Brief Suggestion for Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama
Subject: Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama
Subject Code: 231101
Part - A: Brief Question Suggestion with Answer
Subject Code: 231101
Part - A: Brief Question Suggestion with Answer
B.A Hons English


Brief Suggestion for Honours 3rd Year
Doctor Faustus
Q.1.Who was the greatest of the dramatists of Shakespeare's predecessors?
Ans. Christopher Marlowe was the greatest of the dramatists of Shakespeare's predecessors.
Ans. Christopher Marlowe was the greatest of the dramatists of Shakespeare's predecessors.
Q.2. Who was the greatest of the university wits?
Ans. Christopher Marlowe was the greatest of the university wits.
Q.3.Who is Faustus?
Ans. Faustus is the hero of the play, Doctor Faustus. His original is supposed to be Johann Faustus a rich burgher of Mainz, associated with Gutenberg, Historically,he is a reputed professor of the black anti native of Germany, who flourished at the end of the 15 century and the beginning of the 16 century.
Q. 4. A. Who are Good Angel and Evil Angel?
Ans.The Good Angel and the Evil Angel are the personifications of Faustus' inner turmoil.The Evil Angel encourages Faustus to take the path of damnation, while the Good Angel tries to save him.Their characters reflec1 Christian belief that humans are assigned guardian angels,and tha devils can influence human thoughts.
Q.5,Who is Lucifer?
Ans,Lucifer is sometimes thought to be another name of Satan. In Doctor Faustus, Marlowe uses "Lucifer" as Satan's proper name.
Q.6.Who is Belzebub?
Ans. Belzebub is one of Lucifer's officers. He is a powerful demon. Faustus identifies him as God.
Q.7.Who is Robin?
Ans. Robin is an ostler, that is, a horse-keeper. He is in charge of the stable and has therefore to look after the horses.
Q.8.Who is Ralph?
Ans. Ralph is the assistant of Robin, an ostler.
Q.9.Who is Horse-Courser?
Ans. He is the man who buys Faustus' horse. Faustus swindles him.
Q.10.What is Chorus?
Ans. Chorus is a group of characters who takes part with the actors in the dialogue of a drama and expresses their sentiments in song at intervals when there is no character on the stage.
Q.11.Who is Mars?
Ans. Mars is the Roman god of war. He allied himself with the Carthaginians to defeat the Romans.
Q.12.What was Carthage?
Ans. Carthage was an ancient city situated to the north of Africa. It was founded by the Phoenicians and destroyed by the Romans in 146 BC.
Q.13.Why is Carthage famous?
Ans. Carthage is famous for trade and strong force.
Q.14. Where was Dr Faustus born?
Ans. Dr Faustus was born in Germany in town called Rhodes.
Q.15. What do you know about the learning of Dr Faustus?
Ans. Faustus acquired extensive knowledge in the fields of divinity and theology and was honoured with the Doctor's title.
Q.16. What is necromancy?
Ans.Necromancy is the vicious art of calling up the spirits of the dead.
Q.17. Why does Faustus decide to practise necromancy?
Ans. Faustus decides to practise necromancy because it offers unlimited profit, power, honour and authority to him.
Q.18.“A sound magician is a mighty god.” - From where is the line quoted?
Ans. The line is quoted from Marlowe's tragic play Doctor Faustus.
Q.19. Who is Valdes?
Ans. Valdes is a person of uncertain identification considered to be a friend of Faustus.
Q.20. How did Faustus bring Mephistophilis before him?
Ans. Faustus brought Mephistophilis before him by reciting spells.
Q.21. What is the Trinity?
Ans. The Trinity, in the Christian religion, means the union of Father, Son and Holy Spirit in one God.
Q.22. What is Mephistophilis's idea of hell?
Ans. According to Mephistophilis hell does not mean any particular place to which Lucifer and his followers have. been confined. Tó him, hell means the loss of heaven.
Q.23. For what period of time does Faustus sells his soul in exchange for the service from the devil?
Ans. Faustus sells his soul in exchange for the service of the devil for twenty-four years. “So he will spare him four and twenty years”.
Q.24. What does Faustus identify as his God?
Ans.Faustus identifies Belzebub or Devil as his God.
Q.25.What does Mephistophilis do when Faustus's blood congeals?
Ans. Mephistophilis fetches him a chafer of fire to loosen the blood and Faustus continues on to finish the contract.
Q.26.Why does Faustus's blood congeal when he approaches to sign the bond?
Ans. When Faustus approaches to sign the bond his blood congeals. It signifies that his 'blood or soul is unwilling to sign the unduly contract.
Q.27. How does Mephistophilis describe the location of hell?
Ans. Mephistophilis says that hell is located in the underworld within the bowels of the earth. All sinful spirits dwell there and are tortured there.
Q.28.How does Mephistophilis describe the boundary of hell?
Ans. Mephistophilis says that hell does not have any boundary and it is not confined to any single place. Wherever the sinful spirits dwell, there is hell; and wherever there is hell, the sinful must be there.
Q.29.Why does Mephistophilis object to Faustus's marriage? Or, Why won't Mephistophilis provide Faustus a wife?
Ans. Mamiage is considered to be the sacrament of the church. Faustus being a disciple of the Devil should not think about anything connected with the church. So Mephistophilis objects to Faustus's mamiage.
Q30.Why is Faustus unable to repent and to seek God's forgiveness?
Ans.Faustus is unable to repent and to seek God's forgiveness because he has become a hardened sinner.
Q-31. What prevent Faustus from killing himself?
Ans. The allurements of sensual pleasures of life prevent him from killing himself
Q.32. What is the one question that Mephistophilis refuses to answer?
Ans.Who made the world? “Now tell me, who made the world?”Faustus begs and commands Mephistophilis to answer this question but Mephistophilis will not concede.
Q.33. In how many days did Faustus visit the universe?
Ans. Faustus visited the universe by the chariot of dragons in eight days.
Q.34. What tricks does Faustus play on the Pope?
Ans. Faustus plays a few tricks on the Pope. When the Pope is at a feast, Faustus snatches away dishes and drinks from his hands. He even hits the Pope on his ear.
