Re arranging for JSC-JDC, SSC-Dakhil & HSC-Alim
Re-arranging or Re-ordering With Answer for JSC, SSC, HSC & JDC, Dakhil, Alim - Pdf
Re-arranging For
JSC or JDC, SSC or Dakhil, HSC or Alim Examination.
Class 6, 7, 8, 9-10 & 11-12

Once a gold necklace was lost from a rich man's house
1. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) All the servants were called and interrogated but nobody confessed their guilt.
(b) In order to find out the thief, the judge chalked out an intelligent plan.
(c) Once a gold necklace was lost from a rich man's house.
(d) The servants' were summoned to the court but they denied having stolen the necklace.
(e) When the servants came to the court the next day, the thief had already cut off an inch of his stick.
(f) So the owner of the house lodged a complaint in the court.
(g) The judge found one of the sticks shorter than the others and in this way he could easily catch the thief.
(h) He gave each of the suspects a stick of equal length and 'said that onc of the sticks would increase by an inch the next day.
Answer: (c---a---f---d---b---h---e---g)
Dr. Kudrat- e-Khuda was born on 8th May
2. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) He showed extraordinary credit in every examination of the school..
(b) He has made great contribution to the scientific research of Bangladesh.
(c) Dr. Kudrat-e-Khuda was born on 8th May at village Margram in the district of Birbhum in West Bengal in 1900 AD.
(d) In 1925 getting star marks he passed M.Sc. in Chemistry from Kolkata Varsity.
(e) He died on 3rd November in 1977.
(f) In 1929 he passed DSc from Imperial College in England.
(g) He made a great plan to give the new structure of education system.
(h) In 1953, he was appointed Chairman of Secondary Education Board.
Answer: (c---a---d---f---b---h---g---e)
Once there was a king
3. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) The king called him to the palace.
(b) At this the king got furious and condemned him to death.
(c) A good astrologer visited the capital of the king.
(d) Once there was a king who was fond of knowing his future from the astrologer.
(e) With ready wit he said, "The stars declare that I'Il die only a week before your death".
(f) But another thought crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for execution.
(g) The king then asked, "How long will you live?"
(h) The astrologer told something very unpleasant.
Answer: (d---c---a---h---b---f---g---e)
Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1899
4. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) He died on August 29, 1976 and was buried in the compound of Dhaka University.
(b) He wrote a lot of poems, songs, ghazals, short stories, novels, etc.
(c) He lost his father at the age of eight and at the age of eleven he showed his poetic genius.
(d) At the age of nineteen, he joined the Army as an ordinary soldier but after the First World War he gave up the sword for the pen.
(e) It was tragic that he had been suffering from a cruel disease since1942 and remained paralyzed for the rest of his life.
(f) Bangladesh became independent in 1971 and he was brought to
Bangladesh from Kolkata in 1972.
(g) Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1899 in the district of Burdwan in West Bengal.
(h) Then he was declared our national poet by the Government of Bangladesh.
Answer: (g---c---b---d---e---f---h---a)
Hercules, a Greek mythical hero
5. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) Still challenge remained with the immortal one.
(b) Strangely enough, whenever Hercules knocked off a head of Hydra, two new ones erupted in its place.
(c) Hercules, a Greek mythical hero, was the son of Jupiter and Alcmena.
(d) It had nine heads of which the middle one was said to be immortal.
(e) One of the tasks was to slay a monster called Hydra that was ravaging the country of Argos.
(f) His cousin Eurestheus, the king of Mycenae, made him undergo some difficult tasks which in Greek myths are called 'The Twelve Labours of Hercules'.
(g) Eventually, with the help of Iolaus, his devoted servant, Hercules succeeded in burning all the heads except the ninth.
(h) However, with much effort, he buried the immortal head under a huge rock and completed the task successfully.
Answer: (c---f---e---d---b---g---a---h)
Once upon a time there lived a a forest.
6. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) One day he was very hungry.
(b) The grapes were too high for him to reach.
(c) Again and again he jumped but each time he failed to reach at the grapes.
(d) At last he entered into a vineyard and saw ripe grapes hanging up on the vine.
(e) Once upon a time there lived a a forest.
(f) At last being tired he went away saying that the grapes were sour.
(g) He took a run and a jump to reach the bunch of grapes but he could not reach it.
(h) He searched food everywhere but did not get any food.
Answer: (e---a---h---d---b---g---c---f)
Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States of America.
7. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) The last words of the speech- "Government of the people, by the people, for the people"- shall not perish from the earth.
(b) Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States of America.
(c) On the 10th November 1863, a railway train was carrying him to a place called Gettysburg for a meeting.
(d)' It is one of the finest and the shortest speeches in the English language.
(e) It was what he was going to say at the meeting.
(f) These words tell us what the best possible way of ruling a country is.
(g) In the train, he was busy writing something on the back of an envelope.
(h) In fact,the speech on the envelope is now famous as "Gettysburg Address".
Answer: (b---c---g---e---a---f---d---h)
An English poet was staying in Italy
8.Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) During his stay he received an unpaid letter from his friend, which contained nothing but some words.
(b) With a great hope in mind, he opened the box.
(c) An English poet was staying in Italy for the benefit of his health.
(d) To his utter surprise, he found nothing but an ordinary stone.
(e) So, he procured a heavy stone and packed it up in a fine box.
(f) His friend thought that the contents of the parcel were valuable, so, he paid the heavy charge for carrying.
