Previous Year Questions of Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama/Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Drama 2018
- Departments of English
- Honours 3rd Year

[According to the Syllabus of 2013-2014]
Subject Code:1172
(Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama)
Time-4 hours Full marks-80
[N.B.-The figures in the right margin indicate full marks.]
Part A
1. (Answer any ten questions) Marks-1x10=10
a) “All the perfumes of Arabia Will not sweeten this little hand”-Who is the speaker?
b) Who is the peerless dame of Greece?
c) What gift does VolItore bring for Volpone?
d) “Give me my principals and let me go.”-Who madethis remark?
e) What was the parting request from the Duchess to cariola?
f) Why did Bosola give some apricots to the Duchess?
g) What kind of play is “The Duchess of Malfi”?
h) What is soliloquy?
i) What type of comedy is 'Volpone'?
j) How do the three Witches address macbeth?
k) Name the seven deadly sins in Doctor Faustus.
l) Why did Shylock break the agreement with Antonio?
b) Who is the peerless dame of Greece?
c) What gift does VolItore bring for Volpone?
d) “Give me my principals and let me go.”-Who madethis remark?
e) What was the parting request from the Duchess to cariola?
f) Why did Bosola give some apricots to the Duchess?
g) What kind of play is “The Duchess of Malfi”?
h) What is soliloquy?
i) What type of comedy is 'Volpone'?
j) How do the three Witches address macbeth?
k) Name the seven deadly sins in Doctor Faustus.
l) Why did Shylock break the agreement with Antonio?
Part A: Brief Answer
a) Ans: Lady Macbeth.
b) Ans: Helen
c) Ans: the gold plate with Volpone’s named and arms engraved on it.
d) Ans: Shylock.
e) Ans: To take care of her child.
f) Ans: To be sure whether she is pregnant or not.
g) Ans: A revenge tragedy.
h) Ans: Soliloquy is an artificial dramatic device in which the actor stays alone on the stage and utters his thoughts aloud simply to inform the audience indirectly of what is going on in his mind.
i) Ans: Comedy of Humours.
j) Ans: Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and ‘King hereafter’ of Scotland.
k) Ans: Pride, Greediness, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, and Sloth.
l) Ans: Because he was unable to separate a pound of Antonio’s flesh without shedding blood.
Part B
(Answer any five questions)
(Answer any five questions)
2. Describe the wooing scene in “The Duchess of Malfi.”
3. Comment on the opening scene of 'Volpone'.
“Unnatural deeds
Do breed unnatural troubles.”-
Locate and explain.
5. What is poetic justice? Do you notice any poetic justice in “The Merchant of Venice”?
6. What melodramatic elements do you find in “The Duchess of Malfi"?
7. What prophecies do the Witches make about Macbeth and Banquo?
8. What do Good Angel and Evil Angel allegorise in the life of Doctor Faustus?
9. How does Volpone earn money and gold?
Part C
(Answer any five questions)
(Answer any five questions)
10. Justify Doctor Faustus as an embodiment of the Renaissance spirit.
11. Volpone is a satire on the contemporary English society.-Elucidate.
12. How has the personality of the Duchess been glorified through her untold sufferings? Discuss.
13. To what extent do the Witches influence Macbeth's decision and action? Discuss.
14. Analyze the role of Portia in the play. “The Merchant of Venice.”
15. Sketch the role of Bosola as a Machiavellian Villain in “The Duchess of MIalfi”.
16. Narrate the trial scene of “The Merchant of Venice” in brief.
17. Sketch the character of Mosca as illustrated in the play "Volpone'.
Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama Question 2018, Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama Previous Year 2018, Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama Question 2018