Shilpi was only 15 years old when she married Rashid in 2008

Mofizur Rahman
8 minute read

Shilpi was only 15 years old when she married Rashid in 2008.

Exclusive Model Test For Class 11-12 & HSC/ALIM
English First Paper
Subject Code: 238
The Sundarbans is known for vanishing islands, Kuakata, locally known as Sagar Kannya, Shilpi was only 15 years old

Part A Reading (Marks-30)

Shilpi was only 15 years old

Read the passage below and answer the following questions:

Shilpi was only 15 years old when she married Rashid in 2008. Marrying off daughters at an early age is a standard practice for many families living in rural Bangladesh. After her wedding, Shilpi joined a local empowerment group that provides adolescent girls with the tools needed to gradually change cultural practices, particularly those pertaining to early marriage and pregnancy.

The group's activities include discussions on how to most effectively change behaviour related to reproductive health as well as one on-one counselling. It also offers peer-to-peer support and life skills training that help adolescents say no to early marriage. The empowerment group is one of more than 10,000 groups supported by some local Non Government Organizations (NGOs) working all over Bangladesh.

These NGOs work through Canada's Adolescent Reproductive Health Project which also aims to increase access to quality health services for adolescents. During one of the group sessions, Shilpi came to understand the potentially harmful effects of early marriage and pregnancy. While maternal mortality in Bangladesh has declined by nearly 40 percent since 2001, the rate remains high with 194 maternal deaths per 100,000, live births in 2010-dropping from 322 in 2001 with a projected decrease to 143 by 2015. Girls who get pregnant are at risk of serious health complications.

These include dangerous hemorrhage and fistula, a painful internal injury caused by obstructed childbirth that commonly leads to serious maternal morbidities. When Shilpi heard about those risks, she invited her husband, Rashid, to discuss pregnancy with a counsellor. After hearing about the risks, Rashid agreed to delay having children for five years despite pressures from his parents and and social exclusion. neighbours to produce an offspring. Together, the couple met with a female health care provider, who informed them about the various family planning options available. Shilpi's mother-in-law and neighbours continued to pressurize the newlyweds.

Deeply rooted cultural practices and traditions caused a rift between Shilpi and Rashid and their extended family, some of whose members insulted and criticized the couple. Unable to convince their close relatives of the risks, Shilpi and Rashid returned to the counsellor. They took the help of a parent peer who has been trained to speak to other parents about adolescent issues. Shilpi's mother-in-law and neighbours eventually came to understand the harmful effects of early pregnancy on mother and child. Today, the village no longer pressurizes the couple; their parents and neighbours now support them and speak out against early marriage and pregnancy.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives:

(a) The word decline refers to
(i) rise
(ii) lesson
(iii) increase
(iv) lessen

(b) The word offspring means-
(i) heir
(ii) children
(iii) successor
(iv) sibling:

(c) The word pressurize means -
(i) to push
(ii) restrain
(iii) squeeze
(iv) none

(d) The word counselling means
(i) adult
(ii) caution
(iii) enjoying
(iv) giving advice

(e) The word standard refers to -
(i) good
(ii) over-estimated
(iii) bad
(iv) accepted

(f) How was the maternal mortality rate of Bangladesh in 2007?
(1) 10%
(ii) 60%
(iii) 20%
(iv) 40%

(g) Shilpi is a- of local empowerment group.
(i) teacher
(ii) victim
(iii) handler
(iv) learner

(h) Early marriage is very common in Bangladesh.
(i) rustic
(ii) urban
(iii) modern
(iv) village

(i) The word support means
(1) invitation
(ii) negligence
(iii) help mind.
(iv) binding

(j) Early marriage has many ----------- effects on a girl's body and mind.
(i) good
(ii) hopeful
(iii) positive
(iv) harmful

Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions (2 & 3):

Kuakata, locally known as Sagar Kannya

Kuakata, locally known as Sagar Kannya (Daughter of the Sea) is a rare scenic spot located on the southernmost tip of Bangladesh. Kuakata located in Latachapli union under Kalapara Police Station of Patuakhali district, is about 30 km in length and 6 km in breadth. It is 70 km from Patuakhali district headquarters and 320 km from Dhaka. An excellent combination of the picturesque natural beauty, sandy beaches, blue sky and the shimmering expanse of water of the Bay of Bengal and the evergreen forest make Kuakata a much sought after tourist destination. The name Kuakata takes its origin from the story of a 'Kua'- or well dug on the seashore by the early Rakhaine settlers for collecting drinking water.