Q.35. Why does Faustus sell his horse?
Ans. Faustus sells his horse because he wants to walk on foot through the lovely green spot.
Q36.What does Faustus warn the hose-dealer?
Ans. Faustus warms the horse-dealer that he should never ride the horse into water under any circumstances.
Q-37.What happened to the horse when the horse-dealer rode it into water?
Ans.When the horse-dealer rode the horse into water,it seemed to vanish away into nothingness, and it tumed into a bundle of hay.
Q.38. Who was the most beautiful woman in the world according to the Scholars?
Ans. According to the Scholars,Helen was the most beautiful woman in the world.
Q.39.Who was Helen?
Ans.Helen was the wife of Menelaus, but run away with the Trojan prince,Paris.
Q.40.Why does Mephistophilis give Faustus a dagger?
Ans. Mephistophilis gives Faustus a dagger so that he may stab himselfto death.
Q.41. How does the Old Man try to stop Faustus from committing suicide?
Ans. The Old Man tells him that there is an angel hovering over his heed ready to bless him with God's grace if only he appeals to God for mercy and keeps away despair from his mind.
Q.42. What does Faustus think when he kisses Helen?
Ans.When Faustus imprints a kiss on Helen's lips, he thinks that this kiss will make him immortal.
Q.43.Why does Faustus ask Helen to give his soul back to him?
Ans. Faustus asks Helen to give his soul back to him so that he can kiss her again.
Q.44. Who wants to be Paris?
Ans. Faustus wants to be Paris, the Trojan Prince.
Q.45.Why does Faustus want to be Paris?
Ans. Paris was the lover of Helen, the Paragon of Greek beauty. Faustus wants to be Paris in order to becomne the lover of Helen.
Q.46. Why wouldn't Faustus like the hour of midnight to come?
Ans. Faustus would not like the hour of midnight to come, because at that hour Mephistophilis will come to take away his soul.
Q.47. Why does Faustus find relief in Pythagoras's theory?
Ans. Faustus finds relief in Pythagoras's theory. He says that if Pythagoras's theory were true he would be changed into some beast after his death and he would be happy.
Q.48. What is the full title of Doctor Faustus?
Ans. The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus.
Q.49. What inscription did Doctor Faustus notice on his arm just after signing the contact?
Ans. Immediately after signing the bond, Faustus notices the inscription on his arm- homo, fuge meaning 'fly away, man'.
Q.50. To whom is marriage 'a ceremonial toy'?
Ans. To Mephistophilis marriage is 'a ceremonial toy'.
Q.51.In which field of learnings did Doctor Faustus obtainthe doctorate degree?
Ans. Dr Faustus has obtained the degree of doctorate in Theology.
Q.52. Which period of English literature 'did Christopher Marlowe belong to?
Ans. Elizabethan period
Q.53.Who had waxen wings?
Ans. Icarus had waxen wings.
Q.54. What is the moral of Doctor Faustus?
Ans. The moral of the play is that man should not hanker after limitless power and pelf degrading human soul to a vile depth.
Q.55.Who were the friends of 'Doctor Faustus'?
Ans. Valdes and Cornelius are the friends of Doctor Faustus.
Q.56.Name the seven deadly sins in Doctor Faustus.
Ans. The Seven Deadly sins are Pride, Covetousness, Wrath, Envy,Gluttony,Sloth,and Lechery.
Q.57.Who is Icarus?
Ans. In Greek mythology, Icarus is the son of the master craftsman Daedalus,the creator of the Labyrinth
Q.58.What do Faustus and Lucifer have in common?
Ans. Both Faustus and Lucifer have excessive pride and insolence.
Q.59. What is Renaissance?
Ans. In general Renaissance means rebirth (Re = again; naissance = birth). It has been described as thé birth of the modern world out of the ashes of the “Dark Ages.”
Q.60. Who are the university wits?
Ans. The 'University wits' refer to a group of pre-Shakespearean playwrights associated with the University of Cambridge or Oxford. They are: Thomas Kyd, John Lyly,George Peele,Robert Greene, Thomas Lodge,Thomas Nash and Christopher Marlowe.
Q. 61.Name the seven deadly sins in Doctor Faustus.
Ans. The Seven Deadly sins are Pride, Covetousness,Wrath, Envy, Gluttony,Sloth, and Lechery.
Q.62.What is soliloquy?
Ans. Soliloquy is the potent means of self-revelation. It is a dramatic device in which a character speaks to himself when he is alone on the stage.
Q.63. Which literary age does Christopher Marlowe belong to?
Ans. Christopher Marlowe belongs to the Elizabethan Age.
Q.64.What does the phrase “Achilles' heel” mean?
Ans. 'Achilles heels means a weak point in somebody's character. Achilles was the Greek hero. He had a weak heel and was vulnerable only in this part of his body: He died after being wounded by an arrow in the heel shot by Paris and directed by Apollo.
Q.65.“But now I die eternally”-Who is the speaker?
Ans. Faustus is the speaker. He says this to the scholars. He means that he will die an eternal death or will be doomed forever.
Q.1.Who is Macbeth?Ans. He is the evil King of Scotland. Being inspired by the Witches and his wife, he snatches away the throne from Duncan by murdering him and sinks into a state of chaos because of his greed and guilt; his evil acts lead to his ruin, and rebel forces lead an attack against him, and Macduff, in a personal battle, beheads him.
Q.2.Who is Lady Macbeth?
Ans. Lady Macbeth is the wife of Macbeth. She is a deeply ambitious woman who lusts for power and position.
Q.3.Who are the three Witches?
Ans. They are the three “black and midnight hags” who plot mischief against Macbeth using charms, spells, and prophecies.
Q.4.Who is Banquo?
Ans. Banquo is a general in Duncan's army and a close friend of Macbeth prior to Macbeth's seizing the throne. Banquo is the brave, noble general who was brutally killed by the murders hired by Macbeth. The Witches prophesies that his children will inherit the Scottish throne.
Q.5.Who is Macduff?
