Short Suggestion for Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama - 2023
Subject: Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama
Subject Code: 231101
Part - B: Short Question Suggestion with Answer
Subject Code: 231101
Part - B: Short Question Suggestion with Answer
B.A Hons English

Short Questions Suggestions for 3rd Year 2023
Doctor Faustus
1.Who are the University Wits?[See A Study Guide,Page-39]
2. Describe the function of chorus in “Doctor Faustus”.[See A Study Guide,Page-40]
3. What do Good Angel and Evil Angel allegorise in the life of Doctor Faustus?/ significance of the Good Angel and Evil Angel [See A StudyGuide,Page-42]
4. What are the seven deadly sins in “Doctor Faustus”?[See A Study Guide,Page-44]
5. Describe the significance of the Old Man in Doctor Faustus. [A Study Guide,Page-46]
6. What is Faustus's conception of hell and heaven? [See A Study Guide,Page-49]
7. What is Mephistophilis's conception of Hell? [See A Study Guide, Page-50]
8. Describe Doctor Faustus as a morality play. [See A Study Guide, Page-55]
9. Discus Doctor Faustus as an allegory.[See A Study Guide,Page-57]
10.What were the things Dr. Faustus asked Mephistophilis to give him after singing the contract with the devil? [See A Study Guide, Page-51]
11. Describe the Helen episode in Doctor Faustus. [See A Study Guide, Page-42]
12. What role does Mephistophiles play in 'Doctor Faustus'?[See A Study Guide,Page-47]
1. What prophecies do the Witches make about Macbeth and Banquo? [See A Study Guide,Page-120]
2. Bring out the differences between Macbeth and Banquo in their reaction to the prophecies of the witches.[See A Study Guide,Page-120]
3. What is going on in Macbeth's mind when he hears the nomination of Malcolm as the heir to the throne? [See A Study Guide,Page-121]
4. How does Lady Macbeth receive Duncan at Inverness?[See A Study Guide,Page-122]
5. Why does Macbeth hesitate to murder Duncan? [See A Study Guide, Page-122]
6. How does Lady Macbeth persuade her husband to murder Duncan? [See A Study Guide,Page-123]
7.Comment on the significance of the dagger-scene in Macbeth. [See A Study Guide,Page-1
8. Describe Macbeth's state of mind after coninitting the murder of Duncar.[See A Study Guide,Page-124]
9. How does Lady Macbeth appear as a courageous woman after the murder of Duncan by her husband?[See A Study Guide,Page-125]
10. Write in brief the significance of Macbeth's soliloquies. [See A Study Guide,Page-128]
11.How is Macbeth different from a classical tragedy? [See A Study Guide,Page-129]
12.How naturally does Shakespeare handle the supernatural elements in Macbeth?[See A Study Guide,Page-130]
13.Describe the scene in which Macbeth was killed? [See A Study Guide,Page-127]
14. Describe Lady Macbeth's sleep-walking scene. [See A Study Guide, Page-126]
15. Comment on Lady Macbeth's sleep-walking scene. [See A Study Guide,Page-127]
The Merchant of Venice
1. What are the wrongs and insults done by Antonio to Shylock?/ Why does Shylock hate Antonio? [See A Study Guide,Page-180]
2. Describe in short the casket scene in The Merchant of Venice. [A Study Guide,Page-182]
3. Describe the trial scene in The Merchant of Venice. [See A Study Guide,Page-184]
4. Write a note'on the ring episode. [See A Study Guide,Page-185]
5. Write a short note on Bassanio.[See A Study Guide,Page-187]
6. What role does Portia play in The Merchant of Venice? [See A Study Guide,Page-187]
7. Write, a note on the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio. [A Study Guide,Page-188]
8. To what extent does Shylock deserve what happens to him in The Merchant of Venice? [See A Study Guide,Page-188]
1. What is comedy of humours? [See A Stidy Guide,Page-259]
2. How does Volpone worship his gold?/ a pen-picture of Volpone's morning prayer [See A Study Guide, Page-260]
3. How does Volpone commit mortal sin by worshipping his gold?/ Comment on the openig scene of Volpone [See A Study Guide, Page -260]
4. Why, according to Mosca, is Voltore appointed as the sole heir of Volpone? Or, How does Mosca satirize the lawyers? [See A Study Guide, Page-262]
5. Describe the mountebank scene.[See A Study Guide,Page-262]
6. How does Mosca describe the beauty of Celia to Volpone? Or, Why does Volpone become desperate to see Celia?[See A Study Guide,Page-263]
7. How does Volpone try to seduce Celia? Or, What things does Volpone offer Celia to seduce her?[See A Study Guide,Page-264]
8.What does Volpone do to torment the legacy hunters?[See A Study Guide,Page-266]
9. How does Peregrine take his revenge on Sir Politic? [See A Study Guide,Page-267]
10.How does Volpone torment the legacy hunters being disguised as a commandatore?[S?[See A Study Guide,Page-267]
11.Comment on te trial scene in Volpone. [See A Study Guide,Page-265]
12.What is a beast fable?[See A Study Guide,Page-]
13.Draw a picture of the three legacy hunters.[See A Study Guide,Page -268]
14.How does Volpone earn money and gold/ wealth? [See A Study Guide,Page-261]
15.How is 'Volpone' a beast fable?[See A Study Guide,Page-271]
16.How do the evil-doers get their punishment at the end of 'Volpone'? [See A Study Guide,Page-268]
The Duchess of Malfi
1. Briefly describe the character of Bosola.[See A Study Guide, Page-330]
2. Why did the brothers of the Duchess disagree to her second marriage?[See A Study Guide,Page-334]
3.How does Antonio accuse Cariola of betraying him and the Duchess?[See A Study Guide,Page-337]
4. Describe the marriage scene.[See A Study Guide,Page-335]
5. Why does Bosola suspect that the Duchess is pregnant? [See 4 Study Guide,Page-336]
6. How was the Duchess tortured in her imprisonment? [See A Study Guide,Page-338]
7. Describe the scene in which the Duchess is strangled? Or, How does the Duchess meet her doom? [See A Study Guide,Page-340]
8. Describe the scene in which all the villains are killed? [See A Study Guide,Page-340]
9. What moral does Bosola draw while he dies? [See A Study Guide, Page-342]
10. How does Bosola become sure that the Duchéss is pregnant? [A Study Guide,Page-336]
11. How far is The Duchess of Malfi a decadent play? [See A Study Guide,Page-343]
12.Describe the wooing scene in “The Duchess of Malfi.” [See A Study Guide,Page-331]
13. What melodramatic elements do you find in “The Duchess of Malfi"?[See A Study Guide,Page-344]
14. What is Ferdinand's reaction to the Duchess' death?[See A Study Guide,Page-341]
Short Suggestion for Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama 2023, Short Suggestion for Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama 2023, Short Suggestion for Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama 2023, Short Suggestion for Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama 2023, Short Suggestion for Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama 2023