The Rakhaines had landed on Kuakata coast after being expelled from Arakan by the Mughals. Following the first well, it became a tradition to dig wells in the neighborhood of Rakhaine homesteads for supply of fresh water. Kuakata is one of the unique spots which allows a visitor to watch both the sunrise and the sunset from the beach. That perhaps makes Kuakata one of the world's most attractive beaches. The long and wide beach at Kuakata has a typical natural setting. This sandy beach slopes gently into the Bay and bathing there is as pleasant is as swimming or diving. Kuakata is truly a virgin beach and a sanctuary for migratory winter birds.

Fishing boats plying in the Bay of Bengal with colourful sails, surfing waves and the lines of coconut trees add to the vibrant colours of Kuakata. The indigenous culture of the Rakhaine community and hundred-year-old Buddhist temples indicate the age-old tradition and cultural heritage of this area. Kuakata is also a holy land for the Hindus and Buddhists. Each year thousands of devotees come here to attend the festivals Rash Purnima and Maghi Purnima. On these two days, pilgrims take holy bath and enjoy going to the traditional fairs.

2. Answer the following questions:
(a) What do you mean by culture?
(b) Where does the name 'Kuakata' come from?
(c) What is the most unique feature of Kuakata beach?
(d) What are some traditional events that take place in Kuakata?

3. Read the above passage again and then write the antonym/synonym of the following words as directed within brackets:

(a) excellent (synonym);
(b) destination; (synonym);
(c) combination (synonym);
(d) coast (antonym);
(e) expelled (synonym);
(f) tradition (antonym);
(g) nighbourhood (synonmy);
(h) unique (antonym):
(i) attractive (antonym);
(j) pleasant (antonym)

4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.

Time and tide wait (a)----------none. None can call it (b)----------.A man can get back his (c)----------money and health but can not get back his lost time. Time once lost is lost for (d)---------- . So, we should make the (e)---------- -use of our time. We we may not get time to do it at all. There are some must do our work (f)---------- . If we put off our work for (g)---------- people who (h)---------- -time for nothing. They cannot prosper in (i)---------- . They have to depend (j)---------- others.

5. Re-arrange the following sentences to make a coherent order:
(a) Then Hercules attempted a different tactic.
(b) The valley of Nemea was being disturbed by a terrible lion.
(c) Hercules was the son of Jupiter and Alcmena.
(d) He decided he would use his hands.

(e) Eurystheus, the king of Mycenae and his cousin, made him undergo some difficult tasks.
(f) So, Eurystheus ordered Hercules to slay the beast and bring him its skin.
(g) At first, Hercules tried to fight the lion with his club and arrows but this took him nowhere.
(h) He first involved in a fight with a lion.

Part B Writing (Marks 20)

6. Write a paragraph on 'International Mother Language Day' in about 200 words based on the answers to the questions:
(a) What does the holy Quran say about the mother tongue?
(b) Why is mother tongue so important?
(c) What is a red-letter day in our national life?

(d) When did the brave sons of 'Mother-Bengal' lay down their lives and why?
(e) Who declares 21st February as 'International Mother Language Day"?
(f) When did this day get international recognition as International Mother Language Day?
(g) How do people observe this day?

7. The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words. Give a title to it:

There was an old pond in a village. It was full of frogs. The frogs were living there happily. Some of them often put their heads out of the water and croaked loudly.

8. Write the summary of the following text.

The Sundarbans is known for vanishing islands

The Sundarbans is known for vanishing islands but the scientists said the current retreat of the mangrove forests on the southern coastline is not normal. "The causes for increasing coastline retreat, other than direct anthropogenic ones, include increased frequency of storm surges and other extreme natural events, rises in sea level and increased salinity which increases the vulnerability of mangroves," said Pettorelli.

"Our results indicate a rapidly retreating coastline that cannot be accounted for by the regular dynamics of the Sundarbans. Degradation is happening fast, weakening this natural shield for India and Bangladesh." "As human development thrives, and global temperature continues to rise, natural protection from tidal waves and cyclones is being degraded at alarming rates. This will inevitably lead to species loss in this richly biodiverse part of the world, if nothing is done to stop it."

"The Sundarbans is a critical tiger habitat; one of only a handful of remaining forests big enough to hold several hundred tigers. To lose the Sundarbans would be to move a step closer to the extinction of these majestic animals," said ZSL tiger expert Sarah Christie.

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