Situation of Madina Manuwara (Light of Kutub e Madina)
Situation of Madina Manuwara
Mr. Shakur Begh Mirja wrote that once I asked Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' that Hazrat! When you hail from at Madina Manwara then what was the condition of the people of there? He replied that Mr. Mirja! I want to tell you about an event. You could only assume from this event.
Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala started to say one of my friends came to Madina Manuwara and said that I intended that if the visit of Madina Manuwara had granted then I would distribute cloths among the poor people.
Now you have to buy for me forty lapped whole cloth I along with him went to one of my friends Abdur Rahman Madani's shop and said to him that Brother! He needs forty whole cloth. After hearing this my shop owner friend took away me at a little distance from the shop and said that I will give you cloth as much as you want and I have enough cloth reserve to me but by the grace of Almighty Allah I earned 1000 to 1200 from morning.
But there were no selling in front of my shop owner. That's why you have to buy these cloth from him so that some goods would sell from his shop. He is father of children. After hearing this Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani started to say that he at present was a patient, conservative, kind and good person. But at present the condition is that the customers of the father snatched away the son and the son snatched away the customer of the father.
Once I asked him,Hazrat! The people who came to perform Hajj at the primary life what were their condition? Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala said that at that time who had come to perform Hajj their motto was that the hardship will be mine not will be my friend. For this there were prevail happiness and peace. But now a days you could see that every people wants that there will no interruption to their leisure and happy time.
Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala said that at first I had difficulties. Some one went against me. I had been preached as much as an innovator and a monotheist idolater. once some people came to me debating with the issue of osila (Mediator)and they asked me that did you support osila? did you want to reach to Allah by other people? I replied that in the holy Quran there was the provision to seek osila.
He said that by this osila there understood about era of prayer (Namaj) and virtuous. I asked Is Salah (Namaj) Allah or other thing (without Allah)? After hearing this talking everyone became silent. They went away without giving any answer. Similarly they would come to me to discuss on different subjects. They were trying to stop the meeting of people along with me.
One day Ibne Ibrahim, Ameer of Madina Tayeeba called him. He was prominent as a man of hard and difficult in a nature. He came to the discussion being enough. There was open sword in his hand. He started to talk in pleasant voice. Hazrat listened his words Silently. He asked would you mind talking (seeking) the osila of prophets and saints as a legal way? He replied in positive that yes, it is. He asked, then you have to present your witness from your documents.
Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala recite this holy verse of Al-Quran. - o clairaudients (believers)! You have to fear Allah and seek osila (toward) to reach him. Ameer said, this was our deed. Because by the way it that understood as the era of virtuous (good deeds).Not the prophets nor the saints. Hazrat Madani Rahmahullahu Ta'ala asked that the say, will the good deed is acceptable or rejectable toward almighty Allah? Ameer said, How did I can say that this good deed is acceptable or rejectable.
After hearing this, Hazrat said it was unknown to me that these rules were acceptable or rejectable? If these could be the way then why not Nabi Karim (Prophet) Sallallahu Alaihe wa Sallam as away. He was acceptable and grantable to my almighty Allah. The angriness of Ameer was decreasing after hearing the talking of Hazrat and Ameer started talking with politely. Ameer offered tea to Hazrat and he said good bye to him very politely.
Meaning: Among the anti followers and prominent prophet. Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala possesed the higher honor.
Once, in the aftenoon Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala feeding tree leaves to the goats of his own. At that time two anti followers of him were passing away. One person said to another person that did you know what sufian Rahamatullahe alaihe said about the death of Abu Hanifa Rahamatullahe alaihe? Other person said I didn't anything.
The first person said sufian told Allah Ta'ala forgive the world's people from the conspiracy of Abu Hanifa. After hearing this Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala became angry and said Lanatullahe alal Kazebin (curse will be imposed on the liers).
This person presented the objection saying that Hazrat Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala told me liar and gave curse on me. By responsing to Ameer, Hazrat Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala came to him. Against the question of Ameer he replied that If any person tell this talking at the death of Imam Ahmad Bin Hanble Rahmatullahe alaihe, that Allah Ta'ala will save afterworld from the conspiracy of Imam Ahmad Bin Hanble Rahmatullahe alaihe.