(g) The poet had to pay double postage, so, he became very annoyed.
(h) Then he sent it to his friend with the words on it "Carriage to be paid on delivery."
Answer: (c---a---g---e---h---f---b---d)
Nelson Mandela was the greatest leader of South Africa.
9. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) The blacks were aliens in their own country and were subjected to all sorts of indignities.
(b) The great leader vowed to put án end to the inhuman practice.
(c) They were denied all basic human rights.
(d) Eventually, the great leader realised the goal of liberating his own people.
(e) He was thrown behind the prison bar.
(f) Nelson Mandela was the greatest leader of South Africa.
(g) But the oppressive rulers could not break the spirit.
(h) In fact, he was one of the greatest leaders of the world who struggled against apartheid throughout his whole life.
Answer: (f---h---a---c---b---e---g---d)
Rabindranath Tagore
10. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) In 1880, Rabindranath was called back to India.
(b) He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1913 for his Gitanjali.
(c) He returned home without any qualifications of distinction.
(d) He wrote Gitanjali, a collection of Bengali songs of superior quality.
(e) Rabindranath Tagore, the 14th child of Debendranath and Sarada Devi Tagore, was born in 1861 in a respectable family at Jorasako in Kolkata.
(f) At the age of seventeen, in 1878 he reached London to attend school.
(g) He went to school early and wrote his first verse at the age ofeight. '
(h) However, he never gave up his habit of writing poetry.
Answer: (e---g---f---a---c---c---h---d---b)
Long ago, a Sultan wanted to appoint an honest man as his tax collector
11. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) Then he invited applications and a number of people applied for the job.
(b) The applicants were asked to meet the Sultan one by one.
(c) Long ago, a Sultan wanted to appoint an honest man as his tax collector.
(d) Then he found the desired man.
(e) All the applicants blushed and refused except one.
(f) So, he asked for the' wise counselor's advice.
(g) When they all arrived, the Sultan asked them to dance.
(h) They came through a passage where gold coins were kept.
Aristotle was the son of a royal physician in Greece
12. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) As a result, he studied under a great thinker Plato.
(b) He also wrote books on Biology, Literature, Economics and Comparative politics.
(c) Plato taught Aristotle according to his own way.
(d) Aristotle was the son of a royal physician in Greece.
(e) His father wanted him to be a physician but he wanted to be a free thinker.
(f) Later on, Aristotle took the pen to write on topics suitable for human civilization.
(g) He is called the father of Biology because of his creativity.
(h) 'Politics' is one of his famous books which exposes fullest development of his wisdom.
Once a lad went to a famous teacher
13. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) He asked him where God was.
(b) Once a lad went to a famous teacher.
(c) The teacher thought highly of the boy's understanding.
(d) The lad replied that he would answer ifhe would tell where He is not.
(e) He begged to instruct him in the arts and sciences.
(f) He agreed to teach the lad.
(g) He had expressed his desire to acquire knowledge.
(h) The teacher wished to find out the ability of the boy.
Khan Jahan Ali was a philanthropic man
14. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) As Bagerhat is near the Bay of Bengal, the water is usually saline.
(b) Khan Jahan Ali was a philanthropic man.
(c).He, therefore, excavated many tanks to provide fresh water to the people.
(d) He came to Bagerhat to preach Islam and to promote the plight of common people.
(e) He found Bagerhat beset with many problems.
(f) Thus he redressed the problem of drinking water.
(g) The scarcity of drinking water is one of them.
(h)' The people of Bagerhat remember him with great respect.
Dr. Mohammad Shahidullah was born in 24 Porgona, West Bengal in 1885
15. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) He was one of the most renowned linguists of Bangladesh.
(b) He died in 1969 and we remember him with respect.
(c) He was second to none in Bengali Language and Literature.
(d) Dr. Mohammad Shahidullah was born in 24 Porgona, West Bengal in 1885.
(e) He joined Jashore Zilla School in 1910.
(f) He passed the Entrance and FA exam 'in 1904 and 1906 and then Hons. and M.A. in 1910 and 1912.
(g) He joined Dhaka University as a Lecturer of Bengali in 1921.
(h) He got his Ph.D. in 1928.
Nobel prize is the world's most important prize
16. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) The prize is instituted by a man who was the inventor of the science of destruction.
(b) Nobel prize is the world's most important prize.
(c) He is Alfred Bernard Nobel.
(d) Nobel Prizes are awarded every year for outstanding achievements in the field of science, literature and for promoting world's peace.
(e) The prize is given to persons with most outstanding contribution.
(f) If there are more than one recipient of the prize in one field, the prize money is equally distributed amongst all the winners.
(g) Economics was added in the list in 1969 for the first time.
(h) He was born in Stockholm on 21st October, 1833 and he died on 10ťh December, 1896.
One day Napoleon, the king of France
17. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) "Please let me go to my country."
(b) "I shall cross the sea and go to my country by this boat."
(c) Suddenly he noticed an English boy making a small boat.
(d) Napoleon was charmed by the words of the small boy and made all arrangements to send him to his country.
(e) "I haven't seen my mother for a long time."
(f) The boy said, "May country is on the other side of the sea."
(g) One day Napoleon, the king of France, was walking along the sea shore.
(h) The boy was brought before him and he asked him what he would do with such a small boat.
Nambi, whose home was the little temple
18. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) The villagers would finish their dinner hurriedly and gather under the tree.
(b) On the first day Nambi would open the story with a question.