Ans. Macduff is a general in Duncan's army who becomes suspicious of Macbeth's part in the king's murder. His son and wife were killed by Macbeth's men and eventually he became able to slain Macbeth.
Q.6.Who is Lady Macduff?
Ans. Lady Macduff is Macduff's wife who was murdered by the ruffians sent by Macbeth.
Q.7.Who is Hecate?
Ans. Hecate is the goddess of witchcraft. She helps the three witches work their mischief on Macbeth.
Q.8.Who is Fleance?
Ans. Fleance is Banquo's son, who survives Macbeth's attempt to murder him. At the end of the play, Fleance's whereabouts are unknown.
Q.9.Who are the Murderers in“Macbeth”?
Ans. The Murderers are a group of ruffians conscripted by Macbeth to murder Banquo, Fleance (but they fail to kill Fleance), and Macduff's wife and children.
Q.10.Who is Siward?
Ans. Siward is the Earl of Northumberland and veteran military officer. He becomes an ally of Malcolm and Macduff and leads the first attack against Macbeth's forces.
Q.11. Who was Young Siward?
Ans. He was the son of Siward. He follows his father to fight against Macbeth in Scotland; but is killed in battle.
Q.12. Who is Seyton?
Ans. Seyton is the only remaining officer in Macbeth's army that remains loyal to him.
Q.13. Why did Lady Macbeth go mad?
Ans. Lady Macbeth went mad because, before the murder of Duncan, she “hardly imagines the act, or at most imagines its outward show,” and becàuse'she does not “foresee those inward consequences which réveal themselves immediately in her husband.”
Q.14. Is the Ghost of Banquo a hallucination?
Ans. Yes, but Shakespeare knew that most of his audience would think of it as a real ghost.
Q.15. “Fair is foul, and foul is fair”-What is meant here?
Ans. The line refers to the theme of Macbeth as “the reversal of values.”
Q.16.Who was Duncan?
Ans. Duncan was the good King of Scotland whom Macbeth, in his ambition for the crown, murders. Duncan is the model of a virtuous, benevolent, and farsighted ruler,
Q.17.Who was Malcolm?
Ans. Malcolm was King Duncan's oldest son. He was the rightful heir to the throne of Scotland but flees to England after his father's murder and later returns to lead a successful attack against Macbeth.
Q.18.What is Golgotha?
Ans. Golgotha was the place where Christ was hanged on the cross.
Q.19.Who is Bellona?
Ans. Bellona is the name of the goddess of war.
Q.20.Whom does Duncan nominate as the heir to the throne?
Ans. Duncan nominates his eldest son, Malcolm, as the heir to the throne.
Q.21. What does the phrase 'the milk of human kindness' mean?
Ans. 'The milk of human kindness' refers to the gentleness of human nature.
Q.22. Why does Lady Macbeth wish to drive away her feminine qualities?
Ans.Lady Macbeth wishes to drive away feminine qualities so that she can execute her design of putting an end to Duncan's life.
Q.23.What is Lady Macbeth's “prayer” to the spirits after she learns Duncan is coming?
Ans. She wants to be filled with cruelty, given a hard heart and the thick blood necessary to do what has to be done in order to make Macbeth king.
Q.24. With whom does King Duncan arrive at Macbeth's castle?
Ans. King Duncan arrives at Macbeth's castle in the company of his sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, and a few of his noblemen -Banquo,Lenox, Macduff, Ross and Angus.
Q.25. What does Macbeth do with the daggers after the murder?
Ans. After Macbeth has murdered King Duncan, he takes the daggers to his wife instead of placing them with the guards.
Q.26. What does the death of Duncan symbolise?
Ans. His death symbolizes the destruction of an order in Scotland that can be restored only when Duncan's line, in the person of Malcolm, once more occupies the throne.
Q.27. What does the escape of Fleance symbolize for Macbeth?
Ans. The escape of Fleance represents a possible threat to Macbeth, for the prophecy regarding Banquo's children leading a line of kings could still be fulfilled. Moreover, Fleance's escape brings about the initiation of Macbeth's decline, as this is the first time he has failed in executing his plans to perfection.
Q.28. What is Lady Macbeth's advice to her husband when he is unable to say “Amen”?
Ans. Lady Macbeth advises her husband not to think about it so much, or it will make them crazy.
Q.29. What does Lady Macbeth tell her husband to do when he does not sleep?
Ans. When her husband does not sleep, she tells him to wash “this filthy witness” from his hands. In other word, she urges him to get cleaned up and forget about it.
Q.30. Who first learns a murder has taken place?
Ans. Macduff first learns that a murder has taken place.
Q.31. Who are the supposed murderers?
Ans. The grooms are the supposed murderers.
Q.32. Why does Lady Macbeth faint?
Ans. Lady Macbeth faints because she is trying to move the attention from the murder to herself.
Q.33.What does Lady Macbeth's fainting signify?
Ans. Lady Macbeth's fainting signifies that she is completely shocked that the King has been murdered.
Q.34.Why does Macbeth have Banquo killed?
Ans. Macbeth fears that Banquo's children will ascend the throne and he doesn't want that to happen. So, he has Banquo killed.
Q.35. Why does Macbeth hire murderers to kill Banquo?
Ans. He is already feeling guilty for killing Duncan. He doesn't want to have more guilt by killing his friend Banquo. For this reason Macbeth hired murderers to kill Banquo.
Q.36.How does Lady Macbeth cover for Macbeth at the banquet?
Ans. Lady Macbeth tells the guests that her husband often has these fits that those who know him well have learned to ignore them. When Macbeth really gets out of hand, she sends the guests home.
Q.37、How does Lady Macbeth make her husband feel better after seeing the ghost?
Ans. After seeing the ghost, Lady Macbeth tries to get her husband feel better by making him go to sleep.
Q.38. What three things does Macbeth learn from the witches and apparitions?
Ans. three things are:-
1.He should fear Macduff.
2. He shouldn't fear any man born of a woman.
3.Nothing will affect his reign until Birnam Wood moves.
Q.39. What question do the witches refuse to answer?
