Modern Novel, Previous Year Brief Solution PDF (M.A. Final in English)

- Previous Year Brief Question With Answer PDF (M.A. Final in English)
- M.A. Final Year
- Department of English
- Subject: Modern Novel
- Subject Code:311109
- 2014 to 2019
- Provide by Mofizur Rahman
Previous Year Brief Solution -2014
a) What is a conch?
Answer. The shell or outer covering of the body of a kind of se-fish.
Answer. The shell or outer covering of the body of a kind of se-fish.
b) Who is the self-taught man?
Answer. He is a lonely man whom Roquentin meets at the Bouville Library.
c) What weapons does Santiago use to fight against the sharks?
Answer. His harpoon, knife, the Graff, the two oars,the tiller, the short club etc.
d) How is Piggy killed?
Answer. He is struck by a large rock pushed by Roger from the mountaintop. As a result, Piggy falls of the mountain to his death on the rocks below.
e) How long is the Marlin and who measures it?
Answer. One of the fishermen measures Marlin which is eighteen feet from nose to tail.
f) What is scaffold?
Answer. It is raised wooden platform which is used formerly for the public execution of criminals.
g) Who is Lord of the flies?
Answer. Beelzebub as mentioned in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
h) What kind of novel is Nausea?
Answer. A philosophical novel.
i) Who discovered the conch?
Answer. Ralph
j) How did Linda die?
Answer. Linda,overdosed with Some, died with her son by her side.
k) What does Santiago dream?
Answer. As he often does, of when he sailed to Africa on a sailing-ship as a boy and saw lions come down and play like cats on the beach.
l) Who are littluns?
Answer. The younger boys who are treated as almost one charecter and often dominated by the older boys.
Brief Questions-2015
a) What does the 'sea' in 'The Old Man and the Sea' stand for?Answer. Universe and Santiago's isolation in the Universe.
b) What is Alpa plus?
Answer. One of the castes in the story Brave New World.
c) Why does Haster choose to live in Salem?
Answer. Because she feels connected to Salem by her sin.
d) Who is Mostapha Mond?
Answer. The resident World controller for Western Europe, one of the ten controllers of the World State by Huxley in Brave New World.
e) How did the boys get marroned on the unnamed island?
Answer. The boys ranging between six and twelve, are marooned on the unnamed island.
f) What is the motto of the World State?
Answer. Community, Identity, and stability.
g) What is Sarte'd concept of ethics?
Answer. The essential freedom and responsibility of the individual.
h) Who is the Christ-like figure in Lord of the Flies?
Answer. Simon.
i) What is "The Scarlet Letter"?
Answer. An historical fiction written by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
j) Name two female characters in 'Brave New World"?
Answer. Lenina Crowne and Fanny Crowne.
k)What is the boat made of in 'The Old Man and The Sea'?
Answer. The boat is made of wood.
l) Who is Antoine Roquentin?
Answer. Not only the protagonist but also the narrator of Nausea.
Previous Year Brief Solution-2016
a) Why does Piggy teach Ralph to blow the conch shell?Answer. So that he can assemble them.
b) Which prize does Hamingway win for his master price 'The Old Man and the Sea'?
Answer. Pulitzer Prize in 1953.
c) What is 'existentialism'?
Answer. A philosophical concept according to which man's existence precedes (4) his presence (fe), that the body is more important than the soul.
d) When does Dimmesdale feel greatly relieved?
Answer. When () Haster refuses to reveal the name of her child's father.
e) How does the novel 'Nausea' open?
Answer. It opens with an 'Editor's Note' claiming that the following pages, presented in a diary format, were found among the papers of Antoine Roquentin.
f) Why is Henry Ford an idol of World State?
Answer. Because during the 1900s, Ford was famous for his technical advances in industrial production.
g) Why does Hester prefer to accept her fate?
Answer. In order to admit the validty of the Puritan ethics and to protect her lover.
h) How does Santiago kill the Mako shark?
Answer. He hits the Mako shark with his harpoon in just the right place, and the shark taking the harpoon ewith him,sinks out of sight.
i) Which devil in the Bible does the title 'Lord of the Flies' refer to?
Answer. A literal translation of the word Beelzebub,the name of a devil in the Bible.
j) How do the town's people interpret the meteor in sky?
Answer. In the shape of "A" symbolizing "Angel" for the taking into heaven of Governor Winthrop.
k. How does Mustofa Mond begin his lecture to the students?
Answer. With a reference to Ford's famous statement that "history is bunk".
1) What according to Sarte, in the cause of self-deception?
Answer. An individual's inability to cope with his absolute freedom.
Previous Year Brief Solution-2017
a) Who is the protagonist of the novel The Old Man of the Sea'?
Answer. Santiago.
Answer. Santiago.
b) How did the children make fire on the mountain in 'Lord of the Flies'?
Answer. The children gather a pile of dry and rotten wood and start a fire, using Piggy's eyeglasses.
c) Who is Pearl in The Scarlet Letter?