(c) Nambi, whose home was the little temple at the very edge of the village Somal was a great story teller.
(d). As the moon slipped behind the trees, Námbi would stop for the day.
(e) On the day when the story ended, the villagers went to the temple and prayed.
(f) On the night he had a story to tell, he would light a lamp under the banyan tree.
(g) Two or three days later, he again lit the lamp in the niche and continued the unfinished story.
(h) The story telling continued throughout the bright half of the month.
A rich man went to the farmer with one thousand rupees in a bag
19. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order..
(a) He said to himself, "One thousand rupees is a lot of money."
(b) A rich man went to the farmer with one thousand rupees in a bag.
(c) He always thought that his money could be stolen anytime.
(d) He said to him, "Look, my friend! I have brought one thousand rupees for you".
(e) The farmer was surprised but took the bag of money from the rich man and thanked him.
(f) Keep this money and remove your distress.
(g) He dug a hole in his hut and kept the money there.
(h) This thought kept him awake and his sleep fled away at night.
Once a crow was very thirsty and wanted to drink water
20. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) Once a crow was very thirsty and wanted to drink water.
(b) When the water came to the mouth of the jar the crow drank it.
(c) As each pebble went down, the water in the jar rose up little by little.
(d) It/He hit upon a plan then and took some pebbles and dropped them into the jar.
(e) It flew from one place to another in search of water and at last found a jar in a garden.
(f) As it decided to fly away in despair, it noticed a heap of pebbles nearby.
(g) There was some water in the jar but it was too low down and out of its reach.
(h) The crow tried to turn the jar over and ovèr again but it had no effect.
Once a cook roasted a duck for his master and it looked very delicious
21. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) The cook was very stubborn and asserted that this duck had only one leg.
(b) The cook could not check his temptation and ate up one of the drumsticks.
(c) The master was not to be fooled so easily.
(d) The cook replied that it was a one-legged duck.
(e) Once a cook roasted a duck for his master and it looked very delicious.
(f) The master came to have his meal and noticed one of the legs missing.
(g) He said that there was no one-legged duck.
(h) He asked what had happened to the other leg.
Robert Bruce was a famous king of Scotland
22. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) Enemies invaded his kingdom.
(b) He had to flee from' his kingdom to save his life and so he took shelter in a remote cave.
(c) Once when he was lying in the cave, he saw a spider trying hard to reach the ceiling of the cave.
(p) Robert Bruce was a famous king of Scotland.
(e) The king fought bravely but lost the battle.
(f) He gathered an army of strong men and defeated his enemies.
(g) Bruce saw the spider climbing to the ceiling after some unsuccessful attempts which inspired Bruce t shake off the darkness of the despair.
(h) The spider failed again and again to succeed but it did not give up hope.
Nelson Mandela appeared as a pioneer to make free the black people
23. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) From his early years he was deeply shocked at the oppression of the white against the black.
(b) South Africa had a long history of racial discrimination between the white and the black people.
(c) Nelson Mandela appeared as a pioneer to make free the black people.
(d) So Mandela was charged with treason and sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964 through a mock trial.
(e) He united all the black people and struggled against the white govt. to establish their legal right and t stop all discriminations.
(f) At last in 1990 the white govt. was compelled to release him due to international pressure and later h was elected president.
(g) But nothing could deviate him from the path of freedom and his strong determination and great sacrifice inspired the people of the globe.
(h) No head of state at present world can be compared with him and he has become a living legend.
One day while Nasiruddin Hojja was mending a hole
24. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) Hojja was quite curious and so he climbed down from the roof and went down the stairs.
(b) When he came near, the man said that he was a beggar and wanted some money.
(c) Hojja decided to teach him a lesson and so he told the man to climb up the stairs with him.
(d) One day while Nasiruddin Hojja was mending a hole on the roof of his two-storied house, suddenly h saw someone calling him from below.
(e) When they both got to the rooftop where he was previously working, Hojja turned towards the man an said, “Sorry, I have no money, so you have to leave".
(f) Hojja was furious as he had got down· the stairs leaving his work, thinking that the man had something important to say.
(g) The beggar was very surprised and asked why Hojja had made him climb up the stairs to say he had n money.
(h) He saw there was a man standing at the foot of the stairs who was asking him to get down and listen to him.
One day, a grocer borrowed a balance and weights from a fruit-seller
25. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) The grocer sent his son with the fruit-seller but the next day the fruit-seller came back alone from th town.
(b) "Just the same way as mice can eat away the balance and weights,"' said the fruit-seller.
(c) Then one day, the fruit-seller said to the grocer, "I am going to the town to do some shopping. Please see your son with me to carry my things."
(d) "You liar, how can a crow carry away such a big boy? "The grocer shouted angrily.
(e) After a few days, the fruit-seller asked the grocer to return his balance and weights.
(f) One day, a grocer borrowed a balance and weights from a fruit-seller.
(g) The grocer said, "The mice ate away your balance and weights. So I can't return them."
(h) "Where is my son?" Asked the grocer. "A crow carried your son away," replied the fruit-seller
At sunset, the Governor of the prison brought a man with a cup in hand
26. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) His friends and disciples could not bear the sight.
(b) A few moments passed, Socrates lay down and covered his face.
(c) At last, the hour of departure had arrived and Socrates met his friends and disciples for the last time.
(d) A moment later, he uncovered his face and looking at Crito, said, "Don't forget the debt, Crito."
(e) He asked them to let him die in peace.