Ans. The witches refuse to answer whether Banquo's issues will be kings.
Q.40. What four things did the witches show Macbeth?
Ans.The witches showed him an armed head, a bloody child, a crowned child with a tree in its hand, and, finally, eight kings followed by Banquo's ghost.
Q.41.Why does Macbeth have Macduff's family killed?
Ans. Macduff is not loyal to Macbeth, and Macbeth is angry. So, Macbeth has Macduff's family killed.
Q.42.Who first fights Macbeth?
Ans. Young Siward fights Macbeth first.
Q.43.What happens to Young Siward when he fights Macbeth? Ans. Young Siward is slain when he fights Macbeth.
Q.44. When does Macbeth know he's in trouble?
Ans. He knows this is his end when Macduff tells him he was taken from his mother's womb prematurely instead of being “born of a woman.”
Q.45.Who will be King of Scotland?
Ans. Malcolm will be The King of Scotland.
Q.46. What figure of speech do you find in “Fair is foul,and foul is fair”?
Ans. Chiasmus
Q.47. What was the gift of Duncan to Lady Macbeth?
Ans. a precious diamond
Q.48. Where did the three witches meet?
Ans. The three witches meet on lonely heath in the midst of thunder and lightning.
Q.49 What is Macbeth's tragic flaw?
Ans. Macbeth's tragic flaw was ambition.
Q.50. “All the perfumes of Arabia Will not sweeten this little hand”-Who is the speaker?
Ans. Lady Macbeth is the speaker.
Q.51.Who is the peerless dame of Greece?
Ans. 'The peerless dame of Greece' is Helen, wife of Menelaus who lived in Greece, but ran away with Paris.
Q.52. Who utters the statement 'Fair is foul and foul is fair'?
Ans. The Witches utter the statement 'Fair is foul and foul is fair'.
Q.53.Who kills Macbeth?
Ans. Macduff kills Macbeth
Q.54.Name the sons of King Duncan.
Ans. Malcolm and Donalbain were the sons of Duncan.
The Merchant of Venice
Q.1. What kind of play is The Merchant of Venice?Ans. The Merchant of Venice is
Q.1. What kind of play is The Merchant of Venice?
Ans. The Merchant of Venice is a romantic comedy.
Q.2. Why is Shakespeare called 'The Sweet Swan of Avon'?
Ans. Shakespeare is so called because of his immortal creation in literature.
Q.3.What is Venice?
Ans. Venice is an old city of historic importance in Italy.
Q.4. What is Belmont?
Ans. Belmont is a contiguous town to Venice in Italy, famous for her civilized culture.
Q.5. What is the agreement between Shylock and Antonio?
Ans. Shylock will pay Antonio three thousand ducats on condition that Shylock will take a pound of flesh from any part of Antonio's body, in case of his failure to repay the loan in time.
Q.6.How does Portia's father condition her marriage?
Ans. Portia will have to marry the man who chooses rightly from among the three chests of gold, silver and lead.
Q.7.What was the accusation of Shylock against Antonio?
Ans. Shylock accused Antonio of having repeatedly spit upon him and called him a dog.
Q.8. What was written on the golden casket?
Ans. “Who chooses me shall gain what many men desire”.
Q.9.What was inscribed on the silver casket?
Ans. On the silver casket, the words “who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves” were inscribed.
Q.10.What was engraved on the leaden casket?
Ans. “Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath” was engraved on the leaden casket.
Q.11. Which casket did contain the picture of Portia?
Ans. Only the leaden casket contained the picture of Portia.
Q.12. Which casket does Bassanio choose?
Ans. Bassanio chooses the leaden casket which contains the portrait of Portia.
Ans. Bassanio chooses the leaden casket which contains the portrait of Portia.
Q.13.Why does Bassanio choose the leaden casket?
Ans. Bassanio has been warned by the background music not to judge a thing by its external appearance alone.
Q.14. What is written in the scroll along with the portrait of Portia?
Ans. “Turn you where your lady is/ And claim her with a loving kiss.”
Q.15.What has been reported about to the ships of Antonio?
Ans. All the ships of Antonio are reported to have been lost in the storm of the sea.
Q.16. What does Shylock decide to do when Antonio lost all his ships?
Ans. Shylock decides to stick to his bond and have his revenge upon Antonio by demanding justice.
Q.17. What does Portia decide to do after the departure of Bassanio?
Ans. Portia, in her sincere attempt to help her husband decides to leave the house and go to the court of Venice in disguise.
Q.18. What was the plan of Portia to help Antonio?
Ans. Portia planned to plead for Antonio in the court of Venice in the guise of Dr. Bellario, the famous lawyer of Padua.
Q.19. What is the 'Trial Scene'?
Ans. 'The Trial Scene' means the scene in which Antonio had to face the charge of Shylock for his failure to pay off his debt to him in time.
Q.20. What does Shylock plead in the trial?
Ans.Shylock pleads ,to the Duke that he will stick to the condition of the bond and will not accept anything except the pound of flesh from Antonio's body.
Q.21. Who is actually Dr. Balthasar?
Ans. The young Dr. Balthasar is no other than the young lady Portia who comes to the court in the dress of a doctor of Laws.
Q.22. What does Portia (disguised as a doctor of Laws) speak about mercy?
Or, What is the quality of mercy as described by the lawyer?
Ans.Mercy is like the gentle rain which drops from heaven upon a place beneath to bless both the giver and the receiver.
Q.23.Who is Daniel?
Ans. Daniel is a great prophet of the Pre-Christian Period who was famous for his judgement.
Q.24.What is the miracle which saves the life of Antonio?
Or, How does the lawyer prevent the Jew from cutting flesh from Antonio's body?
Ans. The learned lawyer prohibits the Jew from shedding even a drop of blood and asks him to take just one pound of flesh, not more or less.
Q.25.Who is Orpheus?
Ans. Orpheus is a magical musician of ancient Greece.
Q.26.What does Gratiano say at the end of the drama?
Ans. Gratiano promises that he will not be afraid of anything more than keeping Nerissa's ring safely with him.
