Previous Year Brief Solutions - Introduction to Prose
Honours First Year
English Department
National University
Subject:- Introduction to Prose (Fiction and Non-Fiction)
Previous Year Brief Solutions 2013 to 2020

Previous Year Brief Solutions - 2013
A. How does Lincoln define democracy?
Ans:- Lincoln defines democracy as the government of the people, by the people anil for the people.
Ans:- Lincoln defines democracy as the government of the people, by the people anil for the people.
B. What is aphorism?
Ans:- Aphorism is a concise statement which expresses a truth or principle.
C. Why did Rabindranath Tagore renounce his award?
Ans:- Rabindranath Tagore relinquished the title of Knighthood in 1919 as a protest against the Massacre of Amritsar, when British troops killed some 400 Indians demonstrators.
D. What was Orwell's original name?
Ans:- Orwell's original name was Erie Arthur Blair.
E. What is a ghetto'?
Ans:- 'Gatto' is an Italian word. The English for the word is 'cat'.
F. When did the Civil Rights Movement take place?
Ans:- The Civil Rights Movement took place in America between 1955 and 1968.
G. What did Tom Ramsay do for twenty years?
Ans:- Previous Syllabus.
H. Who was O'Donovan Rosa?
Ans:- O'Donovan Rosa was the popular name of the 19th century Irish nationalist, Jeremiah Donovan.
I. Who are the brothers are sisters of Laura?
Ans:- Laura's sisters are Meg and Jose and her brother is Laurie.
J. Where did Ravi hide?
Ans:- At first Ravi hid in upturned flower pot behind the garage. Then he moved from there and hid in the shed next to the garage.
K. Where did the narrator hide the dead body of the old man?
Ans:- Previous Syllabus.
L. To what are 'migratory birds' compared?
Previous Year Brief Solutions - 2014
A. When did Abraham Lincoln deliver his famous speech?
Ans:- Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous speech on November 19, 1963.
Ans:- Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous speech on November 19, 1963.
B. What does the word 'natural abilities' mean?
Ans:- Natural abilities are the abilities that are inherited.
C. Who are the magi?
Ans:- The magi are the three wise men of the East. But in 'The Gift of the Magi', Jim and Della are called the magi.
D. What is suggested by Martin Luther to his followers?
E. Why do the children feel sufficient in the house?
F. Why did Laura want to stop the party?
Ans:- Laura wanted to stop the party as Mr. Scott, one of their neighbor's, died in an accident.
G. Name the food items the lady guest took?
Ans:- The lady guest took salmon, caviar, asparagus, peach, champagne, coffee and ice-cream.
H. Whom did the elephant kill?
Ans:- The elephant killed a black Dravidian coolie.
I. Why did Silas leave his own village?
Ans:- Silas left his own village because of the betrayal of his friend, William Dane.
J. What does the Painter do during good weather?
Ans:- The Painter draws the beautiful scenery of the garden and the sea with his easel during good weather.
K. What was the incident that made Tagore write the letter?
Ans:- The incident that made Tagore write the letter was the massacre of Amritsar.
L. When did the boy meet his beloved for the first time in the story Araby?
Previous Year Brief Solutions - 2015
A. When did the battle of Gettysburg take place?
Ans:- The battle of Gettysburg took place from July 1 to July 3, 1863.
Ans:- The battle of Gettysburg took place from July 1 to July 3, 1863.
B. From whom did Rabindranath Tagore receive the Knighthood?
Ans:- Rabindranath Tagore received the Knighthood from the British King George V.
C. What does Bacon suggest for a man whose mind wanders?
Ans:- Bacon suggests that a man whose mind wanders should study mathematics.
D. Who did the elephant kill?
Ans:- The narrator killed the elephant.
E. What was Martin Luther King's dream?
Ans:- Martin Luther King's dream was racial equality.
F. On what excuse did the lady guest drink champagne?
Ans:- She drank champagne on the excuse that her doctor won't let her drink anything without champagne.
G. Why didn't Godfrey marry Molly?
H. What did Mandela promise in his inauguration?
Ans:- In the inauguration of Mandela, he promised to obey and uphold the constitution and to devote himself' to the well-being of the republic and its people.
I. What was the feeling of the narrator when he left Araby?
Ans:- When the narrator left Araby, he felt humiliated, humbled anguished and angry.
J. What do the two cats-- the cat desired and the cat found-- symbolize?
Ans:-The cat desired is the symbol of the desire for freedom and the cat found is the symbol of baby.
K. Who had the garage key and where did he keep it?
Ans:- The driver had the garage key and he hang it from a nail on the wall under his work-shirt.