Answer. The illegitimate daughter of Hester and Dimmesdale.
d) What kind of novel is Brave New World?
Answer. A dystopian or anti-utopian novel.
e) Why does Requentin redicule the Self-Taught Man?
Answer. For loving symbols and labels that are just existences and do not really exist.
f) What is the most tragic moment of Santiago's life?
Answer. His excessive pride and determination to keep going,even when it is too dangerous.
g) What does the pig's head on the slick signify?
Answer. The pig's head on a slick is left as a sacrifice in gratitude (e) for a successful hunt.
h) Who is Chillingworth?
Answer. Actually Hester's husband in disguise.
i) What is Soma in Huxley's Brave New World?
Answer. A drug that is handed out for free to all the citizens of the World State.
j) What is belief of the existentialists about man's existence?
Answer. The existentialists believe that man's existence is essentially miserable, lonely and desire for happiness is a myth. As there is no escape of man from suffering,he should be free to choose his action.
k) Where does Hester spend the last part of her life?
Answer. Boston.
I) What does the letter 'A' stand for in the Scarlet Letter?
Answer. While the 'A' initially symbolizes 'adultary', later various people assaigm meanings such as 'able' or 'angel'.
Previous Year Brief Solution-2018
a) What is "Virgin of Cobre"?Answer. A scared figure worshipped on the island of Cuba.
b) What does the destination of the conch signify?
Answer. The end of all civilized behavior of dramocracy and the beginning of depotism and barbarism on the island of the boys.
c) What is the significance of Pearl in 'The Scarlet Letter"?
Answer. Three labels:as a real child,as a continuing symbol of Hester and Dimmesdale's adultery and as an allegorical figure sent to torment the sinners.
d) What is the motto of the World State?
Answer. Community, identity and stability.
e) Who is the narrator of the novel Nausea?
Answer. Antoine Roquentin.
1) What is Gulf Stream?
Answer. A major sea current that flows eastwords off the north coast of Cuba.
g) How old are the boys marooned on the unnamed island?
Answer. The boys, ranging between six and twelve years old.
h) Why is Chillingworth called 'leech (che)?
Answer. In accident times the doctors used leeshes to draw out bad blood from human body, similarly Chillingworth is also trying to bring out the secret fr Dimmesdale-his adultery with Hester.
1) Why and how does John undergo penance(-)?
Answer. John has a guilty conscience over the way Linda died and whips himself doing penance.
j) What is the cause of Requentin's uneasy feeling of Nausea?
Answer. It is caused by colours,tastes and smells that are not real. This is also caused by his sense of contingency (অনিশ্চিত ঘটনা)।
k) What is Piggy's attritude to the beast on the island?
Answer. Using his knowledge of science and natural logic, Piggy dismisses the notion of the beast, being a creature of the imagination, but he does so with sympathy for the little boys.
1) What is the effect of Dimmesdale's confusion on Chillingworth?
Answer. Frustrated by Dimmesdale's confusion and death, Chillingworth withers away and dies within a year.
Previous Year Brief Solution- 2019
a) What does the 'Sea' in 'The Old Man and the Sea"?Answer. All of life on which man must sail.
b) What is the most tragic moment of Santiago's life in 'The Old Man and the Sea'?
Answer. His excessive pride and determination to keep going, even when it is too dangerous.
c) What does Piggy's death symbolize?
Answer. The destroy of intellect and reason from the island.
d) Why is Ralph alone at the end of the story Lord of the Flies?
Answer. As a result of Jake's absolute power and authority on the island Ralph beomes an outcast (সমাজচ্যুত)
e) What is the setting of the story The Scarlet Letter?
Answer. In the Puritan Colony of Salem, Massachusetts.
1) What does the letter 'A' stand for in The Scarlet Letter?
Answer. While the 'A' initially symbolizes 'adultary' later various people assaigm meanings such as 'able' or 'angel'.
g) What is the theme of the novel, Brave New World?
Answer. The author questions the values of 1931 London, using satire and irony to portray a futuristic world in which many of contemporary trends in Britain and American society has been taken to extremes.
h)Who is the God of the World State society?
Answer. A man named Mustofa Mond or better known as his "Fordship".
L. What is belief of the Self-Taught Man?
Answer. All rational behavior can be explained by man's love for his fellow man.
h) Who is the God of the World State society?
Answer. A man named Mustofa Mond or better known as his "Fordship".
i. What is belief of the Self-Taught Man?
Answer. All rational behavior can be explained by man's love for his fellow man.
j) What is 'Bad faith' according to Sartre?
Answer. A kind of pretension, lie or self-deception that emerges from an attempt to escape from freedom and responsibility.
k) Why does Dimmesdale cry out while on the scaffold?
Answer. Dimmesdale strikes out of horror at the thought that his guilt is exposed to the view of the universe.
l) What was the length of the fish Marlin?
Answer. 14 feet.