Q.27.Who is the hero of the play, The Merchant of Venice?
Ans. Antonio is the hero of the play, The Merchant of Venice.
Q.28.What is Shylock by religion?
Ans. Shylock is a Jew by religion.
Q.29. What is Shylock's attitude to money?
Ans. Shylock loves money only, so he is greedy and earns money by charging unusual rate of interest.
Q.30.Who is Gratiano?
Ans.Gratiano is the friend to Antonio and Bassanio 'and a man of wit and humour in the comedy, The Merchant of Venice.
Q.31.What role does Gratiano play in the play?
Ans. Gratiano is the source of humour in the play and makes the scenes lively by his ceaseless talk unadmired by both Antonio and Bassanio.
Q.32. Who is Launcelot Gobbo?
Ans. Launcet Gobbo is the servant in the house of Shylock and performs the role of a clown in the play, The Merchant of Venice.
Ans. Launcet Gobbo is the servant in the house of Shylock and performs the role of a clown in the play, The Merchant of Venice.
Q.33.What kind of man is Launcelot Gobbo?
Ans. Launcelot Gobbo is a kind-hearted fellow who feels the pricks of conscience while he flees from Shylock's house.
Q.34. What is the role of Tubal in the play?
Ans. Tubal, a typical Jew, mean, suspicious and malicious, serves as an associate confederated of Shylock.
Q.35.Who is Salerio?
Ans. A sycophantic friend of Antonio is Salerio who feels for him in his melancholy.
Q.36.Who is Solanio?
Ans. Solanio is a merchant friend of Antonio and he always moves with Salerio in pair and loves Antonio heartily.
Q.37.Who is Lorenzo?
Ans. Lorenzo is a young Christian, romantic and witty, who represents the adventurous young men of those days.
Q.38. What are Portia's qualities?
Ans. Portia is witty and humorous, wise and intelligent, rich and aristocrat and above all, a sympathetic young lady.
Q.39.How does Nerissa disguise herself in the trial scene?
Ans. Nerissa disguises herself as the clerk to the lawyer.
Q.40. How does Jessica contribute to the plot of the play?
Ans. Jessica contributes much to the romantic atmosphere of the play.
Q.41. “Give me my principals and let me go.”-Who made this remark?
Ans. Shylock
Q.42.Why does Portia disguise herself as a lawyer?
Ans. Portia disguises herself as a lawyer to plead for Antonio in the court of Venice in the guise of Dr. Bellario, the famous lawyer of Padua.
Q.1.Who is Volpone?Ans. Volpone is “a Magnifico,” or nobleman of Venice. He is a con artist who feigns illness to attract legacy hunters. He embodies greed and obsesses over gold. His love of watching others' greed and flattery tends towards voyeurism.
Q.2.Why does Volpone feign illness?
Ans.Volpone feigns illness to attract legacy hunters.
Q.3.Who is Mosca?
Ans. Mosca is the parasite of Volpone. He is bothersome, obsequious, and conniving. Though he is lower than Volpone in birth,Mosca is effectively the master of the scam.
Q.4.Who is Voltore?
Ans. Voltore is“an Advocate,” or lawyer. He is one of the legacy hunters.
Q.5.Who is Corbaccio?
Ans. Corbaccio is “an old Gentleman”. He is one of the legacy hunters.
Q.6.Who is Corvino?
Ans. Corvino is “a Merchant.” He is one of the legacy hunters.
Q.7. Who are Avocatori?
Ans. Avocarori are the “four Magistrates,” or the judges from the Scrutineo.
Q.8.Who is the Notario?
Ans. The Notario is “the Register,” or officer of the Scrutineo. The Notario acts something like a bailiff would in a modern court of law. He summons witnesses, swears them in, and, in general,runs errands for the Avocatori.
Q.9. Who is Sir Politic Would-be?
Ans. Sir Politic Would-be is “a Knight.” He is a traveller from England who prides himself on knowing the ways of a gentleman. He is a know-it-all who in fact knows not very much at all.
Q.10.Who is Peregrine?
Ans. Peregrine is “a Gentleman-traveller.” Like Sir Politic, Peregrine is a visitor from England who thus serves to connect the storyline to Jonson's home country.
Q.11.Who is Bonario?
Ans. Bonario is “a young Gentleman, son of Corbaccio.”Bonario is upstanding, noble, and unfortunately gullible.
Q.12.Who is Lady Would-be?
Ans. Lady Would-be is “the Knight's wife.” She is the garrulous, vain, and jealous companion of Sir Politic.
Q.13.Who is Celia?
Ans. Celia is the wife of the Merchant, Corvino.
Q.14.Who are the Commendatori?
Ans. The Commendatori are the “Officers.” They are the court officers who detain Corbaccio, Corvino, Voltore, Mosca, and Volpone once their punishments have been handed down.
Q.15. Who are the Mercatori?
Ans. The Mercatori are the “three Merchants.” They are Peregrine's accomplices in the practical joke he plays on Sir Politic.
Q.16.What is an acrostic?
Ans. An acrostic is a poem in which particular letters in each line, usually the first letters, can be read downwards to form a word or words.
Q.17.Which does Volpone regard as his saint?
Ans. The place where Volpone keeps his gold is a shrine to him and the gold to him is the saint.
Q.18. Why doesn't Volpone want to compare gold to Venus?
Ans. Volponé does not want to compare gold to Venus. Venus has only one child, Cupid. To Volpone, gold should be compared to a góddess who has twenty thousand children like Cupids.
Q.19.What does Mosca's name mean?
Ans. Mosca's name means the fly.
Q.20.How did Volpone earn his wealth?
Ans. Volpone is very cunning. He has earned his wealth in an extraordinary way, that is, robbing others of their wealth by adopting clever method.
Q.21.Why does Volpone pretend?
Ans. Volpone pretends to be sick in order to dupe Voltore, Corbaccio and Corvino, who aspire to his fortune. They each arrive in turn, bearing extravagant gifts with the aim of being inscribed as Volpone's heir.
Q.22.What does Corbaccio offer to give Volpone?