(f) At sunset, the Governor of the prison brought a man with a cup in hand which contained hemlock, a very strong poison.
(g) He argued with them about the immortality of the soul and told them that the soul of man cannot die.
(h) Socrates took the cup in his hand, said his prayer and drank the hemlock without any hesitation.
Jerry lives at the orphanage where he has been since four
27. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) Then the authoress wanted to pay him money to repair it but he refused to take the money.
(b) It was only then that he agreed to take the money.
(c) One day the axe handle broke.
(d) Jerry lives at the orphanage where he has been since four.
(e) He said that he would pay for it because he brought the axe down careless.
(f) But the authoress said that the fault was in the handle of the axe.
(g) Though he lives in the orphanage, he possesses a great human quality.
(h) That is integrity, a rare human quality.It is honest but it is more than honesty.
Two fire brigade men freed his arm using a special type of grease and George
28. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) At last, the fire brigade was called.
(b) George took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and pushed his right arm through the drain cover.
(c) Yesterday I gave my nephew, George, six pence and advised him to save it rather, he bought himself six pence worth of trouble.
(d) He could not get his arm out of the drain cover and so a crowd of people gathered round him.
(e) On the way to the sweetshop, he dropped his six pence which along the pavement and disappeared down a drain.
(f) He could not find his six pence anywhere.
(g) A lady rubbed his arm with soap and butter to get his arm. out of the drain cover but in vain.
(h) Two fire brigade men freed his arm using a special type of grease and George heaved a sigh of relief.
Once there was a king who was very fond of knowing his future from the astrologer
29. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) But another thought had crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for execution.
(b) He cleverly replied that he would die two days before the king's death.
(c) Once there was a king who was very fond of knowing his future from the astrologer.
(d) A famous astrologer happened' to stop at his capital.
(e) The king called him up and wanted to know about his future from him.
(f) As the astrologer told him something unpleasant, the king got furious and condemned him to death.
(g) This frightened the king and he drove the astrologer away.
(h) The king asked the astrologer how long he would live.
One day while the boy Fazlul Huq was reading in his study, his father was passing by
30. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) He saw Fazlul Huq was reading his lessons and tearing off the pages of his book one after another.
(b) He was greatly charmed at the wonderful memory of his son and thought his son would one day be a great man in the sub-continent.
(c) The great leader of our country whom we love and admire is Sher-e-Bangla A.K. Fazlul Huq.
(d) From his boyhood, he was a very meritorious boy.
(e) His father Kazi Wazed Ali was a renowned pleader in the Barishal Bar.
(f) His father wanted to test him and so asked him to quote some lines from such and such pages of his book.
(g) Fazlul Huq quoted the pieces from memory word for word.
(h) One day while the boy Fazlul Huq was reading in his study, his father was passing by.
Stephen Hawking, who is considered the greatest physicist after Einstein
31. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) He got his Ph.D in cosmology from Cambridge University by the time he was 26 years old.
(b) As a scientist his reputation soared higher and higher but fate followed with less rewarding things.
(c) He received the prestigious Albert Einstein Award for theoretical physics in 1974.
(d) Stephen Hawking, who is considered the greatest physicist after Einstein, was born in an educated: family in 1942.
(e) Now he is confined to the wheel chair with no power to control his body except for some limited movement of his head and hands only.
(f) In 1979,he joined Cambridge University as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics.
(g) But such a tremendous physical handicap could not slow him down and he is still a relentless worker.
(h) Stephen became a victim of Gehrig's disease and gradually started losing control over the muscles of his body.
Alexander, the conqueror of the world, crossed the Khyber Pass and reached India
32.Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) Alexander was pleased with Puru for his prompt and bold reply and allowed him to rule his country as. before.
(b) He fought courageously, but unfortunately he was defeated in the battle.
(c) Alexander, the conqueror of the world, crossed the Khyber Pass and reached India.
(d) Then he came to the plain of the Punjab where ruled a king called Puru.
(e) "Like a king" was' the reply of Puru.
(f) Then he was taken prisoner by the soldiers of Alexander and was brought before Alexander.
(g) Puru came forward with his people and arms to defend his country from the invasion of Alexander.
(h) Alexander asked him how he would like to be treated by him.
A young monkey and a puppy started living in the same house
33. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) There was a mango tree near the spot and ripe mangoes were hanging from the branches of that tree.
(b) They ate different foods but liked and loved each other.
(c) A young monkey and a puppy started living in the same house as both of them were two months old.
(d) While they were going through a village, a big dog came to attack them.
(e) The monkey started to attack the big dog by throwing mangoes from the tree.
(f) One day, everything around them was quiet and calm and so came out of home and started walking.
(g) They promised to each other that they would help each other at any cost in time of danger and they would never break their friendship. (h) The big dog fled away and the puppy was saved.
Once there lived a young man named Androcles
34. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) The lion was relieved of his pain.
(b) To escape torture, one day he fled from his master's house and took shelter in a cave where lived a lion.
(c) The man was very rude and cruel and used to inflict heavy torture on him which was unbearable for him.
(d) Unfortunately, he was caught by a slave merchant who sold him to a rich man in another country.
(e) The lion seemed wounded as he was groaning.
(f) Once there lived a young man named Androcles.
(g) He came near the lion and took the lion's paw in his hand and removed a big thorn from it.
(h) In the evening the lion entered the cave.
