Memo Writing For SSC-HSC, Honours, Degree & Fazil Pass

Memo/ Memorandum Writing
Write a memo in which the manager of the firm requests his subordinates to attend a farewell/general meeting of one of the members of the staff.
Memo Writing For SSC-HSC, Honours, Degree & Fazil Pass |
Rahman Enterprise Motijheel C/A, Dhaka Memo/Memorandum To : All members of the staffFrom : Rakib Hossain Manager of Rahman Enterprize Date : 10 August 2018 Subject : Farewell meeting of Md. Harun-ar-Rashid.You all are aware that Mr. Harun-ar-Rashid, senior staff officer is taking leave of our firm very shortly. He has been selected for a higher position in the RANGS Group. A farewell function has been arranged in honour of him. You all are hereby requested to attend the farewell meeting on the due date and time. The date, time and place of the meeting will be informed through invitation cards very soon. So, all should be helpful on this regard.Rakib Hossain (Signature) 10.08.2018 Manager Rahman Enterprize |
Write a memo in which the Managing Director of a Bank requests his staff to behave well with the customers
Memo Writing For SSC-HSC, Honours, Degree & Fazil Pass |
Agrani Bank Ltd Corporate Branch Motijheel C/A, Dhaka Memo/Memorandum To : All the members of the staff Subject : Asking for behaving well with the customers.I think that you are part and parcel of the industry. Our progress and fame depend mostly on your dedication and performance. But have noticed that unfortunately some of the staffs don't behave well with the customers. You should know that banking sectors have become very much competitive nowadays. Customers are the future of industry. If the customers are not properly treated; they will go to somewhere else. So, there is no alternative to good behaviour. Moreover, if you are courteous with them, it will benefit both you and the customers. Texpect you will realize the importance of courtesy and act accordingly. Expecting your best co-operation.
Write a memo preventing illegal construction of factories and houses on the river banks.
Memo Writing For SSC-HSC, Honours, Degree & Fazil Pass |
Conscious Citizen Society (CCS) Katherpool, Sutrapur,Dhaka Memo/Memorandum To : RAJUK Subject : Requesting to take necessary step for preventing illegal construction of factories and houses on the bank of Buriganga as well as the other river banks.It must be known to you that rivers are not only making our lands fertile but also save our country from desert. But the water of the rivers are polluting day by day by the chemical wastes of the mills and factories on the river bank. Human wastes of nearby homes mix into the water of the river and pollute it. Many illegal factories and houses are building on the bank of Buriganga as well as other rivers. As a result, the water and the environment are polluting, the fishes are dieing, the river is drying day by day and the climate is changing. For the sack of our safe existence on earth, please take necessary steps to prevent illegal construction of factories and houses on the river banks.Yours faithfully Habibur Rahman Naeem (Signature) 01.01.19. Chairman CCS, Dhaka |
Write a memo in which the principal of a college requests his colleagues to contribute one day's salary to help the flood victims.
Memo Writing For SSC-HSC, Honours, Degree & Fazil Pass |
Lion Habibur Rahman Harez City College Kandapara, Borpa, Rupshi Rupganj, Narayanganj Memo/Memorandum To : All the members of the teaching staff From : Principal Lion Habibur Rahman Harez City College Date : 02.12.18 Subject : Asking to contribute one day salary to help the flood victims.Everybody of my colleagues has must known that recently a devastating flood has occurred in the northern parts of our country. The sufferings of fifty thousand people knew no bounds. It is high time to serve the country and the nations. hope that you all stand by them at this critical time by donating one day's salary. This humanitarian work will be of great benefit to the distressed people as well as fulfill our commitment. to the people and society. I would like to appreciate your noble work for the flood victims.Yours faithfully Lion Habibur Rahman Harez (Signature) 02.12.18 Principal & founder of Lion Habibur Rahman Harez City College |
Suppose relief goods have been sent to you locality. These are not distributed properly. Now, write a memo to the UNO of your upazila.
Memo Writing For SSC-HSC, Honours, Degree & Fazil Pass |
To : TNO Subject : Ensuring the proper distribution of relief goods.We the people of the Mithapukur Upazila have been very badly effected by the recent flood. We are still shelter less and nothing worth mentioning has been done to help us yet. However, we know that relief goods have been sent for this area from the Prime Minister's Emergency Fund but unfortunately those are not distributed properly. Instead of the real flood victims, the relief goods are going to influential people who are not at all affected by the flood. It is hoped that your honour would give directions to the persons concerned to prove into the matter.Aminul Islam On behalf of the affected area |
Write a memo as a manager of firm to the employees requesting them to attend an urgent meeting.
Memo Writing For SSC-HSC, Honours, Degree & Fazil Pass |
M. A. Hashem Group Mirpur, Dhaka Memo/Memorandam To : All the employee of the firmFrom : Rajib Khan Manager M.A. Hashem Group Date : 30.11.2018 Subject : About an urgent meetingAn urgent meeting of the firm will be held on 5 December 2018 at 11 am in the office room. The meeting will be held for open discussion about the development of the firm. All employees and officers are requested to attend the meeting.Manager M. A. Hashem Group. |