৬ষ্ঠ শ্রেণির বার্ষিক মূল্যায়ন পরীক্ষা ২০২৩ - Class 6 English Annual Exam Assignment 2023

বার্ষিক মূল্যায়ন নমুনা প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর ২০২৩
Continuous Assessment-12 (Unit-10: The Boy Under the Tree)
1. Choose the correct words/phrases to make the following sentences meaningful.
usually ---- interested to ---- an idea ---- follow ---- plays ----- happy -----smile
(a) Zahin ---------- with his friends in the tiffin time
(b) Jamal ---------- watches his friends play sitting under a Banyan tree.
(c) Jamal is also ---------- play with his friends.
(d) Zabin plans ---------- to make his friend Jamal smile.
(e) We all should ---------- Zahin to make a friend happy.
2. Answer the following questions.
(a) Who are Zahin and Jamal?
(b) What does Zahin notice while playing cricket?
(c) What does Jamal usually do during the tiffin break?
(d) What is Zahin's plan to include Jamal in the game?
(e) Do you have any students who are physically challenged in your class/school?
3. Rearrange the following sentences to make a meaningful story.
(a) She still wishes she could be a part of everything in her school.
(b) She could point out the small birds sitting on the trees, she could see the board in her classroom.
(c) When Rida was young, she could see very well.
(d) Now, she cannot see the board in her classroom from a far and she cannot play with her friends.
(e) But suddenly her eyesight started to get worse and she couldn't do the things she used to do.
4. Write "True' for correct statement and "False" for incorrect statement:
(a) The students of Kajla High School are fond of games and sports.
(b) While reading books, Zahin notices a boy sitting under the Banyan tree at the corner of the playground.
(c) Jamal is physically disabled.
(d) As Zahin gets near the tree, he recognises the boy sitting under the tree as his classmate Jamal.
(e) Jamal is not interested to play with his classmates.
বার্ষিক মূল্যায়ন নমুনা উত্তর
1. Answer To Question No (1)
(a) plays; (b) usually; (c) interested to; (d) an idea (e) follow
2. Answer To Question No (2)
(a) Zahis and Jamal are classmates.
(b) While playing cricket, Zahin notices that a boy is sitting under the Banyan tree at the corner of the playground.
(c) During the tiffin break, Jamal Usually sit under the Banyan tree and observes Zahin's group's cricket match.
(d) Zahin's plan is to play such a game which Jamal can play.
(e) Yes, I have. He is dumb.
3. Answer To Question No (3)
(c)→ (b)→ (e)→ (d)→ (a)
When Rida was young, she could see very well. She could point out the small birds sitting on the trees, she could see the board in her classroom. But suddenly her eyesight started to get worse and she couldn't do the things she used to do. Now, she cannot see the board in her classroom from a far and she cannot play with her friends. She still wishes she could be a part of everything in her school.
4. Answer To Question No (4)
(a) True.
(b) False.
(c) True.
(d) True.
(e) False.