সপ্তম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বার্ষিক মূল্যায়ন ৩য় দিনের উত্তর - Class Seven English Annual Assessment Final Day Answer PDF 2023

Day 3 (180 minutes/four consecutive classes)
- Session five (80 minutes)
In this session, the teacher will ask the students to
- Work in groups of 4 or 5.
- Take notes for further use.
- Go through the completed comic strip in task 3 again.
- Identify the theme, characters, settings and plot of the comic strip.
- Imagine a storyline using these theme, characters, settings and plot of the comic strip.
- Imagine 2/3 characters that you may need for your storyline.
- Choose names for each character and think how these characters are related to each other.
- Discuss and write the dialogues the characters will tell to each other.
- Arrange the dialogues with the plot of their story.
- Decide the end part of their story.
- Decide a title for their story.
- Check on every detail of the story.
- Finally, act out the conversations in front of the class.
Answer to Task 5
Answer: Completed comic strip in task 3 again below:

A storyline using these theme, characters, settings and plot of the comic strip are:
- Central theme: Arranging cultural event.
- Characters: Jannat, Bijoy, Ritu and shamim.
- Settings: School Campus.
- Plot: Starting with the conversation between jannat and Bijoy.
Discuss and write the dialogues the characters will tell to each other.
Discussion on the organization of cultural event
Jannat: Hi, Bijoy! I'm so excited that I came a bit earlier.
How are you, by the way?
Bijoy: Hi, Jannat! I am good and excited too.
Jannat: I think cultural event would be fun for sure.
Bijoy: Has everybody come?
Jannat: Almost all are present.
Bijoy: If everybody comes it will be great for us.
Jannat: You are absolutely right.
Bijoy: Let's see the other's rections.
Jannat: Let's go. Hi, Ritu how are you?
Ritu: I'am so surprised! can't we do it frequently?
Jannat: Yes, We should do it each year.
Bijoy: Of course, it's the beginning. Let's do it each year.
Jannat: Are you serious about it?
Bijoy: Why not? It's a great opportunity to share our feelings.
Jannat: Let's talk about the proposal to all of our friends?
Bijoy: Yes, Let's go and take a decision and invite everyone to participate in organizing the event.
Shamim: What will be in the event?
Bijoy: The event will have a variety of foods and sports and prizes.
Jannat: Besides, there will be dignitaries persons in the event.
Bijoy: Nice to talk to everyone.
Jannat: Thank you all.
- Task six/6 (80 minutes)
In this session, the teacher will ask the students to
- Work individually (The teacher will ensure that the students will not copy any of his/her friend’s answer script).
- Reflect on the storyline they have developed in Task 5.
- Reflect on the characters, settings, theme of the story they have discussed in session 5.
- Read the dialogues they have written in task 5 again.
- Write the story using all the features they have decided earlier.
- Edit the grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors and make the final version of your storyline.
- Write a short note on what (central theme, point of view, plot, setting, character, dialogue) you find interesting in the storyline.
Arranging cultural event
Jannat, Bijoy, Ritu and Shamim are the students of Austogram High School. They are very close friends. They are now studying in class seven. One day, while gossiping, Bijoy proposed to Jannat to arrange a cultural event in their lovely school Campus. Jannat said, "It would be fun for sure. Has everybody come?" Bijoy replied, "Almost all are present. If everybody comes it will be great for us." Then they invite everyone to participate in organizing the event. Everyone participate in the event with great joy. The event has a variety of foods, sports and prizes. Besides, various dignitaries persons were present on this event. At last, their head teacher presided the program and encouraged their to arrange it every year.
- Write a short note on what (central theme, point of view, plot, setting, character, dialogue) you find interesting in the storyline.
Short Note:
I like the character, specially Jannat and Bijoy who made a fantastic plan. They made all the classmates positive and shared their idea. Finally they are implementing their plan.
শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বার্ষিক, শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বার্ষিক, শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বার্ষিক, শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বার্ষিক