Honours 1st Year Syllabus or Book List For English Department - অনার্স ১ম বর্ষের সিলেবাস PDF

(toc)Honours 1st Year Syllabus or Book List For English Departmentজাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় এর অধীনে (ইংলিশ ডিপার্টমেন্ট এর)অনার্স ১ম বর্ষের বিস্তারিত সিলেবাস বা বুকলিস্ট।নিচের পিডিএফ বাটনে ক্লিক করে ডাউনলোড করে নিতে পারেন।

Honours 1st Year
Syllabus or Book List For English Department
জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় এর অধীনে (ইংলিশ ডিপার্টমেন্ট এর)
অনার্স ১ম বর্ষের বিস্তারিত সিলেবাস বা বুকলিস্ট।
নিচের পিডিএফ বাটনে ক্লিক করে ডাউনলোড করে নিতে পারেন।
আপনাদের অনার্স ১ম বর্ষের মোট সাবজেক্ট রয়েছে 6 টা। মেজর ৪ টা এবং নন-মেজর ২ টাসেগুলো হলো:-- English Reading Skills
- English Writing Skills
- Introduction to Poetry
- Introduction to Prose: Fiction and Non-Fiction
- Introducing Sociology (Non-Major)
- Introduction to Social Work (Non-Major)
- Introduction to Political Theory (Non-Major)
- English Reading Skills
- English Writing Skills
- Introduction to Poetry
- Introduction to Prose: Fiction and Non-Fiction
- Introducing Sociology (Non-Major)
- Introduction to Social Work (Non-Major)
- Introduction to Political Theory (Non-Major)
Paper Title : English Reading Skills
The Paper seeks to develop student’ reading skills and covers the following sub-skills:
a) Guessing word meanings by using knowledge of word form (class), word function, word
structure and formation and most importantly, contextual clues.
b) Understanding ornamental expressions
c) Tackling sentence meaning,
d) Surveying text organization,
e) Reading for specific information (skimming)
f) Reading for general comprehension/gist (scanning),
g) Summarizing,
h) Predicting ,
i) Interpreting and
j) Recognizing, author’s position, tone and attitude
The reading texts will be chosen from different types of writing like descriptive, narrative,
expository, argumentative, journalistic and academic text e.g. History, Philosophy etc.
Recommended books:
Williams. E. 1984 Reading in the Language Classroom. Macmillan
Wallace.1992. Reading, OUP
Barr. P. Clegg, J. and Wallace, C. 1981 Advance Reading Skills Longman
Walter, Catherine. 1988. Class Readers, OUP
Paper Title : English Writing Skills
a. Paragraphs using a variety of techniques such as examples, listing, cause and effect,
comparison-contrast among others,
b. Essay: Descriptive, Narrative, Expository and Argumentative,
c. Report writing: Newspaper Report, Survey Report, Business Report
d. Letter: Formal / Informal/ Business and
e. Notice, Memo, Notes, Press Release, Minutes.
Paper Title : Introduction to Poetry
- The names of the poets and their poems are discussed in detail under this Topic Or Subject.
W. Shakespeare
- “ Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”
- “On His Blindness”
John Donne
- “The Good-Morrow”
R. Herrick
- “To Daffodils”
Thomas Gray
- “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”
W. Wordsworth
- “I wandered Lonely as a Cloud”
P.B. Shelley
- “Ode to the West Wind”
John Keats
- “To Autumn”
A. Tennyson
- “Ulysses”
R. Browning
- “Patriot”
Elizabeth B. Browning
- “How do I love thee”
W. Whitman
- “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry”
Emily Dickenson
- “Because I Could not stop for Death”
W.B. Yeats
- “A Prayer for My Daughter”
R. Frost
- “Home Burial”
D.H Lawrence
- “The Piano”
Dylan Thomas
- “Fern Hill”
Ted Hughes
- “Pike”
R. Tagore
- “ Where the mind is without fear” (Gitanjali-35)
Kaiser Huq
- “Learning Grief”
Literary Terms:
- Simile
- Metaphor
- Personification
- Metonymy
- Symbol, Irony
- Climax
- Anticlimax
- Alliteration
- Assonance
- Hyperbole
- Paradox
- Onomatopoeia
- Bathos
- Allusion
- Conceit
- Pun
- Imagery
- Elegy
- Sonnet
- Lyric
- Dramatic Monologue
- Ode
- Ballad
- Fable
- Satire
- Lampoon
- Accent
- Foot/ Measure
- Blank Verse
- Rhyme
- Tercet
- Couplet
- Heroic Couplet
- Scansion of
- verse and others.
Paper Title : Introduction to Prose: Fiction and Non- Fiction:
- The names of the writers and the names of their prose are discussed in detail under this Topic Or Subject.
- The names of the writers and the names of their prose are discussed in detail under this Topic Or Subject.
F. Bacon
- “Of Studies”
A. Lincoln
- “Gettysburg Address”
R. Tagore
- “Letter to Lord Chelmsford Rejecting Knighthood”
G. Orwell
- “Shooting an Elephant”
Martin Luther King
- “I have a dream”
N. Mandela
- “Long Walk to Freedom” (Part Eleven: Freedom: Chapter
S. Maugham
- “The Luncheon”
O Henry
- “The Gift of the Magi”
James Joyce
- “Araby”
K. Mansfield
- “The Garden Party”
E. Hemmingway
- “A Cat in the Rain”
Anita Desai
- “Games at Twilight”
- G. Eliot Silas Marner
Introducing Sociology (Non-Major)
Introduction to Social Work (Non-Major)
Introduction to Political Theory (Non-Major)
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Honours 1st Year Syllabus or Book List For English Department - অনার্স ১ম বর্ষের সিলেবাস PDF,Honours 1st Year Syllabus or Book List For English Department - অনার্স ১ম বর্ষের সিলেবাস PDF