ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বার্ষিক মূল্যায়ন ৩য় দিনের উত্তর - Class Six English Annual Assessment Final Day Answer PDF 2023

Day 3 (180 minutes/four consecutive classes)
- Task five (90 minutes) In this session, the teacher will ask the students to-
- Work in groups of 4
- Look at the illustration 2 carefully
- Now, imagine who she is, what she is doing, where she is and what she is watching or looking for through the window.
- Imagine 2 or 3 characters if you want to write a storyline using the illustration and give their names
- Decide their names
- Think what will be their relationship
- Think some dialogues that the imaginative characters will tell to each other
- Write who are telling the dialogues to whom
- Write why the characters are telling the dialogues
- Write all the imaginative dialogues with who are telling to whom
- Arrange the dialogues sequentially
- Make necessary edits
- Finally, present/ act out the conversations in front of the class
ইংরেজি চূড়ান্ত মূল্যায়ন এর কাজ ৫ এর উত্তর:
Answer: She is a middle aged woman in the illustration. She is mother of Robin.
2. Where she is, What she is doing, Where she is and what she is watching or looking for through the window.
Answer: She is her kitchen and peeping through the window. Someone is looking for his son.
Theme: Concern of the best friend.
2. Robin Rokeya's son.
3. Bijoy: Robin's best friend.
Setting: Road beside the house.
Concern of the best friend.
Bijoy: Robin! Robin! Where are you?
Rokeya: Who are you?
Bijoy: Aunty, I'm Bijoy. Robin's best friend.
Rokeya: Oh, Why are you calling?
Bijoy: Aunty, Robin has been absent from school for one week. What happened?
Rokeya: Actually, Robin has been suffering from fever for one weak. Now, he is sleeping.
Bijoy: Very sad. What is the present condition?
Rokeya: Take care of him. Take medicine properly.
Bijoy: He is slowly recovering. Will be able to go back to school soon.
Rokeya: Ok, Come in.
Bijoy: No aunty, I have to go now.
Rokeya: Ok, pray for Robin.
Bijoy: Robin will get well soon. Aunty come today?
Rokeya: Ok, Bijoy. Stay well.
Bijoy: Bye, Aunty.
Task six (80 minutes) In this session, the teacher will use illustration 2 and ask the students to-
- Work individually
- Observe the illustration 2 carefully
- Reflect on the character, setting and theme of the illustration they have discussed in session 5
- Read the dialogues they have written in session 5 again
- Imagine a storyline with these characters, theme, setting and dialogues
- Come up with some new characters, theme and settings if those are needed to complete the storyline
- Do the necessary edits
- Submit the final copy of their storyline to the teacher.
The teacher will ensure that the students cannot copy each other. S/he will keep the copies for assessing the students. The focus of the activity is to check the literary features of the storyline.
ইংরেজি চূড়ান্ত মূল্যায়ন এর কাজ ৬ এর উত্তর:
Task 6 Answer:
Concern of the best friend.
Rokeya is an ordinary village woman. He has a son named Robin. Robin is very good at studies. His best friend is bijoy. Both of them studied in 6th standard in Ashtagram High School. Robin has been absent from school for one week. One day Bijoy was calling Robin's house while going to school. Robin's house beside to the road. Bijoy is standing on the street calling out.
Then Rokeya peeked through the window and said, "Why are you calling?" Bijoy replied that Robin has been absent from school for a week. What happened? Aunty Answered that Robin has been suffering from fever for one week. He asked to the aunty, "What is the present condition?".
Aunty replied that he is slowly recovering. Will be able to go back to school soon. "Take care of him. Take medicine properly. "said Bijoy. "Ok", replied aunty. Then Bijoy prayed for Robin's recovery.
Bijoy showed his concern for his best friend. At last, he started walking to the path of his house.
শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বার্ষিক, শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বার্ষিক, শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বার্ষিক, শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বার্ষিক