L. What is criticised in the short story 'The Garden Party?
Ans:- The class distinction prevailed in the contemporary society is criticized in the short story 'The Garden Party.
Previous Year Brief Solutions - 2016
A. What do studies serve for?
Ans:- Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability. That means studies serve for giving pleasure in loneliness, for decorating conversation, and for enhancing abilities.
Ans:- Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability. That means studies serve for giving pleasure in loneliness, for decorating conversation, and for enhancing abilities.
B. When did the Jallianwala Bagh massacre take place?
Ans:- The Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place on 13 April, 1919.
C. Who is called 'Madiva'?
Ans:- Nelson Mandela is called 'Madiva'.
D. When was the speech 'I have a dream' delivered?
Ans:- The speech 'I Have & Dream' was delivered in August, 1963.
E. What is the real name of George Eliot?
Ans:- The real name of George Eliot is Mary Ann Evans.
F. Who is Jehova?
Ans:- Jehova is the name of the God of the Old Testament as translated from the Hebrew consonants YHVH.
G. What is the original name of O' Henry?
Ans:- The original name of O' Henry is William Sydney Porter:
H. What does 'Araby' stand for?
Ans:- 'Araby' stands for an ideal of romance and beauty.
I. Name the games the children play in 'Games at Twilight'.
Ans:- 'Hide and seek' and 'funeral' games are played by the children in 'Games at Twilight'.
J. Why did Laura want to stop the party?
Ans:- Laura wanted to stop the party as Mr. Scott, one of their neighbours, died in an accident.
K. What is 'Gatto'?
Ans:- 'Gatto' is an Italian word. The English for the word is 'cat'.
L. How did the Burmese express their hatred towards the Europeans?
Ans:- The Burmese expressed their hatred towards the European by humiliating them when they would get a chance.
Previous Year Brief Solutions - 2017
A. Where did the author meet the lady for the second time?
Ans:- The author met the lady for the second time in a theatre.
Ans:- The author met the lady for the second time in a theatre.
B. Who was Madame Sofronie?
Ans:- Madame Sofronie was the owner of the hair-shop where Della sold her hair.
C. Who brought the news of Scott's death?
Ans:- Godber's man brought the news of Scott's death.
D. When did Martin Luther King deliver his speech 'IHave a Dream?
Ans:- Martin Luther King delivered his speech 'I Have a Dream' in August,1963.
E. What tickled the back of Ravi's neck?
Ans:- An insect most probably a spider tickled the back of Ravi's neck.
F. What does the cat stand for?
Ans:- In the short story 'Can in the Rain', the cat symbolizes a child that he woman desperately wants.
G. What does the term 'aphorism' mean?
Ans:- An aphorism is a short phrase or a statement that reveals a truth or principle.
H. What is an epiphora?
Ans:- An epiphora is a dramatic device that means the repetition of a word or phrase at the end of several clauses.
I. What is Knighthood?
Ans:- Knighthood is the rank of a knight. This rank of honour 'Knighthood' is given to a man by a British King or Queen, because of' his special achievements and he has the right to be called 'Sir'.
J. How long did the elephant take to die after being shot?
Ans:- The elephant took half an hour to die after being shot.
K. What is an analogy?
Ans:- An analogy is a comparison between things which have similar features, often used to help explain a principle idea.
L. What, according to Mandela, is the greatest wealth of South Africa?
Ans:-According to Mandela, the greatest wealth of South Africa is its people, finer and truer than the purest diamonds.
Previous Year Brief Solutions - 2018
A. What does Martin Luther King Jr mean by the phrase, "Long night of captivity"?
Ans:- the phrase, "Long night of captivity", Martin Luther King Jr. means the sufferings for long time because of racial discrimination.
Ans:- the phrase, "Long night of captivity", Martin Luther King Jr. means the sufferings for long time because of racial discrimination.
B. When did Nelson Mandela awarded Nobel Peace Prize?
Ans:- In 1993, Nelson Mandala was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, sharing it with Frederik Willem de Klerk, president of South Africa at that time, "for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime, and for laying the foundations for a new democratic South Africa."
C. Why did panic seize the writer during that luncheon?
Ans:- The writer was seizedwith panic because he was much worried about the full payment of the bill.
D. What, aceording to Abraham Lincoln, is the duty of the living?
Ans:- The living Americans should play their own part in another way by greatly contributing to the making of the nation. 'They have to dedicate themselves to finish the unfinished work of the dead in the Civil War.
E. What were the two possessions in which Jim and Della took a mighty pride?
Ans:- Jim and Della had two valuable possessions of their own of which both of them took mighty pride. Della had the beautiful rippling and shining brown cascade like hair and Jim had an elegant gold watch that he inherited from his father and grandfather.