Then according to your will this person considered as a religion disposer (apostate) and as a traitor. Hazrat madani Rahmahullahu Ta'ala Said this person told such enonciation and treat such behaviour about Imam Abu Hanifa Rahmatullahe Alaihe. Ameer said oh that's! Ameer spilt to the mouth of this person and said don't you let him (Hazrat Madani) live in peace in his house?
Tour and Travel
Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahmatullahe Alaihe told,I had to go out of Madina Munowara without holy Hajj. First time in the era of Turkey, Second time in 1339 Hijri. I saw a dream to the door of Zibrail of prophet's mosque.
The clue of that dream was that the last time of Muhsine millat, A'la Hazrat Imam Ahmad Reza Khan Rahamahullahu Ta'ala. The desire arose in my mind that let to achieve one time to visit murshid-e-Kamel. That's why, I, Fakir came Mumbai from Madina Munawara. From there I presented at Bariely sharif through Ajmir Sharif and achieved the opportunity to visit A'la Hazrat Rahamahullahu Ta'ala and to Salam an bare foot.
At that time A'la Hazrat Kuddisa Sirruhu was unable to walk. He was brought in the mosque by two people sitting in a chair. He sat among people of the mosque. He performed his prayer along with other people and stayed at the mosque till Isha. Inspite of this illness and tiredness he continued preaching and calling the message of religion. He performed his Fajar and Zuhr prayer in his own house along with other people.
At that condition A'la Hazrat Rahamahullahu Ta'ala always busy with writing books. He wrote the prominent book 'Al-Hujjatul mutamenah' at that time about the movement of non-cooperation. He met first at Bariely Sharif with Mawlana Sayed Naimuddin Muradabadi Rahmahullahu Ta'ala and Hazrat Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala. After that he also met two times with him. At that time there were Hazrat Sayed Allama Abul Barakat Lahori Rahamahullaho Ta'ala and Muhaddis Kasosubi Rahamahullahu Ta'ala with him.
A'la Hazrat and this Fakir stayed at Bariely Sharif in the time of Asar and Mughrib. At that time there were no person here. The doctors advised that in the month of Shaban there prevail hot and severe warm. The health of A'la Hazrat is not well. His health is very weak. That's why he will not keep fasting in this year. After hearing the advice of the doctor A'la Hazrat said that from when fasting was mandatory for me from then with the bless and kindness of Allah I did not miss keep fasting, that's why I will not miss keep fasting at any situation.
After that A'la Hazrat said that if it occurs for the time of summer season then I will spent the time of Ramdanul Mubarak at vowali hill under the district of Nonital. At that time the season remain favourable condition.
A'la Hazrat fixed the programme to go vowali.For this he said to me that Zia Uddin Ahmad! You have to pray at the mazar of prophet Sallallahu Alaihe wa Sallam to fulfil your Hajj. After that A'la Hazrat gave the permission to come back at holy Hijaj after two months and two days and after taking blessings of him I said good bye to him.
I, a fakir through Mumbai by water ship reached in Ziddah after that performing Hajj at Makkha Mukarrama at the last day of the month of Muharram and reached in Madina Tayeeba. At the end of the month of travel a telegram had come from Bareily Sharif that in 25 Shafar, 1340 Hijri/28th October, 1921 A.D on Friday A'la Hazrat Imam Ahmad Reza Khan Barielovi Kuddisa Sirruhu heard the voice of almighty Allah and he responsed it.
Third time it was such that my son Muhammad Fazlur Rahman became sick. At that time one prominent doctor came from southern part of Hydrabad for performing Hajj. Nezame Hydrabad declared him as the title of 'Urusthuyare Jung' I accepted advise from Mr. Doctor.
Mr. Doctor said me that if you brought your son to Hydrabad then I would treat your son. That's why I came to Hydrabad along with my son Muhammad Fazlur Rahman. Here I stayed in the Banglo of Nabab Fakhre Yaar Jung. At that time he was appointed in the ministry of economics. At that time there were hold the meeting of distinguished Islamic Scholars.
Among the Scholars Hazrat Sayed Abdullah Shah Saheb,Mawlana Abdul Qadeer and Mufti Abdur Rahim were mentionable. Afgani Alim Abul Wafa was also mentionable. He was the Sheikhl Fiqh at Jamea Nezamia Hydrabad.
situation of madina manuwara, situation of madina manuwara, situation of madina manuwara, situation of madina manuwara, situation of madina manuwara, situation of madina manuwara, situation of madina manuwara