A farmer and his son had a beloved horse who helped the family earn a living
35. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) Later that week, the farmer's son was trying to break in one. of the horses and she threw him to the ground, breaking his leg.
(b) The neighbours shouted, "Your boy is spared, what tremendous luck!" To which the farmer replied, "Maybe so, maybe not. We'll see."
(c) The neighbours cried, "Your son broke his leg, what terrible luck!" The farmer replied, "Maybe so, maybe not."
(d) A few weeks later, soldiers from the national army marched through town, recruiting all boys for the army. They did not take the farmer's son, because he had a broken leg.
(e) One day, the horse ran away and their neighbours exclaimed, "Your horse ran away, what terrible luck!" The farmer replied, "Maybe so, maybe not."
(f) The neighbours shouted out, "Your horse has returned, and brought several horses home with him. What great luck!" The farmer told same as before.
(g) A farmer and his son had a beloved horse who helped the family earn a living.
(h) A few days later, the horse returned home, leading a few wild horses back to the farm as well.
Solomon was puzzled for a time
36. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) The bees came in and settled on the natural one.
(b) The Queen was surprised and went away admiring the king's wisdom.
(c) She brought with her two garlands of flowers-one natural and the other artificial.
(d) Pondering, he noticed some bees humming for honey over a withered rose.
(e) Attracted by such reports, she came to test the king.
(f) She placed them before the king to take the natural one:
(g) Solomon was puzzled for a time. He asked the windows to be opened.
(h) Everyone has heard the name of Solomon, the King of the Jews, who was famous all over the world for his wealth and wisdom. The Queen of Sheba has heard much about Solomon's court and wisdom.
Rabindranath, the fourteenth child of Debendranath and Sarada Devi
37. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) He was quite happy in Brighton.
(b) But thé girls' parents in fact treated him like a son.
(c) But soon his brother sent him to London to benefit from the education in the west.
(d) Their two daughters were taken aback: with the presence of a 'blakie' in the house.
(e) Though he was full of admiration for English society yet he was called back to India.
(f) He returned home without any qualification of distinction.
(g) Rabindranath, the fourteenth child of Debendranath and Sarada Devi, joined his brother's family at. Brighton and attended school there.
(h) Away from his brother's home, he was lucky to find a friendly English family of Dr. and Mrs Scott.
There was a bad man in a village
38. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) "Stop," said the bad man. "What have I done to deserve it?"
(b) When the bad man came down, the owner of the garden caught hold of him and began to beat him with the stick.
(c) One day the bad man was stealing some mangoes from the garden of a neighbour. The owner of the garden saw him stealing the mangoes and rushed to the garden.
(d) But when he did any work, he would say, "God had done it by me."
(e) "Why are you stealing mangoes from my garden?" asked the owner of the garden.
(f) "Because God is getting it done by me," replied the bad man:
(g) The owner of the garden said nothing. He took a stick and was waiting for the bad man till he came down from the tree.
(h) There was a bad man in a village.
There lived in France, one of the greatest soldiers called Napoleon Bonaparte
39. Rearrange the following sentences tò make a coherent order.
(a) When he was young, he joined the French Army as an-ordinary soldier.
(b) Yet the Frenchmen remember him with due respect.
(c) He rose to high position in the army by his good work and courage.
(d) He died in 1821.
(e) There lived in France, one of the greatest soldiers called Napoleon Bonaparte.
(f) He fought several wars with the neighboring countries and won victoriès over them.
(g) In 1804. he proclaimed himself to be emperor and France under him was very powerful.
(h). He was born in 1769.
Christopher Marlowe was a great predecessor of William Shakespeare
40. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) His' parents had a mean ancestry. there and so his relatives brought him up in Wittenberg.
(b) He is regarded as the pioneer of English drama.
(c) Doctor Faustus was born in a German city named Rhoda.
(d) Christopher Marlowe was a great predecessor of William Shakespeare.
(e) 'Doctor Faustus' is a play which deals with life and death, good and evil. .
(f) He wrote a number of plays which made him famous all over the world.
(g) He wanted to be a mighty god and have a world of pomp and delight and with this end in view he studied black art.
(h) There he studied theology, but he was not satisfied with this kind of knowledge.
Once a crow thought that he was ugly to look at and wanted to be beautiful
41. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) He took the feathers one by one and stuck them in among his own feathers.
(b) When he returned to the crows, they also drove him away.
(c) One day, the crow found some beautiful feathers of a peacock in a jungle.
(d) They attacked him, pulled out the feathers and drove him away.
(e) He looked at himself and became glad and proud because he was no longer ugly like other crows.
(f) The crow realized his fault and promised he would never be false or overambitious.
(g) Once a crow thought that he was ugly to look at and wanted to be beautiful.
(h) So, he made up his mind to go to the peacocks and live with them but the peacocks thought that he was a crow in the guise of a peacock.
A young boy of six or seven became the subject of talk in a village
42. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) He was very inquisitive about things around him.
(b) People soon got tired when they talked to him.
(c) His father got angry for this kind of activity.
(d) A young boy of six or seven became the subject of talk in a village.
(e) Because he always asked, "Why,why, why."
(f) The boy often undertook some risky adventures.
(g) Sometime it was difficult to satisfy him with answers.
(h) For example, once the boy set his father's farm on fire only tó see how it could burn.
Shakespeare was born in 1564 at Stratford, Avon
43. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) In Macbeth he has depicted the greedy characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth and their demise.
(b) Among 37 plays the four greatest tragedies are Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth.