F. What do you understand by the word 'imperialism'?
Ans:- Imperialism is the policy of a state aiming at establishing control beyond its borders over people unwilling to accept such control.
G. Why, according to Bacon, do crafty men scorn studies?
Ans:- According to Bacon, crafty men scorn studies because they consider studies useless.
H. What are the names of the children in 'Gtames at Twilight?
Ans:- The names of the children in 'Games at Twilight' are Ravi, Raghu, Mira and Manu.
I. How is George portrayed as a husband in the short story 'Can in the Rain?
Ans:- George is depicted as a very uncaring husband who is totally indifferent to his wife's needs and desires.
J. Who is Mrs. Sheridan?
Ans:- Mrs. Sheridan is the mother of Laura, the central character of the short story 'The Garden Party'.
K. What books did the narrator find in the house in the story, 'Araby?
Ans:- the narrator found the books named as 'The Devout Communicant', 'The Memories of Vidoeq', and 'The Abbot' in the house in the story, 'Araby'.
L. Why did Silas leave his native town?
Ans:- Silas left his native town because of the betrayal of his friend, William Dane.
Previous Year Brief Solutions - 2019
A. What does the elephant symbolize in the essay 'Shooting &n Elephant?
Ans:- In the essay 'Shooting an Elephant', the elephant symbolizes the British Empire.
Ans:- In the essay 'Shooting an Elephant', the elephant symbolizes the British Empire.
B. Who was the football champion in the story 'Gtames at Twilight?
Ans:-Raghu was the football champion in the story 'Gtames at Twilight.
C. What dloes the cat stand for in the short story 'Cat in the Rain?
Ans:- In the short story 'Can in the Rain', the cat symbolizes a child that he woman desperately wants.
D. What type of writing is 'Gettysburg Address?
Ans:- 'Gettysburg Address' is an oratory.
E. What is the 'momentous decree' as referred to by Martin Luther King in his speech 'I Have a Dream?
Ans:- In Martin Luther King's speech 'IHave a Dream', 'mnomentous decree' refers to the Emancipation proclamation issued by Abraham Lincoln in 1863.
F. How did the Anglo-Indians papers react to the Jallianwallabagh massacre?
Ans:- The Anglo-Indians papers praised the brutal killing in Jallianwallabagh for maintaining law and order.
G. What is the name of Mandela's political party?
Ans:- The name of Mandela's political party is African National Congress(ANC).
H. Who are the magi?
Ans- The magi are the three wise men of the East. But in 'The Gift of the Magi', Jim and Della are called the magi.
I. What is aphorism?
Ans:- Aphorism is a short phrase or a statement that reveals a truth or principle.
J. What does Silas inherit from his mother?
Ans:- Silas inherits from his mother the merit/knowledge of herbs.
K. Who was Madame Sofronie?
Ans:- Madame Sofronie was the owner of the hair-shop where Della sold her hair.
L. How did the lady f'latter the young writer?
Ans:- The lady flattered the young writer by writing to him that she had read a book written by him.
Previous Year Brief Solutions - 2020
A. Whom did the elephant kill?
Ans:- The elephant killed a black Dravidian coolie.
Ans:- The elephant killed a black Dravidian coolie.
B. What was the occasion of 'Gettysburg Address?
C. Who was Lord Chelmsford?
Ans:- Lord Chelmsford was one of the Viceroys of India.
D. How many items of food did the lady guest have in luncheon?
Ans:- The lady guest had seven items of food in luncheon They include: salmon, caviar, asparagus, peach, champagne, coffee and ice-cream.
E. Who is 'a great American' mentioned by Martin Luther King Jr:?
Ans:- 'A great American' mentioned by Martin Luther King Jr. is Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of America.
F. What is the meaning of "abeunt studia in mores"?
Ans:- "Abeunt studia in mores" is a Latin phrase means 'studies become a part of one's character and habit'.
G. How did Laura react to the news of Scott's death?
Ans:- Laura was greatly shocked to hear the news of Scott's death. She proposed to stop the garden party to sympathize with the bereaved family and to show respect to the departed soul.
H. What is the setting of the story 'Araby?
Ans:- 'The setting of "Araby" is Dublin, capital city of Ireland.
I. Where did Mandela spend the night after his release from jail?
J. Who are the biological parents of Eppie?
Ans:- Eppie is the biological child of Godfrey Cass and Molly Farren, Godfrey's secret wife.
K. Why does Naney refuse for so long to adopt Eppie?
Ans:- Naney refuses for so long to adopt Eppie because she thinks it is wrong for Godfrey and her to have something that fate has denied them.
L. What did the maid bring for the signora?
Ans:- The maid brought a cat for the signora.
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