tin box.
- What was the profession of Pedro Romero ?
- Ans: Pedro Romeo was a composer.
- Who are the prominent characters in Seize the Day'?
- Ans: The prominent characters in Seize the Day' are Tommy Wilhelm, Dr. Adler, Dr. Tamkin, Margaret, and Olive etc.
- Where did Dr. Adler live?
- Ans: Dr. Adler lived in Hotel Gloriana.
- Who according to Brown is 'a very pious and exemplary dame"?
- Ans: According to Brown, Goody Cloyse is recognized as a very pious and exemplary dame who had taught him his catechism in youth
- Who is Martha carrier?
- Ans: Martha Carrier is a rampant hag and partaker in the evil communion
- What is the 'stokehole"?
- Ans: The "stokchole' is the ship's strong engine room.
- Where was Yank imprisoned?
- Ans: Yank was imprisoned on Blackguard's island.
- Where does the last scene of the play "The Hairy Ape" take place?
- Ans: The last scene of the play "The Hairy Ape" takes place at a Zoo.
- Whom does Hemingway present as 'Lost Generation' in his The Sun Also Rises?
- Ans: Brett.
- Who is the narrator of the novel "The Sun Also Rises"?
- Ans: Jake is the narrator of the novel "The Sun Also Rises"
- What is novella?
- Ans. It is bigger than short story but smaller than novel. It has one plot but no sub plots.
- Who is Sethe?
- Ans: Sethe is the protagonist of the novel "Beloved".
- What does the phrase "Seize the Day" mean?
- Ans: The phrase 'Seize the Day' means to think about the present, don't worry about the past and future.
- What is 124 Bluestone?
- Ans: 124 is the address of the house where Sethe lives with her eighteen years old daughter Denver.
- Who is Denver?
- Ans: Denver is Sethe's daughter.
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