Previous Year Questions of Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama/Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Drama 2017
- Departments of English
- Honours 3rd Year

[According The Syllabus of 2013-14]
Subject Code:1172
(Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Drama)
Time-4 hours Full marks-80
[N.B.-The figures in the right margin indicate full marks.]
Part A
1. (Answer any ten questions) Marks-1x10=10
(a) What is the sub-title of the play“Volpone”?
(b) What is Macbeth's tragic flaw?
(c)Who is Icarus?
(d) What is Ancona?
(e) Who witnesses the Duchess' remarriage?
(1) What do Faustus and Lucifer have in common?
(g) Who are the legacy hunters in “Volpone”?
(h) Who is Bassanio?
(i) What is Renaissance?
(b) What is Macbeth's tragic flaw?
(c)Who is Icarus?
(d) What is Ancona?
(e) Who witnesses the Duchess' remarriage?
(1) What do Faustus and Lucifer have in common?
(g) Who are the legacy hunters in “Volpone”?
(h) Who is Bassanio?
(i) What is Renaissance?
(i) Who is Portia?
(k) Who are the university wits?
(1) Who kills Macbeth?
Part A: Brief Answer
a) Ans: “The Fox”.
b) Ans: His unchecked ambition.
c) Ans: The son of Daedalus.
d) Ans: A city and a seaport in the Marche region in central Italy.
e) Ans: Cariola.
f) Ans: Both Faustus and Lucifer wish to achieve power exceeding the limits given by God.
g) Ans: Voltore, Corbaccio, Corvino and Lady Politic.
h) Ans: A gentleman of Venice and a kinsman and dear friend to Antonio.
i) Ans: The revival of “rebirth” of art and literature under the influence of classical models in the 14th–16th centuries 14-16.
j) Ans: Portia is the heroine of The Merchant of Venice.
k) Ans: Christopher Marlowe, Robert Greene, Thomas Nashe, John Lyly, Thomas Lodge, and George Peele.
l) Ans: Macduff.
(Answer any five questions)
(Answer any five questions)
2. Describe the function of chorus in “Doctor Faustus”.
3. Write a short note on decadent play.
4. How do the evil-doers get their punishment at the end of the play “Volpone”?
5. Describe the 'Bond-Story' in brief in “The Merchant of Venice”.
6. Comment on Lady Macbeth's sleep-walking scene.
7. How does Bosola become sure that the Duchess is pregnant?
8. O Soul, be changed into little water drops, And fall into ocean, nev'r be found.-Identify and explain.
9. What was the last piece of advice of the Duchess to Cariola, regarding her children?
3. Write a short note on decadent play.
4. How do the evil-doers get their punishment at the end of the play “Volpone”?
5. Describe the 'Bond-Story' in brief in “The Merchant of Venice”.
6. Comment on Lady Macbeth's sleep-walking scene.
7. How does Bosola become sure that the Duchess is pregnant?
8. O Soul, be changed into little water drops, And fall into ocean, nev'r be found.-Identify and explain.
9. What was the last piece of advice of the Duchess to Cariola, regarding her children?
(Answer any five questions)
11. Discuss Doctor Faustus as a tragic hero.
12. Write on “The Duchess of Malfi” as a portrait of a corrupt society.
13. Discuss “Volpone” as a Comedy of humour.
14. “The Merchant of Venice” is the finest example of tragic-comedy that we possess.-Discuss.
15. Depict the character of Lady Macbeth.
16. Write on the dramatic importance of the 'Ring-episode' in 'The Merchant of Venice”
17. Comment on the dramatic significance of the last scene of “Doctor Faustus”.
Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama Question 2017, Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama Previous Question 2017, Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama Previous Year 2017