(c) William Shakespeare is one of the greatest poets of Elizabethan Age.
(d) This age is called the Golden Age of English Literature;
(e) He wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets.
(f) Elizabethan age is named after Queen ElizabethI who reigned over England from 1558 to 1603.
(g) Shakespeare was born in 1564 at Stratford, Avon.
(h) He is often called the "Bard of Avon."
Once getting blind suddenly, an old lady called in a doctor
44. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) At last, he cured the lady and demanded his fees.
(b) In the meantime, the aristocratic and expensive furniture of her house made the physician covetous.
(c) The doctor started the treatment and would visit the lady everyday.
(d) She agreed to pay him a huge sum of money if she was cured completely, but would not pay a single penny if he failed.
(e) I can't see my furniture! I am not cured yet, said the lady.
(f) Once getting blind suddenly, an old lady called in a doctor.
(g) But the lady refused to give him any fee.
(h) So, he delayed her cure and started to take away the furniture one by one.
Long ago there was a mighty king in England named Lear
45. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) But first he wanted to know how much they loved him.
(b) The king called on his daughters.
(c) Being pleased, Lear gave each of them one third of his kingdom.
(d) His eldest daughter declared, “Sir, I love you more than I can say.
(e) Long ago there was a mighty king in England named Lear.
(f) At first Lear asked his eldest daughter, “How much do you love me?”
(g) The king wanted to divide his kingdom among his three daughters.
(h) When asked, his second daughter said, “My love for you shall never change.”
When the seedlings grew long enough to be planted
46. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) They worked hour after hour.
(b) After they had pulled all the seedlings from the seed bed, they look the bundles to the fields.
(c) But they ignored them.
(d) With their fingers they made a small hole in the wet soil, pushed two or three seedlings into it and pressed some soil around them.
(e) When the seedlings grew long enough to be planted, Jamal and his son pulled the young seedlings from the wet soil and tied them in bundles.
(f) The rest of the seedlings were planted at a gap of about 15 centimetres from each other.
(g) Their backs ached and, as their hands and feet were wet for hours'on end, there were slight sores between their fingers.
(h) Then they began to plant them.
It was eve of the World War II, October 1938
47. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.,
(a) The tension of the war hung on the air.
(b) She switched on the radio.
(c) It was eve of the World War II, October 1938.
(d) Her husband William S:nith and son William Smith Junior were off to the border.
(e) A deep male voice floated in and it was an invasion alarm.
(f) Mrs. Smith sat on her favourite rocking chair and closed her eyes.
(g) Mrs. Smith was restless.
(h) It was dark, quite dark.
The American was very proud of tall buildings in New York
48. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) 'How interesting!' said the English-woman. 'Buckingham Place in London was built in only two weeks.
(b) They went sight seeing in a taxi.
(c) The American was very proud of tall buildings in New York. He boasted to his friends, 'Do you know that the Empire State Building was built in three months?'
(d) At that moment the taxi passed a tall building. 'What's that?' The English women asked the driver who v s a Mexican.
(è) 'I don't know.' answered the driver. 'It wasn't there yesterday.'
(f) An American, a Frenchman and an English-woman had been to Mexico City, the capital of Mexico.
(g) 'Really?' replied the Frenchman. 'The Eiffel Tower in Paris was built in only one month.'
(h) The three tourists were admiring the tall buildings in the city.
Milton was a great poet after Shakespeare
49. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) After a couple of years, he left the school and studied at St. Paul's school till 1626.
(b) Milton was a great poet after Shakespeare,
(c) He became blind in 1652 but in the state of blindness he produced 'Paradise lost'.
(d) He took his MA degree at the age of 24.
(e) At the age of 7, he got himself admitted into Star Palace School in 1615.
(f) In 1643, he met Mary Powel on an occasion and married her.
(g) But he could not pay attention to his studies in this school.
(h) In the succeeding year Milton entered Christ College in Cambridge.
A fox was caught in a trap
50. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) But please don't tell anybody about it as I am sure I can soon gnaw this string to pieces.
(b) A cock, rising early, discovered what had happened.
(c) A fox was caught in a trap one fine morning because he had got too near the farmer's hen house.
(d) But the cock was not to be so easily be fooled. He soon roused the whole hen yard and when the farmer came running out, that was the end of Mr. Fox.
(e) No doubt he was hungry but that was not an excuse for stealing.
(f) The fox saw a slender chance of escape.
(g) He knew the fox could not get at him. So he went a little closer to get a good look at his enemy.
(h) "Dear friend," he said, "I was just on my way to visit a sick relative when I stumbled into this string and got all tangled up."
Socrates believed that an angry man was more of a beast than a human being.
51. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) Suddenly she poured much water over him.
(b) One day 'she tried her utmost to irritate Socrates.
(c) The wife found that her husband was not paying the least heed to her words and she went up to him with a bucket full of water.
(d) The passers-by on the street started laughing and Socrates also joined them in their laughter.
(e) Socrates went outside and sat on the door- step of his residence looking out on the street.
(f) He quietly remarked, "l was expecting this, I know that after thunder comes rain.”
(g) He had a wife who used to lose temper on the slightest excuse.
(h) Socrates believed that an angry man was more of a beast than a human being.
Ibn Sina was born in 985 in Bukhara in Iran.
52. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) His full name was Abu Ali Sina.
(b) In his young age Ibn Sina came in contact with the philosophers scientists, mathematicians and astrologers of that time.
