Short Notes of Triage, Critical Covid-19 and D-Dimer
Clinical triage includes a system for assessing suspected COVID-19 cases having respiratory tract infection with exposure history at outdoor or admission site to allow early recognition of possible COVID-19 patients and immediate separation or isolation of suspected COVID-19 patients from other patients (source control).
- To facilitate the early identification of suspected COVID-19 case
- Separation of suspected COVID-19 from general patients
Target population:
- Patient with COVID-19 like clinical features (fever, cough with or without respiratory distress)
- COVID-19 suspected case
- Nurse/outdoor staff/ward boy for initial screening
- Physician for consultation and management
- Ticket counter staff
- Cleaners
- security staff
Logistic Required:
- Thermometer;
- Masks for all cases;
- Disposable towels;
- Biohazard bags with bin;
- Personal protective equipment for health care staffs according (gloves, masks and/or respirators, gowns);
- Hand hygiene supplies (Soap-water or hand sanitizer).
- A well-ventilated separate triage room;
- Sitting arrangement (preferably at least 2 meter distance);
- Dedicated wash basin with hand wash facilities; Dedicated entrance from outdoor/emergency to triage room and exits;
- Ticket counter;
Critical Covid-19
Critical Covid-19:
Cases requiring ICU support is called critical Covid. Severe COVID-19 case meeting any of the following criteria is critical Covid:
- Respiratory failure and requiring mechanical ventilation.
- Sepsis
- Septic shock
- Any organ failure that requires ICU care
(Sever Case 4 Management )
A D-dimer test is a blood test that can be used to help rule out the presence of a serious blood clot.
- DVT;
- Pulmonary embolism;
- DIC;
- Stroke.
If the result is "negative," that meant most likely don't have a problem with blood clots, such as DVT. If the result is "high," it means need more testing to see where have a blood clot. This test can't confirm that have DVT or PE. It can only help rule them out.
Short Notes of Triage, Critical Covid-19 and D-Dimer