Honours 3rd Year Syllabus or Book List For English Department - অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের সিলেবাস PDF

Mofizur Rahman

Honours 3rd Year Syllabus or Book List For English Department - অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের সিলেবাস PDF

Honours 3rd Year Syllabus or Book List For English Department - অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের সিলেবাস PDF

Honours 3rd Year 
Syllabus or Book List For English Department
জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় এর অধীনে (ইংলিশ ডিপার্টমেন্ট এর)
অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের বিস্তারিত সিলেবাস বা বুকলিস্ট।
নিচের পিডিএফ বাটনে ক্লিক করে ডাউনলোড করে নিতে পারেন।

আপনাদের অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের মোট সাবজেক্ট রয়েছে ৮ টা।
সেগুলো হলো:-
  1. Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama.
  2. 16th & 17th Century Poetry.
  3. 17th & 18th Century Non-Fictional Prose.
  4. Restoration and Eighteenth Century Fiction.
  5. Restoration and Eighteenth Century Poetry and Drama.
  6. Victorian Poetry.
  7. Introduction to Literary Criticism.
  8. Introduction to Linguistic.
এবার বিস্তারিত/ডিটেইলস এ বলি:- 
প্রতিটি বিষয়ের অধীনে যেসব লেখক বা কবি রয়েছে তাদের নাম ও তাদের কবিতা, নাটক, উপন্যাস, ড্রামা বা গদ্যের নাম গুলো নিচে বিশদ ভাবে আলোচনা করা হলো:-


  Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama.

The names of the writers or poets and the names of their poems or prose are discussed in detail under this Topic Or Subject.

Cristopher Marlowe:-

  1. Dr. Faustus 

William Shakespeare:-

  1. Macbeth &
  2. The Merchant of Venice

Ben Jonson:-

  1. Volpone

John Webster:-

  1. The Duchess of Malfi

16th & 17th Century Poetry.

The names of the writers or poets and the names of their poems or prose are discussed in detail under this Topic Or Subject.

Edmund Spenser

  1. The Faerie Queene,Book 1 Canto 1

John Donne

  1. The Sun Rising
  2. A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
  3. The Cannonization
  4. Batter My Heart
  5. Death be not Proud

Andrew Marvell

  1. To His Coy Mistress
  2. The Definition  of love.

George Herbert

  1. Easter Wings
  2. The Collar

John Milton

  1. Paradise Lost, Book-1. 

17th & 18th Century Non-Fictional Prose 

The names of the writers or poets and the names of their poems or prose are discussed in detail under this Topic Or Subject.

Francis Bacon

  1. Of Marriage and Single Life
  2. Of Truth
  3. Of Plantation
  4. Of Great Place
  5. Of Revenge
  6. Of Love.

Addison and Steele

  1. The Spectator' Account of Himself
  2. Of the Club
  3. Sir Roger at Church
  4. His Account of His Disappointment in Love
  5. Death of Sir Roger.

Samuel Johnson

  1. Life of Cowley.

Edmund Burke

  1. Speech on East India Bill.

Restoration and Eighteenth Century Fiction 

The names of the writers or poets and the names of their poems or prose are discussed in detail under this Topic Or Subject.

Aphra Ben

  1. Oroonoko 

Daniel  Defoe

  1. Robinson Crusoe.

Henry Fielding

  1. Tom Jones.

Jonathan Swift

  1. Gulliver’s Travels.

Restoration and Eighteenth Century Poetry and Drama. 

The names of the writers or poets and the names of their poems or prose are discussed in detail under this Topic Or Subject.

John Dryden

  1. Absalom and Achitophel (Poem).

William Congreve

  1. The Way of  the World. ( Drama)

Alexander Pope

  1. The Rape of the Lock.(Poem).

Oliver Goldsmith

  1.  She Stoops to Conquer. ( Drama)

Victorian Poetry 

The names of the writers or poets and the names of their poems or prose are discussed in detail under this Topic Or Subject.

Alfred Tennyson

  1. Lockley Hall
  2. Oenone
  3. The Lotos Eaters
  4. Tithonus.

Robert Browning

  1. The Last Ride Together
  2. Andrea del Sarto
  3. Fra Lippo Lippi
  4. My Last Duchess.

Matthew Arnold

  1. Thyrsis
  2. Dover Beach
  3. The Scholar Gyspy.

G. Manley Hopkins

  1. The Windhover
  2. Felix Randal
  3. Spring and Fall: to a young child
  4. Pied Beauty. 

Introduction to Literary Criticism

The names of the writers or poets and the names of their poems or prose are discussed in detail under this Topic Or Subject.


  1. Poetics 


  1. An Apology for Poetry.

Dr. Samuel Johnson:-

  1. Preface to Shakespeare. 

William Wordsworth:-

  1. Preface to Lyrical Ballads.

S.T Coleridge:-

  1. Biographia Literaria.

Introduction to Linguistic

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