(c) Ibn Sina is called the prince of Medical Science.
(d) In his childhood his name and fame spread all over the Persian Golf area.
(e) Ibn Sina was born in 985 in Bukhara in Iran.
(f) Al Beruni, Abu Shehol, Jurjani were among them. Reputation as a physician spread all places in his early age.
(g) Sultan Mahmud, the king of Gajni, invited him to the Royal court.
(h) His “Kanoon” is the best recited book in the medical science. The then state government was acquainted with his fame.
A lion was sleeping in a cave
53. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) After some time, the lion fell into a trap and he was crying "Save me, please, save me, please."
(b) The mouse said, "Let me go, sooner or later, I may help you."
(c) A lion was sleeping in a cave.
(d) Listening this, the mouse came swiftly and found the lion in a trap.
(e) At that time, ạ mouse while playing fell upon its body.
(f) The lion caught it and it began to tremble with fear.
(g) The lion laughed and said, "O you! Are you suitable to help me?".
(h) The mouse cut the net into pieces and thereby he was saved.
So after adopting Christianity, Madhusudan went to Europe and started composing poems and plays in English.
54. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) Out of his frustration, he composed a sonnet "Kopotaksha Nad" in Bangla which earned him huge reputation in Bangla.
(b) Afterwards he regretted his fascination for England and the West.
(c) Gradually he could realize that his true identity lay in Bangla and he was a sojourner in Europe.
(d) They showed his higher leveI of intellectual ability.
(e) He came back to Bangla and devoted himself to Bangla Literature from this period.
(f) To his utter frustration he found that he was not esteemed as a native writer of English literature.
(g) So after adopting Christianity, Madhusudan went to Europe and started composing poems and plays in English.
(h) However, he failed to gain the right appreciation.
Mackenzie, 14 years old girl, is sent to stay with her uncle in Alaska
55. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) But her uncle's attention becomes inappropriate and threatening.
(b) Mackenzie, 14 years old girl, is sent to stay with her uncle in Alaska.
(c) Now Mackenzie must face the dangers of the Alaskan wilderness, walking across miles of land to find a way back home to Seattle.
(d)' Because her mother is in treatment in a hospital.
(e) Being afraid that the authorities will return her to her uncle, Mackenzie tries to avoid policé station.
(f) She decides to follow Bartlett across the rocky border, hoping eventually he'll lead her home.
(g) So she becomes afraid of him and runs away.
(h) Just then she has an accidental connection with a hiker named Bartlett who is also from Seattle.
Once upon a time king Lear was rulling Great Britain
56. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) But he wanted to know how much they loved him.
(b) Then he asked Cordelia to express her love for him.
(c) He wanted to divide his kingdom among his daughters because he needed peace and rest.
(d) Their utterance to show love for him was almost the same.
(e) Once upon a time king Lear was rulling Great Britain.
(f) When she failed to satisfy him like her elder sisters, she was banished from the kingdom.
(g) He asked first Goneril and Regan to téll how much they loved him.
(h) He had three daughters.
In his boyhood Hazrat Abdul Quadir Zilani (R) was going to Baghdad for education.
57. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) On the eve of his departure from home, his mother said to him, "My son, never tell a lie and don't get frightened in danger."
(b) The way was infested with robbers and after five days a gang of robbers fell upon them.
(c) One of the robbers came to Hazrat Abdul Quadir Zilani (R) and said, "You, little boy, perhaps you've nothing valuable with you, have you?"
(d) "Yes, I've. I've gold coins sewed inside my shirt."
(e) The robber took the shirt and found the coins and he along with other robbers got changed by the beauty of the boy's honesty.
(f) The robbers looted the money and valuable things from the merchants.
(g) He began his journey in the company of a band of merchants.
(h) In his boyhood Hazrat Abdul Quadir Zilani (R) was going to Baghdad for education.
Many many years ago there lived a King named Solomon
58. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) The Queen of Sheba heard about the name and fame of King Solomon.
(b) The Queen brought with her hundreds of servants carrying many presents.
(c) Many many years ago there lived a King named Solomon.
(d) She also brought with her some artificial flowers.
(e) She could not believe that he was so wise and wealthy.
(f) She decided to visit the country and meet the King personally.
(g) So the Queen came to King Solomon's palace.
(h) He was very wise and helped people in many ways.
Once two quarrelling women came to king Solomon with a baby
59. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) Solomon asked them different questions to solve the dispute but it came to nothing.
(b) Once two quarrelling women came to king Solomon with a baby:
(c) On hearing the order one of the women began to wail.
(d) Each of them claimed to be the mother of the child.
(e) Finding no other way Solomon ordered to cut the baby in two halves.
(f) But, the other woman remained silent.
(g) Now, Solomon could realize that the wailing woman was the real mother. .
(h) She said, "Please don't cut the baby, give it alive to the other woman. I don't claim the child".
"There was a ship," the old sailor began
60. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) Suddenly, he stopped one of the guésts.
(b) The marriage ceremony was over and the guest were all going to the feast.
(c) He spoke so strangely that the guests stood still and listened to the story.
(d) He saw people walking past him.
(e) The old man told him about his last journey.
(f) The old sailor sat on a stone outside the church.
(g) He had a strange mad look in his eyes,
(h) "There was a ship," the old sailor began.
Pritilata was born in Chattogram on 5 May 1911
61. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) She wanted freedom for the nation.
(b) She extended her co-operative hands towards Surja Sen.
(c) Unfortunately she killed herself to avoid arrest.