Ans. Corbaccio offers to give Volpone a sleep inducing drug.
Q.23.What makes Corbaccio different from other legacy hunters?
Ans. Corbaccio's partial deafness and old age make him different from other legacy hunters.
Q.24. What does Mosca advise Corbaccio to become Volpone's heir?
Ans. Mosca advises him to make a will in favour of Volpone disinheriting his son, Bonario in order to become Volpone's heir.
Q.25.What does Corvino bring as a gift for Volpone?
Ans. Corvino brings a pearl as his gift for Volpone.
Q.26. How is Corvino different from other legacy hunters?
Ans. Corvino is different from other legacy hunters because he is a family man, married to an exquisitely beautiful woman, Celia.
Q.27. In order to see Celia, what did Volpone do?
Ans. He disguised himself.
Q.28. Who is the blazing star of Italy?
Ans. Celia, according to Mosca, is the blazing star of Italy.
Q.29. What does Lady Would-be bring Volpone as a gift?
Ans.Lady Would-be brings him a cap she made herself.
Q.30. Who are the two English travellers in Volpone?
Ans. Sir Politic Would-be and Peregrine are the two English travellers in Volpone.
Q.31. Who is a pilgrim falcon in Volpone?
Ans. Peregrine is a pilgrim falcon in Volpone.
Q.32.What is a mountebank?
Ans. A mountebank has been defined “as an itinerant quack who from an elevated platform appealed to his audience by means of stories, tricks, juggling and the like, in which he was often assisted by a professional clown.”
Q.33.Who was Scoto of Mantua?
Ans. Scoto of Mantua was an actual juggler and mountebank who. performed before Queen Elizabeth in 1576. In Jonson's play, Volpone disguises himself as Scoto of Mantua.
Q.34. What is the name of Volpone's panacea?
Ans. Oglio del Scoto.
Q.35. Why does Corvino give a good beating to Volpone in the mountebank scene?
Ans. Corvine sees his wife dropping her handkerchief, the mountebank catching it and kissing it and offering her a divine powder. So, Corvino gives the mountebank (Volpone) a good beating.
Ans. Corvine sees his wife dropping her handkerchief, the mountebank catching it and kissing it and offering her a divine powder. So, Corvino gives the mountebank (Volpone) a good beating.
Q.36. Why does Corvino ask his wife to be ready in her “best attire' and her 'choicest jewels'?
Ans. Corvino asks his wife to be ready in her 'best attire' and her 'choicest jewels' becáuse he has planned to take her to Volpone's house and to sleep with him.
Q.37. On what pretext does Corvino take Celia to Volpone's house?
Ans.Corvino takes Celia to Volpone's house on the pretext that Volpone has invited them to a solemn feast.
Q.38. What does Mosca tells Bonario about his father is going to do?
Ans. Mosca tells Bonario that the latter's father is going to disinherit him.
Q.39. How does Mosca earn his livelihood?
Ans. Mosca earns his livelihood by. flattering his patron and by servile behavior.
Q.40. What did Corvino want his wife to do with Volpone?
Ans. Corvino wants his wife, Celia, to sleep with Volpone.
Q.41. What did Celia want Corvino to do to her instead of sleeping with Volpone?
Ans. Celia begs not to be forced to sleep with Volpone. She asks that she be locked up instead since she thinks Corvino doubts her chastity.
Q.42.What is Corvino's opinion about 'honour'?
Ans. “Honour”, according to Corvino, does not exist in reality, and the loss ofit cannot harm anyone.
Q.43.How does Volpone try to seduce Celia?
Ans. At first Volpone tries to seduce her by offering different kinds of alluring things and enjoyment. Being failed, he then, tries to seduce her by force.
Q.44.Who rescues Celia from Volpone?
Ans. Bonario rescues Celia from Volpone.
Q.45.Who wounded Mosca?
Ans.Bonario wounded Mosca.
Q.46.Why is Mosca wounded by Bonario?
Ans.When Bonario rescues Celia from the clutches of Volpone, Mosca comes to find his master in despair and, at that time Bonario wounds him with a sword.
Q.47. What is the final joke that Volpone wants to do to the legacy hunters?
Ans. His final jokeis that he makes his jesters, Castrone and Nano,declare through the street that Volpone is dead and he tortures the legacy hunters being disguised as a commendatore.
Q.48. Who does Volpone send into the town to announce his death?
Ans. Nano and Castrone.
Q.49. What does Peregrine do to trick Sir Politic?
Ans. Peregrine has recruited 3 real merchants to help him out with the trick.
Q.50. How does Volpone torment the greedy trio in the street?
Ans. In the street, Volpone, disguised as a commendatore, torments Corbaccio, Corvino, and Voltore by pretending he has heard news that they inherited a fortune.
Q.51.How does the judges learn that Volpone is alive?
Ans. The judges learns that the commandatore told Voltore that Volpone is alive.
Q.52. Why is Volpone ordered to be whipped?
Ans. The judges ask Volpone in the guise of the commandatore to be whipped for his insolent lie.
Q.53.When does Volpone reveal his true identity to the court?
Ans.·When the judges ask Volpone in the guise of the commandatore to be whipped for his insolent lie,Volpone finds himself in a desperate situation and throws off his disguise and reveals his true identity.
Q.54. What was the final verdict of the judges regarding Bonario and Celia?
Ans. Finally, the judges order Bonario and Celia to be released.
Q.55.What is the punishment of Mosca?
Ans. Mosca for having taken the leading part in the fraud practice, and for deceiving the court, is to be whipped first and then sent as a galley slave.
Q.56. What punishment does .Voltore face at the end of the play?
Ans. Voltore's licence to practice is cancelled and is banished from the state.
Q.57.How is Corbaccio punished?
Ans. Corbaccio is ordered to be sent to the monastery of San Spirito and his property is given to his son, Bonario.
Q.58.How is Corvino punished at last?
Ans. Corvino is ordered to return the dowry, three-times, which Celia brought with her at the time of her marriage. She will go back to her father's house; Corvino shall be rowed about in Venice and then made to stand in the pillory.
