The Olympic Games is the biggest sports competition in the world

Mofizur Rahman

The Olympic Games is the biggest sports competition in the world

The Olympic Games is the biggest sports competition in the world

  • Model Test
  • Subject: English
  • Class: Five

A-Text(Marks 60)

1. Read the following text carefully and answer the questions below:

The Olympic Games is the biggest sports competition in the world. The Olympics are held every four years in a different host city. More than 200 nations send a total of 13,000 athletes to compete in more than 30 different sports. The first Olympic Games were held in Greece almost 3,000 years ago. The modern Olympic Games started in 1896,and there have been 31 Olympic competitions since then.

a. Choose the best answer.

i) How many athletes take part in Olympics?
a) 12,000
b) 13,000
c) 15,000
d) 14,000

ii) When were the first Olympic Games held?
a. 3,000 years ago
b. 1,000 years ago
c. 2,000 years ago
d. 5,000 years ago

iii) The word "competition" is a/an-.
a. noun
b. pronoun
c. adjective
d. verb

iv) Where were the first Olympic Games held?
a. in Japan
b. in France
c. in Italy
d. in Greece

v) When did the modern Olympic Games start?
a. 1896
b. 1786
c. 1986
d. 1686

b. Write true or false. If false, give the correct answer.
i. The Olympic Games is the biggest sports competition in Greece.
ii. The Olympics are held every five years.
iii. More than 200 countries take part in the Olympics.
iv. The first Olympic Games were held in Greece.
v. "Host city" means a city that arranges the competition.

c. Answer the following short questions.
i. What is the biggest sports competition in the world?
ii. How often are the Olympics held?
iii. How many countries take part in the Olympics?
iv. Where were the first Olympic Games held?
v. What do you understand by "host city"?

d. Match Column A with Column B.

Column A                                                                    Column B
i. The Olympic,                                      a. Olympic Games were held in Greece almost 3,000 years ago.
ii. The Olympics                                    b. Olympic Games started in 1896.
iii. The first                                            c. been 31 Olympic competitions since them.
iv. The modern                                       d. are held every four years in a different host city.
v. There have                                          e. is the biggest sports competition in the world.

e. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the text.
The Olympic Games is the (i) --------- sports competition in the world. The Olympics are held (ii) ---------- four years in a different (iii) ---------- city. More than 200 nations send a total of 13,000 athletes to compete in more than 30 different. (iv) ----------. The first Olympic Games were (v) ----------in Greece almost 3,000 years ago.

2. Write the meaning of the following words (any ten):

Leave, Treasure, Speak, Order, Problem, Second, Well-known, Prescribe, Ago, Strong, Listen, Sentence.

3. Make fivė sentences from the substitution table:

Where-------going---------in  Chattogram
I'm---------fun------------the United Kingdom 
I'm----------are-----------to Chattogram
Our train---from--------you going,Jessica?
Have--------is leaving---------in 10 minutes.

4. Make meaningful sentences with the following words (any ten):

Leaves, Treasure, Speak, Apartments, Problem, Seconds, Well-known, Aloud, Travel, Ago, Strong, Together.

5. Write 1st 8 lines of the poem 'City' streets and country roads' by heart.

B-Grammar (Marks 40)

6. Re-write the sentences using punctuation marks and capital letters where necessary:

a. what are you doing nasreen
b. i'm putting some chocolate on my ice-cream. 
c. what kind of food do you eat regularly
d. oh fruits and vegetables I love pineapples and bananas
e.would you like to try some of my ice-cream with chocolate

7. Read the following situation and make a dialogue on it: You want to fix an appointment with a doctor.

8. Write a letter requesting one of your friends to lend you 'Scholarship English Grammar and Composition' book for two or three days.

Or, Write an application to the Superintendent of your madrasah for holding classes in the morning.

9. Write a paragraph about 'Your Reading Room'.

10. Write an essay on any one of the following topics:

  1. Your Hobby;
  2. Journey by Bus;
  3. Water.

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