(d) She was a true patriot.
(e) She was a meritorious student.
(f) She proved that women can work like mer.
(g) Pritilata was born in Chattogram on 5 May 1911.
(h) She graduated in philosophy from Bathune College in Kolkata.
A country mouse lived in a field of barley
62. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) He ate barley and the roots of other plants.
(b) He was very quick and clever.
(c) But the town mouse did not enjoy his dinner.
(d) He brought out the very best barley and roots for the meal.
(e) The country mouse gave the town mouse dinner in the barley field.
(f) A country mouse lived in a field of barley.
(g) His home was in a big house in the town and he was very proud.
(h) One day a mouse from the town came to see the country mouse.
Hazrat Abdul Quader's mother decided to send Quader to Baghdad
63. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) A caravan of merchants was attacked by a gang of robbers and one of the robbers said that the small boy might have something with him.
(b) She advised him never to tell a lie.
(c) He also said, "Mother has advised me never to tell a lie, even in danger".
(d) Hazrat Abdul Quader's mother decided to send Quader to Baghdad with a view to educating him there.
(e) Boy Abdul Quader spoke out, "No, no, I have forty gold coins sewed in my shirt".
(f) The gang leader said that perhaps the boy had nothing with him.
(g) That time roads were unsafe; often gangs of robbers fell upon the travellers and plundered their belongings and money.
(h) The robbers felt ashamed of their deeds and gave up robbery.
Socrates was never tired of teaching
64. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) Some of the youths became very devoted to him.
(b) Young men gathered round him.
(c) One of the charges was that he was corrupting Youngman of the city of Athens. So, Socrates was arrested and put on trial.
(d) These people brought charges against Socrates.
(e) The men in authority were jealous of the great popularity of Socrates among people.
(f) These young people learnt from the great teacher such knowledge that is remembered even today all over the world.
(g) Socrates was never tired of teaching them.
(h) Socrates soon became very popular.
Jasimuddin was a famous Bengali poet.
65. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order. °
(a) He worked there till his retirement in 1962 as Deputy Director.
(b) He was also a song writer, folklore collector and radio personality.
(c) On January 1903, he was born in Faridpur district.
(d) Jasimuddin was a famous Bengali poet.
(e) He died on 13 March 1976 and was buried near his ancestral home at Gobindpur.
(f) He left the university in 1944 and joined the Department of Information and Broadcasting.
(g) He joined the University of Dhaka in 1938 as a lecturer.
(h) Jasimuddin collected more than 10,000 folk songs.
Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson were asleep in a tent
66. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) At midnight, all on a sudden, Holmes awoke.
(b) Watson opened his eyes and said twinkling them, 'Stars, lots of stars in the sky.'
(c) 'Idiot! Our tent's been stolen.'
(d) 'Tomorrow's gonna be a sunny day!' exclaimed Watson.
(e) He woke-Watson up and asked; 'What do you see?'
(f) 'What do you mean?' asked Holmes.
(g) Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson were asleep in a tent.
(h) He felt that something had gone wrong.
Penicillin is a life-saving medicine
67. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) Penicillin is a life-saving medicine.
(b) He passed his boyhood with his parents.
(c) It was discovered by Dr. Alexander Fleming.
(d) He was the 7'th of the 8 brothers and sisters.
(e) He was never absent from school up to the age of 12.
(f) He was sent to London at the age of 14 for higher education.
(g) Fleming was born into a poor family in Scotland.
(h) Fleming was a very regular and attentive student.
Answer: ()
Four hundred years ago, people from Europe came to India by land through Persia
68. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) Scholars had just begun to believe that the earth is round.
(b) So firm was this conviction in him that he was even prepared to risk his life to prove it.
(c) It needed a good ship and a huge amount of money for such a journey.
(d) Four hundred years ago, people from Europe came to India by land through Persia.
(e) At this time, an idea came to the mind of an Italian sailor named Columbus.
(f) At last, the king of Portugal assured him help.
(g) But mere conviction and courage were not enough.
(h) He thought that if the earth were really round, one could certainly reach India by sailing west across the ocean.
The great ship 'Titanic' sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10, 1912
69. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) Suddenly there was slight trembling sound from below.
(b) The noise had been so faint that no one thought that the ship had been damaged.
(c) At that time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had been ever built.
(d) She was carrying 1316 passengers and a crew of 891.
(e) She was regarded as unsinkable for she had 16 water tight compartments.
(f) After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a collision.
(g) Four days after setting out, while 'the Titanic was sailing across the water of the North Atlantic, a hug ice berg was suddenly spotted by a look. out.
(h) The great ship 'Titanic' sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10,1912.
Abraham Lincoln was born on 12 February, 1809.
70. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(a) On April 14, 1865, five days after the April 9th surrender of Confederate commanding general Robert E Lee he was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, a confederate sympathizer.
(b) In doing so, he prevented the Union, abolished slavery, strengthened the federal government and modernized the economy.
(c) Abraham Lincoln was born on 12 February, 1809.
(d) His Gettysburg Address became an iconic endorsement of the principles of nationalism, republican's
(e) equal rights, liberty and democracy.
He was largely self-educated and became a lawyer in Illinois.
(f) He served as the 16th President of the United States from March 1861 until his assassination 1865.
(g) He grew up on the western frontier in Kentucky and Indiana.
(h) Lincoln led the United States through its civil war-its bloodiest and the greatest moral, constitutional. political crisis.
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