Q.59. Who are the members of Volpone's house?
Ans.Nano, Castrone, Androgyne, Mosca and Volpone
Q.60. What does the name Voltore mean?
Ans.Voltore means vulture.
Q.61. What does the name 'Volpone' mean?/From what animal does the play Volpone take its name?
Ans. Volpone means fox.
Q.62 What is the sub-title of the play Volpone?
Ans. The Fox
Q.63.What gift does Voltore bring for Volpone?
Ans. Voltore has brought with him a gift of a huge gold plate with Volpone's name and arms engraved on it.
Q.64. What type of comedy is 'Volpone'?
Ans. Volpone is a comdey of humours.
Q.65.Who are the legacy hunters in 'Volpone'?
Ans.Voltore,Corbaccio,and Corvino are the three legacy hunters in Volpone.
Q.66. What is Corvin0 by profession?
Ans. Corvino is “a Merchant'"' by profession.
Q.67.Why does Mosca suggest suicide?
Ans. Mosca suggests suicide in order to escape dishonour.
The Duchess of Malfi
Q.1.Who is Delio?Ans. Delio is a courtier, who tries to woo Julia. Based on a historical character of the same name, his purpose is to be the sounding board for his friend Antonio. He acts as a narrator and is privy to the secrets of Antonio's marriage and children.
Q.2.Who is Bosola?
Ans. Bosola isthe villain in The Duchess of Malfi.
Q.3. What kind of man is Bosola?
Ans. Bosola is a lustful, greedy, proud, bloody and spiteful man.
Q.4.On whom is the character of Bosola based?
Ans. The character of Bosola is based on the historical Daniele de Bozolo.
Ans. The character of Bosola is based on the historical Daniele de Bozolo.
Q.5.Who is Ferdinand?
Ans. Ferdinand was the Duke of Calabria and twin brother of the Duchess.
Q.6.Who is the Duchess?
Ans. She is the protagonist, sister to Ferdinand and the Cardinal.
Q.7.Who is Julia?
Ans. Julia is Castruccio's wife and the Cardinal's mistress.
Q.8.How does Julia die?
Ans. Julia dies at the Cardinal's hands from a poisoned Bible.
Ans. Julia dies at the Cardinal's hands from a poisoned Bible.
Q.9.What is Malfi?
Ans. Malfi is a dukedom in Italy.
Q.10. Whom do the madmen include?
Ans. The madmen include: the Mad Astronomer, who lost his mind when his prediction of the apocalypse proved incorrect;the Mad Doctor, who lost his mind due to jealousy; the Mad Priest; and the Mad Lawyer.
Q.11.Who is the Cardinal?
Ans. The Duchess and Ferdinand's elder brother, the Cardinal of Aragon represents cold and calculated evil in contrast to his hot-tempered brother. He is a Machiavellian character,using the power of his position to torture and counter the Duchess. Ultimately,he loses his ability to control events, and he is killed by Bosola.
Q.12.Who is Antonio?
Ans. Antonio Bologna is the steward of the Duchess's household. She falls in love with him and they secretly wed, managing to keep this hidden from her brothers and Bosola.
Q.13.How does Cariola die?
Ans. Cariola dies tragically by strangling following the murder of the Duchess and the youngest children.
Q.14.Who is Julia?
Ans. Julia is the Cardinal's mistress and Castruccio's wife. She is also wooed by Delio and later falls in love with Bosola. Bosola uses her as an unwitting tool to force a confession for the Duchess's death from the Cardinal, after which the Cardinal poisons her.
Q.15.Who is Castruccio?
Ans. Castruccio is a courtier under Ferdinand, and Julia's older husband. He represents the cuckolded fool.
Q.16.To which did Antonio compare a king's court?
Ans.Antonio compares a king's court to a fountain.
Q.17. What did Bosola do for the Cardinal?
Ans.Bosola committed a notorious murder, and the rumour was that the Cardinal did indeed commission him to do it.
Q.18.To what does Bosola compare the Cardinal and Ferdinand?
Ans,Bosola compares the two broiers to plum trees that grow bending over some pools.
Q.19.Who was Tantalus?
Ans.In Greek mythology,Tantalus was the king of Lydia, who was punished for betraying the secrets of the gods by being immersed in water up to his chin.
Q.20. How is the fate of Bosola similar to that of Tantalus?
Ans. Tantalus is a man entertaining a hope that remains unfulfilled forever. Similarly, Bosola's desire of getting reward from the Cardinal remains unfulfilled. So, Bosola's fate is similar to that of Tantalus.
Q.21.Who was Ismail?
Ans.Ismail was the son of Abraham and the maid-servant Hagar. At the age of fifteen he was cast out of Abraham's household.
Q.22. What sort of person/ruler is Ferdinand?
Ans. Ferdinand is a corrupt person or ruler. He pretends to sleep in the law court so that offenders may become careless in their statements. If the offenders commit careless mistakes in their statements, he takes the chance to punish them.
Q.23.Who was the Duke of Calabria?
Ans. Ferdinand was the Duke of Calabria.
Q.24.Who is a melancholy church official in The Duchess ofMalfi?
Ans. The Cardinal is a melancholy church official in The Duchess of Malfi.
Q.25. Why could not the Cardinal rise to the position of a Pope?
Ans. Instead of rising to the position of a Pope through virtuous living, he used bribery as his means of rising up. So, he did not get his office.
Q.26.Why does Ferdinand offer gold to Bosola?
Ans. Ferdinand offers gold to Bosola to carry out his orders, to do what he wants him to do.
Q.27. Why does Bosola refuse to take the gold coins offered by Ferdinand?
Ans. Bosola refused to take the gold coins offered by Ferdinand because if he take the gold coins he has to do some devilish deed.
Q.28. What reasons do Ferdinand and the Cardinal put forth against the Duchess's second marriage?
Ans. The reasons Ferdinand and the Cardinal put forth against the Duchess's second marriage are:
(i) She is a widow.
(ii) She is of a royal blood and has a duty to her rank.
(iii) Thesecond marriage expresses a lecherous nature.
Q.29. Why does Ferdinand compare the Duchess's court to a pasture land?
Ans. Ferdinand compares the Duchess's court to a pasture land because the atmosphere of her court is full of temptation and there are many opportunities for sex indulgences.
Q.30.Why does Ferdinand show the Duchess his father's dagger?
Ans. Ferdinand shows the Duchess his father's dagger in order to threat her that he will use it if she does not keep her lust under control.
Q.31. On what pretext does the Duchess give Antonio her wedding ring?
Ans. The Duchess says that one of Antonio's eyes appears to be sore. She gives him her ring and says that the ring is very effective remedy for sore eyes.
Q.32.What had the Duchess vowed about the ring?
Ans.The Duchess had taken a vow never to give the ring to anybody except to her second husband.
Q.33.Why,according to the Duchess, high born ladies are in an unfortunate position?
Ans. The Duchess tells Antonio that high born ladies are in an unfortunate position in the matter of love making because they do have freedom of making love to anybody as the common people have. Society imposes upon them many restrictions which they cannot violate.
Q.34. Why is the Duchess forced to take the initiative in courting?
Ans. The Duchess is forced to take the initiative in courting because an ordinary man cannot venture to woo a lady of high status.
Q.35. How does Bosola satirizes ladies' fondness for cosmetics?
Ans.Seeing an old lady Bosola satirizes ladies' fondness for cosmetics. He compares their toilet rooms to that of a witch because just as the witches use various kinds of foul and poisonous substance such as serpents' fat, snakes' eggs, saliva of Jews and the dung of their children etc so also ladies of fashion use various kinds of dirty and foul substance such as rouge, cream, plaster etc as cosmetics.
Q.36. How does Bosola become sure that the Duchess is pregnant?
Ans. When Bosola gives her some apricots, she eats them very greedily. The Duchess just finished the apricots, and they are making her stomach feel uneasy. It makes her feel sick. This shows that the Duchess is pregnant.
Q.37. What is apricot?
Ans. Apricot is a sort of fruit.
Q.38. How does Bosola get the horoscope of the child?
Ans. After Bosola and Antonio fight, Antonio flees, dropping the horoscope of the child by mistake and Bosola gets it.
Q.39. How many children did the Duchess give birth to?
Ans. The Duchess gave birth to three children, two sons and a daughter.
Q.40. How does Ferdinand react at the news of the Duchess' child birth?
Ans. At the news of the Duchess' child birth, Ferdinand grows crazy with anger and shouts out his anger in spite of the Cardinal's advice to show restraint. Further he curses the Duchess brashly describing her as a strumpet.
Q.41. Why can't Ferdinand identify the Duchess's husband overhearing her talking?
Ans. Ferdinand cannot identify the Duchess's husband because in her talking she does not mention the name of her husband.
Q.42. On what ground does the Duchess dismiss Antonio from her service?
Ans.The Duchess dismisses Antonio on the ground that Antonio has falsified her accounts and failed to repay a loan which she had taken from some Jews at Naples.
Q.43. Why does the Duchess reveal the identity of her husband to Bosola?
Ans. As Bosola praise Antonio, she trusts him and as a result she tells him that Antonio is the father of her three children.
Q.44.What is Lady of Loretto?
Ans.Loretto is 'a place fifteen miles away from Ancona. There is a relic, the Holy House, believed to be that of Virgin Mary.
Q.45. Whom does Antonio take with him when he fled to Milan?
Ans.When Antonio fled to Milan, he takes his eldest son with him.
Q.46.Who arrests the Duchess?
Ans. Bosola arrests the Duchess in disguise, wearing a mask on his face.
Q.47. Where does Bosola take the Duchess after arresting her?
Ans. After arresting her, Bosola takes her to her palace.
Q.48. What makes the Duchess think that Antonio and the children are dead?
Ans. After Ferdinand left, the Duchess sees the wax figures behind a curtain that appear to her to be Antonio and the children dead.
Q.49.Who has made the wax figures of Antonio and his children?
Ans. Vincentio Lauriola has made the wax figures of Antonio and his children.
Q.50. How many madmen does Ferdinand send to the Duchess?
Ans. Ferdinand sends eight madmen to the Duchess.
Q.51.How do the madmen torture the Duchess? Ans.The madmen torture the Duchess by singing and dialoguing.
Q.52. What excuses does Cariola make to save her life?
Ans. To save her life, Cariola makes three excuses:
(a) She is betrothed to a young gentleman and have to get married to him.
(b)She has not confessed her sins to any priest for the last two years.
(c) She is pregnant.
(b)She has not confessed her sins to any priest for the last two years.
(c) She is pregnant.
Q.53.Where is the Duchess buried?
Ans. The Duchess is buried next to the Cardinal's house.
Q.54.Who stabs Antonio?
Ans. Bosola stabs Antonio.
Q.55.Why does Bosola stab Antonio?
Ans. Bosola wants to kill the Cardinal. But he stabs Antonio taking him for the Cardinal.
Q.56.Mention the literary period of John Webster.
Ans. Jacobean Period
Q.57:Who is Cariola?
Ans. Cariola is the Duchess's maid and confidant.
Q.58.What is Ancona?
Ans. Ancona is a city state in Italy.
Q.59.Who witnesses the Duchess' remarriage?
Ans. Clarioa the Duchess's, waiting-woman and privy to her secrets, witnesses the Duchess's remarriage.
Q.60.What was the parting request from the Duchess to cariola?
Ans. When she is going to be strangled, the Duchess requests Cariola to take care of her children. The Duchess tells her that it is Cariola's duty to look after her children, to take care for and to care her boy's cold by some syrup and to teach the girl to say her prayer before she goes to sleep.
Q.61. What kind of play is “The Duchess of Malfi”?
Ans. The Duchess of Malfi is a tragedy.
Q.62. What is the original name of the play 'The Duchess of Malfi'?
Ans. The original name of The Duchess of Malfi is The Tragedy of the Duchesse of Malfy.
Q.63. What was the name of the Cardinal historically?
Ans. Historically, the name of the Cardinal was Luigi or Lodovico.
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